
  1. 除了铜和银外,金的导电性能比其他的任何物质都好,在现代电子工业中黄金起着特别重要的作用。

    Gold conducts electricity better than any other substnace except copper and silver , and it is particularly impotant in the modern electronics industry .

  2. 我国目前正在迎来电子商务发展的黄金时期,这也给我们的物流行业带来了巨大的市场机遇。

    China is currently in the golden age of electronic commerce development which also gives our logistics industry a huge market opportunity .

  3. 除此之外,电子化发展,黄金在国际清算手段的作用下降,而储备成本却是最高的。

    In addition , the electronics has developed , which caused the function of gold decline in the international settlement , however the gold stock cost is the highest .

  4. 美联储最近一次政策会议的纪要显示,美联储官员倾向于推出新一轮量化宽松政策,在此之后,周三电子交易时段的黄金价格应声上涨了约1%。

    As if on cue , gold jumped almost 1 % on Wednesday in electronic trading after minutes from the Federal Reserve 's most recent policy-setting meeting indicated the central bankers were leaning toward a new round of quantitative easing .