
àng sī
  • ounce
盎司 [àng sī]
  • (1) [ounce (缩写oz)]

  • (2) 常衡制的一种质量单位,等于1/16磅,或约等于28.3495克

  • (3) 药衡制或金衡制的一种质量单位,等于480格令或31.1034768克

盎司[àng sī]
  1. 这个小金球重0.25盎司。

    This little ball of gold weighs a quarter of an ounce

  2. 在香港昨天早些时候的交易中,黄金的牌价为每盎司368.20美元。

    In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday , gold was quoted at $ 368.20 an ounce

  3. 先熔好两盎司黄油。

    First , melt two ounces of butter .

  4. 加8液量盎司水。

    Add 8 fl oz water .

  5. 每6份酌加约75毫升(3液盎司)。

    Allow about 75ml ( 3fl oz ) per six servings .

  6. 婴儿早产3个月,体重只有3磅5盎司。

    The baby was born three months early weighing only 3 lb 5oz .

  7. 他们的女儿勒妮重8磅3盎司。

    Their daughter Renee weighed in at 8lb 3oz .

  8. 这台收音机重量仅为几盎司,比香烟盒还小。

    The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet

  9. 将6个容量为150毫升(5至6液盎司)的烤盘涂上油。

    Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml ( 5-6 fl oz ) capacity .

  10. 我的鱼平均每条重2磅8盎司,还有过两条重8磅的。

    My fish average 2 lb 8 oz and I 've had two eight-pounders .

  11. 她出生时体重是5磅7盎司。

    She weighed 5lb 7oz at birth .

  12. 一条1878年捕获的重29磅8盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。

    A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office

  13. 米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢,每盎司收费2.25美元。

    Michelle will also spin a customer 's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $ 2.25 an ounce .

  14. 要三盎司还是六盎司?

    Three ounce or the six ounce ?

  15. 请称六盎司的乳酪。

    Six ounces of cheese , please .

  16. 斯迈利大喊,这时青蛙打嗝嗳气,吐出了好几盎司的威士忌酒。

    Smiley shouted , and at that moment the frog belched up a couple of ounces of whiskey .

  17. 7月27日,国际黄金价格一度冲高至每盎司1944.68美元,刷新了2011年9月份创造的每盎司1921.15美元的最高纪录。

    Gold hit $ 1944.68 per ounce on Monday , breaking its previous record high of $ 1921.15 in September 2011 .

  18. 上周二,米歇尔在康涅狄格州的威廉姆·W·巴克斯医院产下一名重14镑13盎司(约13斤5两)的男婴。

    Michel gave birth to a14-pound , 13-ounce boy last Tuesday at William W.Backus Hospital , Connecticut .

  19. 就在这位美联储(FED)主席发表讲话数小时之后,每盎司黄金价格重挫近100美元。

    In the hours after the chairman of the Federal Reserve spoke , bullion prices tumbled almost $ 100 an ounce .

  20. 前一段时间,C看到了黄金牛市最终进入“躁期”,他希望黄金最终可以升值到5000美元一盎司。

    On the former , Casey sees the bull market in gold eventually entering a " mania stage ," which he thinks could push it to $ 5,000 an ounce .

  21. 令我极感兴趣的JuniorGoldFund成立于2009年9月,当时金价刚突破每盎司1000美元。

    The Junior Gold Fund , in which I have a substantial interest , started its life in September 2009 when gold was breaking through $ 1,000 an ounce .

  22. ProjectSyndicate网站今年6月曾经发布了一篇文章,纽约大学经济学家努里尔•鲁比尼在文中预测,金价到2015年可能会下跌到每盎司1000美元。

    In a June article in project syndicate , New York University economist Nouriel Roubini forecast that gold could fall to $ 1,000 by 2015 .

  23. BluePrint一瓶16盎司(约合454克)的Red果汁在某些零售店售价10美元(约合人民币60元),其中含有甜菜、胡萝卜和姜汁等原料。

    A 16-ounce bottle of BluePrint Red , containing beets , carrots and ginger , among other ingredients , goes for $ 10 at some retailers .

  24. 3月底,虽然金价摇摆不定,高盛(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)重申了此前的预测,即三个月内金价将触及每金衡盎司1785美元。

    In late March , as gold faltered , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reiterated a prior forecast that prices would hit $ 1785 over three months .

  25. Aureus于2011年上市6个月后,金价达到每盎司逾1900美元的顶点,然后开始下跌。

    Six months after Aureus listed in 2011 , the gold price peaked at more than $ 1,900 per ounce and started to retreat .

  26. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)最近将其对2012年黄金价格的预期下调了5%,至每金衡盎司1680美元,原因是印度和东南亚对黄块的需求低迷。

    Credit Suisse recently sliced its 2012 outlook for gold by 5 % to $ 1,680 , because of weak demand for physical bullion in India and Southeast Asia .

  27. 顾客将有机会给自己的四盎司牛肉堡(QuarterPounder)添加培根、蘑菇或者焦糖洋葱。

    That will give consumers the chance to add bacon or mushrooms or caramelised onions to their Quarter Pounder .

  28. 昨日,全球最大的ETFSPDRGoldTrust持有黄金量达到创纪录的4200万盎司,按当前价格计算,总价值达到了515亿美元。

    The world 's largest , the SPDR Gold Trust , was yesterday holding a record 42m ounces of gold worth $ 51.5bn at current prices .

  29. 星巴克(Starbucks)里的大杯(grande-size)咖啡是16盎司(约合454克)。

    A grande-size coffee at Starbucks ( what is called simply " large " at most other coffee houses ) is 16 ounces .

  30. 买烟的小贩甚至不会因J姑父买了一盎司烟叶而兴奋不已;他知道姑父每周都会买一盎司同一品质的烟叶。

    The tobacconist wasn 't even fluttered at his buying the ounce of tobacco'he knows that he purchases the same quantity of the same sort of tobacco every week .