
  • sale
  1. 利用快闪店清仓甩货、同时尝试寻找新的收入流

    Offload inventory and test out a new revenue stream

  2. 当商品价格出现逆转时,他们将面临资产贬值的困境,不得不以最快的速度甩货。

    When commodity prices reversed , they were stuck with a depreciating asset and had to run it down as quickly as possible .

  3. 由于厂商对超极本的预期非常之高,大家都被低需求打了个措手不及,迫使各厂商纷纷打折甩货,甚至背上亏损。

    With expectations incredibly high for the category , the lack of demand is already forcing discounts and losses for the hardware vendors .