
  • 网络Electronic Systems Engineering
  1. 软件工程、计算机科学和现代电子系统工程

    Software Engineering , Computer Science and Modern Electronic Systems Engineering

  2. XX研究所是我国电子系统工程领域中历史最久、规模最大、专业覆盖面最广、研发力量最强、技术成果最为丰富的大型综合性高科技研发基地,是行业领军企业。

    It has the longest history , largest scale , widest discipline coverage , strongest research & development ability , and the most plenty of technological achievements among electronic system engineering field in China .

  3. 大型电子系统工程软件可靠性评估方法初探

    How to Evaluate the Software Reliability of Large Electronic System Engineering

  4. 本文探讨了大型电子系统工程的软件可靠性评估方法问题。

    The paper discusses the basic method to evaluate the software reliability of large electronic system engineering .

  5. 交通指挥信息系统是高科技、综合性的交通技术装备,这种复杂的大型电子系统工程的可靠性与否,直接关系到整个系统的稳定运行与可靠工作。

    The transport command information system is high-tech and integrated system , capable of scientific traffic management . What 's more important is the reliability of this electronic equipment , because the system is very complex , which decides the whole system 's stability and performance .

  6. 似乎有一些观点是适用于机械,电子和系统工程的。

    It seems like some of them apply to mechanical , electrical and system engineering .

  7. 发展电子政务系统工程

    Developing Electronic Government Affair Systems Engineering

  8. 胶济客运专线四电子系统集成工程施工安全管理与对策

    Safety Management and Countermeasures for " Four-level Inverter " Subsystem Integration Project Construction in Tsingtao-Tsinan PDL

  9. 使用软件TAU进行三维模拟可以大大缩短模拟时间,便于多注速调管电子光学系统的工程设计。

    Less time will be needed than other codes , TAU become a very useful tool for multi-beam electron gun design .

  10. 据此设计和实现的分布式仿真测试平台系统DSTEV1.0已成功地应用于多个航空电子软件系统测试工程中。

    An application of Distributed Simulation Testing Environment named DSTE V1.0 is designed and developed and is applied in many software system testing projects in avionics .

  11. 主要介绍了铁路电子商务系统试点工程中物资总公司项目采用的安全策略。

    It was described the security strategy of trial engineering of e-Business in China railways .

  12. 一个电子系统中,工程技术人员在设计调试阶段往往需要观察很多参数。

    In an electronic system , engineers often need to observe many parameters in the design and debug phase .

  13. 电子产品防静电系统工程设计探讨

    Discussion on the Practical Design of Anti-electrostatic System for Electronic Production

  14. 舰船电子装备综合诊断系统工程过程

    Integrated diagnostic system engineering process for warship electronic equipment

  15. 金海山花园属下物业之电子系统设计、安装工程及保养。

    Kam Hoi Garden Electronic system design , installation & maintenance for partial subordinate properties .

  16. 本文以电子航海图系统为工程背景,研究了地理信息系统多种格式数据共享技术,并在电子海图系统中的应用问题。

    Taking Electronic Chart Display and Information System ( ECDIS ) as the background , this thesis studied multi-format GIS data sharing technology , and applied the research achievement in the development of ECDIS successfully .

  17. 数字控制系统是数字计算机和控制技术结合的产物,具有稳定性好、精度高和运算速度快等优点,被广泛应用于电气、电子、控制、系统工程等领域。

    Digital Control System is the combination of computer and control technology , which is widely applied in various areas , such as electrical , electronics , control systems , and some other fields related for its characteristics of high stability , high precision and quick operation speed .