
  • 网络ecofeminism;eco-feminism;Ecological Feminism
  1. 生态女性主义是一种多元的、复杂的、有差异的生态文化。

    Ecofeminism is a kind of ecological culture with multiplicity , complexity and otherness .

  2. 生态女性主义认为男性压迫女性与人类统治自然之间的双重对位与多元联系,都源于压迫性的父权制,主张将生态运动与女性主义运动结合。

    All ecofeminism believes there have been double correspondence and multiply connections between men oppress women and human control nature , which roots from oppressive patriarchy .

  3. 生态女性主义视阈中庞德诗的自然意象

    Nature Image of Pound 's Poetry in the View of Eco-feminism

  4. 自然与女性之隐喻的生态女性主义批评

    An Eco-feminist Approach to the Metaphorical Relation Between Nature and Women

  5. 《啊,拓荒者!》中人物形象的生态女性主义分析。

    An Eco-feminist Analysis of the Character in O , Pioneers ;

  6. 从《紫颜色》管窥艾丽斯·沃克的生态女性主义意识

    Alice Walker 's eco-feminism consciousness perceived through The Color Purple

  7. 第四章以生态女性主义理论解读其作品风格,并揭示狄金森写作风格上的女权主义倾向。

    Chapter four is about her feminist tendency in style .

  8. 第三章像读者展示了生态女性主义者理想中的社会形态。

    The third chapter shows readers the ideal social state of eco-feminism .

  9. 双重对立:生态女性主义视阈中的《雨中猫》

    Double Conflicts : An Eco-Feminist Analysis of Cat in the Rain ;

  10. 生态女性主义相关研究的不断深入丰富,吸引了越来越多不同领域的学者参与。

    Scholars from various domains have joined in the study of eco-feminism .

  11. 从边缘到中心的位移&生态女性主义关于自然与女性身份的批评

    Transition from Edge to Center : Critique on Female and Nature by Eco-feminist

  12. 生态女性主义批评视野下的当代台湾女性散文

    The Female Essay of Contemporary Taiwan on the View of Eco-feminism Literary Criticism

  13. 她为父权制社会树立了理想的生态女性主义典范。

    Pearl S. Buck sets an ideal example for eco-feminism in patriarchal society .

  14. 女性与自然关系的多维理论进路&基于批判性的生态女性主义视角

    The Multi-dimensional Theoretical Approaches of the Women-Nature Relation & Critical Eco-feminism-Based Visual Angle

  15. 《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态女性主义解读

    An Eco-feminist Interpretation of The Secret Life of Bees

  16. 生态女性主义视野中的女性与自然

    Female and Nature in the Field of Eco-feminism

  17. 本论文的主要内容是深入小说文本,分析这部作品中的生态女性主义因素。

    This thesis is mainly about A Mercy to analysis the factors of eco-feminism .

  18. 从《查太莱夫人的情人》看劳伦斯的生态女性主义观

    Analysis on Lawrence 's eco-feminist Concept from the " Lady Chatterley 's Lover "

  19. 并论述了生态女性主义文学批评对中国本土文学批评实践产生的影响。

    Last , we discussed the impact of eco-feminist literary criticism to domestic literary criticism .

  20. 《到灯塔去》的生态女性主义解读

    An Eco-feminist Interpretation of To a Lighthouse

  21. 在当今全球化及环境危机的背景下,生态女性主义受到人们越来越多的关注。

    It has drawn more and more attention at the background of globalization and environmental crisis .

  22. 随着生态女性主义思想在全球范围内的发展壮大,其在不同地域亦有不同特点的表现。

    As eco-feminism growing strong globally , it has the different characteristic performances in different regions .

  23. 从生态女性主义视角对《我的安东妮亚》进行全面、深入的解读,这种尝试目前尚很少见到,存在较大研究空缺。

    However , there is little deep study on My Antonia from the perspective of eco-feminism .

  24. 轮椅下的女性和自然&《查特莱夫人的情人》的生态女性主义解读

    Woman and Nature Ruled by Armchair : An Eco-feminist Reading of D.H.Lawrence 's Lady Chatterley 's Lover

  25. 随着生态女性主义的研究拓展到文学领域,一种新的批评理论也随之诞生。

    With the research of Eco-feminism involved in literature , a new critic theory comes into being .

  26. 席瓦和她的第三世界生态女性主义&9.11事件后发出的不同声音

    Siva and Her Eco-feminism of the Thir World & Different Voices Raised After the " 9.11 " Incident

  27. 无论是新马克思主义还是生态女性主义,其批判的宗旨就是要呼吁人类要共织生命之网,建立一个与自然相互依存的世界。

    Their common aim is to reweave a net of life and establish a world interdependent with nature .

  28. 至此,生态女性主义已经发展成为在全球范围关注度持续攀升的新兴生态理论。

    Thus , ecological feminism has become a global concern about the continuing rise of the emerging ecological theory .

  29. 由于各国文化背景和经济发达程度不同,生态女性主义出现了地域性的差异。

    As the developed countries and cultural background and different levels of economic , ecological feminism regional differences emerged .

  30. 生态女性主义理论具有开放的体系,它和多个学科有着交义联系,如生态学,女性主义等。

    Eco-feminism has an open system and interconnects with other disciplines closely , such as ecology , feminism and so on .