
  • 网络Production procurement;Production Buyer
  1. 基于知识进化算法的生产采购协同计划问题研究

    Research on coordinated production-purchase planning based on knowledge evolution algorithm

  2. 为了使经营趋向全球化发展,世界各大汽车厂商促进变革供应体制,实行全球的生产采购。

    In order to make the sales and management globally , all the auto enterprise from all over the world accelerate the transform system and implement the global purchasing .

  3. 采用统一的表达形式对MC供应链中的通用件与定制件生产/采购批量及库存控制问题进行描述。

    The lot-sizing and inventory control problem between MC manufacturer and its universal or customized component suppliers is described as a uniform expression .

  4. CPC在全球范围内为IBM提供生产性采购、一般采购、分销采购、市场信息及采购咨询等系列服务。

    CPC is providing production procurement , general procurement , distribution procurement , market intelligence , and procurement consulting services for IBM on a global basis .

  5. 尤其随着中国加入WTO和经济一体化与生产和采购全球化的到来,中国将逐步成为全球最具有活力的汽车零部件生产和采购基地。

    Especially with China joining WTO and the coming of economic integration . China will become the most vigorous base for producing and purchasing of auto spare part in the world progressively .

  6. 本论文就是以金蝶ERP商用软件实施为基础,研究了中小企业在财务、销售、生产、采购、库存、管理决策、管理控制等方面的共性问题;

    This paper , basing on the implementation of Kingdee ERP commercial software , studies common problems of SME in varions spects such as finance , sales , production , purchase , stock , decision making and management control ;

  7. 对于准备实施ERP(企业资源计划)项目的企业而言,优秀的ERP解决方案是应用先进的信息技术手段实现生产、采购、销售和财务的统一管理模式,以达到规范企业业务流程的目的。

    To those companies who plan to carry out ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) project , a ERP solution can achieve integrated management to production , purchasing , selling and financing activities with advanced information and technique method , to meet the target of standardizing enterprise work process .

  8. 生产和采购由统一的一个生产运营平台负责。

    The purchasing and production are centralized by the production operation platform .

  9. 这些物品中有一些是在发展中国家生产和采购的。

    Some of these items are manufactured and available in developing countries .

  10. 生产性采购活动是企业生产经营过程中的基本活动。

    Productive purchase is basic activity of production and operation of enterprise .

  11. 中国煤炭生产企业采购策略研究

    Study on Purchasing Policy of China Coal Production Enterprises

  12. 她负责生产和采购材料。

    and she does the production and sourcing .

  13. 我们同时生产和采购我们所持有的国内及国际品牌。

    Pangea Sources and manufactures for its in house brands and for leading international brands .

  14. 你是如何处理与生产,采购等部门的关系的?

    And how did you deal with the relationship with the production department and procurement department ?

  15. 就产品而言,它只有两个选择:生产或者采购。

    As far as products are concerned , it has two options : build them or buy them .

  16. 意思是生产和采购需要的不见是在接到销售订单之前就触发了。

    This means that production and procurement of the required components is triggered before receipt of sales orders .

  17. 仓库的定期盘点,定期提供生产及采购部门库存报表。

    Carry out periodic checks of inventory of stores and reporting stock data to the purchasing and production department .

  18. (其他买家也开始跳过拍卖体系,直接通过生产商采购优质茶叶。)

    ( Other buyers have also begun to bypass the auction system and buy premium teas directly from producers ) .

  19. 与此同时,辛尼迪公司还应四川灾区的要求,积极组织活动板房的生产和采购。

    Besides , upon request of the disaster-hit area , Al Senidi actively organized the purchase and manufacture activity of stockroom .

  20. 中国企业正以迅猛的趋势融入全球化生产和采购体系,成长为新的“世界工厂”。

    With rapid integration into the global manufacture and purchase network , Chinese enterprises are becoming a new " World Factory " .

  21. 以已安排的生产资料采购计划或生产计划为基础自动生成生产资料批次采购计划。

    To have arranged for production material purchasing plan or production plan for basic automatic generating production material batch purchase plan . 3 .

  22. 对内采用合理、流畅的运作模式,加强数据库管理,提高人员的基本素质,保证生产、采购及库存产品的质量;

    Internally , fluent using rational operation model , strengthen database management , improve the basic quality , ensure personnel production , purchasing and stock product quality ;

  23. 比方说,这种类型的网络可以应用于一个在销售、财会、生产和采购部门都有计算机的公司里。

    This type of network could be used , for example , in a company where computers are located in the sales , accounting , production , and purchasing departments .

  24. 国防工业的国际合作是指按照政府间协议促进国防装备的研究、生产、采购以及后勤保障方面相互合作的活动。

    The international cooperation of defense industry is the activity which aims to promote the cooperation in the research , manufacture , purchase and logistics of defense equipment according to agreements between governments .

  25. 随着经济全球化的到来,专业化的生产对采购提出了更高的要求,采购将逐步作为一个独立行业步入新的发展阶段。

    With the arrival of the economic globalization , the specialized production has put forward higher requirements to procurement , procurement will gradually as an independent industry entered a new stage of development .

  26. 第二十五条食品生产经营者采购食品及其原料,应当按照国家有关规定索取检验合格证或者化验单,销售者应当保证提供。

    Article 25 Whenever producers or marketers of food procure supplies , they shall , in accordance with the relevant State regulations , request inspection certificates or laboratory test reports and the supplier must provide these .

  27. 第四章介绍了生产物料采购的成本分析与控制,介绍了影响供应商的价格因素,并通过对采购成本的分析提出了一些降低采购成本的方法。

    The chapter 4 introduced the analyzing and controlling for the cost of procurement , introduced the related factors for the price of materials , gave some advises for costing down by the analyzing the factors of cost .

  28. 同时,随着我国在2001年加入世界贸易组织,大批国外跨国连锁公司也将进入中国,不通过外贸公司,直接向有关的生产企业采购商品。

    Furthermore , many multinational-chained corporations will purchase the goods directly from the manufacturers in China after China entered into WTO in 2001 . State-owned foreign trade companies have to face the strong competitions from both local areas and overseas .

  29. 根据供应链管理鲜明的顾客导向原则,循着需求驱动的脉络,第3~6章依次对供应链管理环境下制造企业的销售、生产、采购、物流等运作决策优化问题分别进行了研究。

    Based on the customer-oriented principle and the demand-driven method in supply chain management , Chapters 3 to 6 analyze the decision optimization in sales , manufacturing , procurement and logistics respectively , in the context of a manufacturer in a supply chain .

  30. 传统的管理模式已无法适应信息时代现代化企业发展需要,信息化管理正日益成为企业销售、生产、采购与售后的主角。

    Traditional management models have been unable to adapt to the development needs of the modern enterprise in the information age . Information management is increasingly becoming the protagonist in the sales , production , purchase , and after sale fields of the enterprises .