
  • 网络Raw tea;unfermented;sencha
  1. 生茶产品开发及其在茶饮料中的应用

    Sencha Products Exploitation and Application in Tea Beverage

  2. 分析表明,普洱茶生茶中含有较多熟茶所没有的酯类物质。

    The analyses indicate that Pu-erh raw tea contains more Esters than Pu-erh riped tea .

  3. 生茶油在防治新生儿尿布皮炎中的应用

    The Application of Tea Oil in the Prevention and Cure of Diaper Dermatitis of the Newborn

  4. 普洱生茶优势菌种分离纯化及其对普洱茶品质影响初探

    Purification of Predominant Microbes from Pu'er Tea and their Effects on the Quality of Pu'er Tea

  5. 电场作用对干仓普洱生茶品质的影响

    The Effect of Electric Field on Quality of Unfermented Pu'er Tea under the Dry Storage Condition

  6. 普洱生茶由于没有经过渥堆发酵等工艺的处理,其耐储藏性较好。

    Pu'er raw tea bear a good storage ability as it is not treated by fermenting process etc.

  7. 方法应用生茶油护理新生儿及尿布皮炎患儿。

    Methods The method is to apply the Tea Oil to the newborn and the patients suffering from the diaper dermatitis .

  8. 生茶:是将云南大叶种晒青毛茶直接蒸压成型的茶。

    Raw tea : is a tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species by directly braising and pressing to form .