
shēng chǎn
  • produce;manufacture;give birth to a child;childbirth;yield;bearing;bring out;turn out;birthing
生产 [shēng chǎn]
  • (1) [produce;yield;manufacture]∶用工具创造各种生活资料和生产资料

  • 这工厂正在生产比以前更多的丝织品

  • (2) [bearing]∶生孩子

  • 身体被这样连续地生产削弱了

生产[shēng chǎn]
  1. 他们批准了那家公司生产这种药物。

    They had licensed the firm to produce the drug .

  2. 这家工厂还没有装置生产这类发动机的设备。

    The factory is not tooled up to produce this type of engine .

  3. 这是一项旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术。

    It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage .

  4. 他们在逐步减少生产旧型号的产品。

    They are gradually tapering off production of the older models .

  5. 公司生产并零售自己的运动服装系列。

    The firm manufactures and retails its own range of sportswear .

  6. 日本的生产方法已被引进到一些英国的工厂。

    Japanese production methods have been transplanted into some British factories .

  7. 与其他农业生产相对而言,动物饲养只是副业。

    Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming .

  8. 直接从生产厂家购买,绕过中间商。

    Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman .

  9. 在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out .

  10. 汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。

    Cars are checked as they come off the production line .

  11. 巴西是世界上最大的咖啡生产国。

    Brazil is the world 's largest producer of coffee .

  12. 新飞机的生产将于明年开始。

    Production of the new aircraft will start next year .

  13. 某些科学发明被滥用来生产毁灭性武器。

    Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction .

  14. 他拥有一家工厂,生产一系列纺织品。

    He owns a factory producing a range of textiles .

  15. 生产过程可能要受到产品设计目的的影响。

    Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product .

  16. 有问题的产品应退还生产厂家。

    Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers .

  17. 罢工已经使生产陷于停顿。

    Strikes have led to a halt in production .

  18. 去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

    Last year 's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs .

  19. 我们的汽车可与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。

    Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world .

  20. 与其他石油生产国作一比较是很有意思的。

    Comparison with other oil-producing countries is extremely interesting .

  21. 在粮食生产上,这个国家完全做到了自给自足。

    The country is totally self-sufficient in food production .

  22. 这家工厂每周生产900辆汽车。

    The factory turns out 900 cars a week .

  23. 这家工厂通常每周生产500把椅子。

    The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week .

  24. 生产流程还需改进。

    The production process is to be streamlined .

  25. 自1981年起生产的轿车都有安装安全保护装置的接头。

    All cars built since 1981 have points for the attachment of safety restraints .

  26. 现在的生产过程高度机械化。

    The production process is now highly mechanized .

  27. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。

    Wage rates depend on levels of productivity .

  28. 这家工厂在开足马力生产。

    The factory is working at full capacity .

  29. 整个生产过程已自动化。

    The entire manufacturing process has been automated .

  30. 利比亚是主要石油生产国之一。

    Libya is a major oil producer .