
biāo jīn
  • standard gold;money as submitting a tender
标金 [biāo jīn]
  • (1) [standard gold]∶印有成色、重量、熔制年份等内容的标准金条

  • (2) [money as submitting a tender]∶投标时用作抵押的钱财

标金[biāo jīn]
  1. 最早的汇率期货&民国时期标金期货兴衰分析

    Analysis on the Ebb and Flow of the Earliest Currency Futures of the Standard Gold Futures in the Republic of China

  2. 标金结果表明,一些突触活性区呈明显的γ&氨基丁酸(GABA)阳性反应,电镜下可见集中的胶体金颗粒分布。

    The result indicated that some of the synaptic areas assumed distinct GABA-immunoreaction .

  3. 早期标金市场在近代中国经济中占据着十分重要的地位。

    The early standardized gold market occupied very important position in modern China 's economy .

  4. 二承揽政府工程时,押标金、工程保证金或工程保留款,得降低百分之五十以下;

    Upon contracting government projects , the antecedent money for bidding , guarantee money or the preserved money may be reduced by up to50 % ;