
diàn yǐnɡ zuò pǐn
  • cinematographic works
  1. 一成员对电影作品可不承担此义务,除非此种出租已导致对该作品的广泛复制,从而实质性减损该成员授予作者及其合法继承人的专有复制权。

    A member shall be excepted from this obligation in respect of cinematographic works unless such rental has led to widespread copying of such works which is materially impairing the exclusive right of reproduction conferred in that member on authors and their successors in title .

  2. 乔纳森诺兰(JonathanNolan)负责制作过,起码参与制作了过去十年中几部最成功电影作品。

    Jonathan Nolan has been , at least in part , responsible for some of the biggest movies of the last decade .

  3. 电影院里争先恐后上映外国大片,我们通过电视、VCD、DVD等也能迅速欣赏这些外国优秀电影作品。

    Foreign big hits were projected in cinemas one after another and we can also watch those excellent overseas works via TV , VCD or DVD .

  4. 金球奖评委显然喜欢她,因为他们在提名中并没给其他有相关电影作品上演、有着大众吸引力的女星一席之地,比如安吉丽娜·朱莉、卡梅隆·迪亚兹(CameronDiaz)和克里斯汀·韦格(KristenWiig),她们都无法在明年一月的颁奖礼上有所斩获。

    Globes voters clearly love her , as they do not lightly give up a seat that might have added yet another mass-appeal starlet - say , Ms. Jolie or Cameron Diaz or Kristen Wiig , all of whom had films in contention - to the festivities in January .

  5. 张艺谋电影作品的民间性

    A Comment on the Folk Features in ZHANG Yi-mo 's Films

  6. 论文直接针对电影作品保护的首要问题,即电影盗版的问题进行研究。

    The thesis deals with the primary problem of piracy directly .

  7. 70年代中旬他又开始执笔写作,同时参与执导电影作品。

    During the mid1970s he turned to writing and film directing .

  8. 也就是说这是这个导演的第一部电影作品。

    So it 's the first movie that 's the director directed .

  9. 一部电影作品取得成功,原因是多方面的。

    The reasons are manifold for the success of a film works .

  10. 简析电影作品的文化阐释价值

    The value of film culture building on explanation

  11. 多年来,宫崎骏一直在诸多电影作品中发挥着他那别具一格的想象力。

    Miyazaki 's vision has remained unique throughout his many films over the years .

  12. 电影作品与文学原著在不同时期、不同层面产生了对话。

    The dialogue between film and literature in different times and levels is enacted .

  13. 他的电影作品深受希区柯克的影响。

    His films were greatly influenced by hitchcock .

  14. 此外,武侠类电影作品是中国电影的独特精粹。

    In addition , the knight-errant class movie work is the Chinese movie unique succinct .

  15. 成功的电影作品包括《十四个小时》,《天鹅》和《捉贼记》等。

    Her famous films include Fourteen Hours , The Swan , To Catch a Thief etc.

  16. 女性:生存与文化的困境&黄蜀芹电影作品论

    Female : Dilemma Between Survival and Culture

  17. 论张艺谋电影作品的文学观

    Literary View of ZHANG Yi-mou 's Movies

  18. 人们广泛认为教父是全球最伟大的电影作品之一。

    The Godfather is widely regarded as one of the greatest films in world cinema .

  19. 由此而产生了许多优秀的电影作品,给我们带来了艺术享受。

    It has produced many outstanding movie works , has brought entertainment of art to us .

  20. 此外,日本导演内田贤治的电影作品《盗钥匙的方法》获得最佳编剧奖项。

    Meanwhile , Japan 's Kenji Uchida won best screenplay for " Key of Life . "

  21. 优秀的电影作品能够疏导不良情绪,帮助人们宣泄情感障碍。

    Excellent film can dredge bad mood , help people to give vent to emotional problems .

  22. 《法外情》是刘德华从影十多年来最让人赞赏的电影作品之一。

    " The unwritten law " is one of the most acclaimed works for Andy lau .

  23. 论文第二、三两部分,具体论述了电影作品的著作权的权利行使和权利限制。

    The second and third parts of the thesis analyze the exertion and restriction of copyright .

  24. 学校体育题材的电影作品即是以反映学校体育生活为题材的电影作品。

    School physical education theme film works are the film works reflect the school physical education life .

  25. 在中国当代新生代导演电影作品中,传统的父亲形象被重新书写。

    In the works of Chinese New Age directors , the traditional image of father has changed .

  26. 哈利·波特系列小说及电影作品中涉及到很多象征符号,可以根据希腊神话和西方文化背景对其进行解析。

    The symbolized codes are in the works Harry Potter series with Greek myth and western culture .

  27. 它也是全球最有影响的电影作品之一,特别是在黑帮系列电影之中。

    It is also considered to beone of the most influential , especially in the gangster genre .

  28. 有‘喜剧之王’之称的周星驰的最新电影作品《美人鱼》近日发布了预告片。

    Comedy King Stephen Chow 's upcoming film ' The Mermaid ' has released its first trailer .

  29. 节目版式可以被视为电影作品的内容。

    Program formats can be treated as the content of film woks to be protected under copyright law .

  30. 就像塔伦蒂诺的其他电影作品一样,他对电影配音总是细心挑选。

    As with many of Tarantino 's other movies , he carefully selected songs for its unforgettable soundtrack .