
  1. 通过此技术合成的功能性的DNA纳米结构和生物纳米纳米材料不仅具有良好的纳米效应而且具有很好的生物相容性,已经被广泛应用于现代生物、医学和生命科学等不同领域。

    By this method , the prepared DNA nanostructure and bio-nano materials have not only a good nano effect but also biological compatibility , which have been widely applied in many different fields such as modern biology , medicine and life science .

  2. 基于蛋白质和核酸的超冗余生物纳米机器人研究

    On Protein / Nucleic Acid Based Hyper Redundant Bio-nano-robot

  3. 生物纳米复合材料研究及其在包装领域的应用

    Research progress of bio-nanocomposite and application in packaging

  4. 生物纳米硒饲料添加剂对淡水养殖鱼类影响的研究

    Study on the effect of bio-nano-selenium feed additive on the breed of freshwater fish

  5. 说明静电纺丝是一种制备生物纳米纤维的良好方法。

    So electrostatic spinning is a good method to prepare biological material . 3 .

  6. 本文主要对这些材料的研究、开发及应用情况进行了综述,并探讨了生物纳米材料的发展前景。

    Here we review the main advances in this field and explore the application prospects .

  7. 生物纳米材料的进展与前景

    Advance and Prospect of Bio-Nano-Materials

  8. 论将生物纳米技术纳入本科生选修课的必要性

    Discussion on the necessity of taking " bionanotechnology " as an elective curriculum for the undergraduate students

  9. 磁小体作为一种新型的生物纳米磁性材料,近年来被受关注。

    The magnetosome as an ideal kind of bio-nano-magnetic material that attracts the most attention , in recent years .

  10. 第五部分:介绍生物纳米公司发展概况,公司在战略转型过程中还存在的问题和不足。

    Part V : overview of the development of Bio-Nanotech Company , the issues and deficiency in the reforming process .

  11. 生物纳米机器人是科学研究的前沿领域,分子马达作为动力装置在生物纳米机器人中具有重要的作用。

    Bio-nano-robot is one of the scientific research frontiers nowadays . The molecular motor as power section plays an important role in bio-nano-robot .

  12. 近年来,随着生物纳米技术、材料科学、电磁学等学科的飞速发展,纳米粒靶向治疗越来越引起广大学者的关注。

    Recently , with the fasten development of biology nanotechnology , materials science and electromagnetism , many scholars pay more attention to the nanoparticle targeted therapy .

  13. 本研究论文通过发展新型的生物纳米材料并将其应用于生物分子的固定,以达到提高传感器灵敏度的目的。

    This thesis focuses on synthesizing new nano-biomaterials and using them to immobilize biomolecular in biosensor-fabricating for the purpose of improving the performance and sensitivity of biosensors .

  14. 超冗余生物纳米机器人集合了生物纳米机器人和超冗余机器人的众多优点,在农业、食品、医药和化工等领域具有广泛的应用前景,因而受到学者们的极大关注。

    Hyper redundant bio-nano-robot integrates the advantages of hyper redundant robot and bio-nano-robot with extensive potential applications , and has drawn attention of more and more researchers .

  15. 本论文主要从机构学角度对超冗余生物纳米机器人的建模、运动分析、设计和控制等问题进行了研究。首先,将机构学方法引入蛋白质多肽链的研究。

    In this thesis , the modeling , kinematics , design and control of hyper redundant bio-nano-robot are studied from the view of robotic mechanism . Firstly , the mechanism methods are introduced to the modeling of protein polypeptide .

  16. 近年发展起来的具有制备简单、分散性好的硅壳生物纳米颗粒为生命过程机制的阐明、人类疾病机理的研究、临床医学诊断和治疗提供了全新的技术和方法。

    Recently developed biocompatible silica-coated nanoparticles with the advantages of easy preparation and good dispersity have provided an efficient method and a novel technology for the illumination of the mechanism of life activity , study of the pathogenesis , and the diagnose and treatment in clinic medicine .

  17. 采用布模板合成生物形态纳米MgO

    Synthesis of biomorphic nano-magnesia using cotton fabric as a templete

  18. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。纳米SiO2制备无毒疏水海洋防污涂料

    Preparation of Nontoxic and Hydrophobic Marine Antifouling Paint with Nano-SiO_2

  19. 该实验结果为进一步研究生物矿化纳米元素Se及应用提供了实验基础。

    The experimental results provide experimental basis for further researches on biological mineralized nano element Se and its application .

  20. 研究ENPs对微生物的毒性效应,可以为真核生物的纳米安全性研究提供理论依据。

    The study of the toxicity of ENPs to bacteria would supply theory for eukaryote .

  21. 生物医用纳米羟基磷灰石的研究进展

    Development of Nanometer Hydroxyapatite in Medical Science

  22. 目前,生物标记纳米材料、磁性纳米材料、生物修复纳米材料、以及纳米生物传感器等方面已取得很大进展。

    Great advances have been made in nano-bio-label materials , nano-bio-magnetic materials , nano-motor , nano-bio-repair materials , interface biomaterials and nano-biosensor .

  23. 前瞻部署生物、纳米、量子调控、信息网络、气候变化、空天海洋等领域基础研究和前沿技术研究。

    We will make farsighted arrangements for basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies in the fields of biology , nano science , quantum control , information networks , climate change , aerospace and oceanography .

  24. 主客体葡萄糖生物传感器(纳米MCM-41)-AgI主-客体复合材料的制备及表征

    Glucose Biosensor Based on Host-Guest Inclusion Complex Preparation and Characterization of ( Nanosized MCM-41 ) - Silver Iodide Host-Guest Composite

  25. 纳米生物工程:纳米技术的重要领域

    Nano Biotic Project - An Important Territory in Nanotechnology

  26. 可生物降解聚合物纳米胶囊型药物载体及组合胶囊的药物控制释放

    Biodegradable polymer micelles as drug carriers and control drug release technique by assembled micelles

  27. 可生物降解高分子纳米微粒的制备及表征

    Preparation and characterization of biodegradable polymer nanoparticles

  28. 生物医用功能纳米材料的制备与应用是其主要研究内容之一。

    One major content of it is the preparation and application of functional biomedical materials .

  29. 混凝沉淀-曝气生物滤池-纳米材料复合膜技术在印染废水回用处理中的应用

    Treatment and reuse of printing and dyeing wastewater by coagulation & SETTLEMENT-BAF-NANOMETER material composite membrane process

  30. 《纲要》列举了中国科研的优先领域,包括能源、健康、农业、生物技术和纳米技术。

    The strategy identifies research priorities including energy , health , agriculture , biotechnology and nanotechnology .