
  • producer;Manufacturer
  1. 政府应出台安全要求,并让保险公司依据生产商而非乘客的驾驶记录给机器人进行风险定价。

    Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer 's driving record , not the passenger 's.

  2. 如果某人的智能手机、平板电脑或其他设备“越狱”了,那就说明他用一款特殊软件解除了生产商对该设备事先安装的锁定程序,该程序一般对移动设备可下载和运行的应用程序有严格限制。

    If someone jailbreaks a smartphone , tablet ( computer ) or other device , they use a special piece of software in order to remove the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer on the kind of applications that can be downloaded and run on the device .

  3. 生产商必须按用量多少的顺序将成分列出。

    Manufacturers must list ingredients in order of the amount used .

  4. 对咖啡价格的影响对生产商而言是灾难性的。

    The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers .

  5. 生产商竞相讨好明星,他们看重的是明星对追求时尚的追星族的影响力。

    Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans .

  6. 他组织了这个由独立生产商组成的游说团。

    He set up this lobby of independent producers .

  7. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业。

    Today 's organic wine producer is typically a small , quality-conscious family concern

  8. 好吧,关于生产商就讲这么多,那关于消费者呢?

    Well , so much for the producers . But what of the con-sumers ?

  9. 昨天被指控要价太高之后,汽车生产商可能会被迫大幅度降价。

    Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday

  10. 尽管目前在价格上占据优势,英国生产商还是不得不减少产量。

    Despite current price advantage , UK manufacturers are still having to scale back production .

  11. 一些美国生产商一直在观察英国是否会成为他们的成衣潜在市场。

    Some US manufacturers have been sizing up the UK as a possible market for their clothes

  12. 豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司推出了市场上最诱人的保修服务,向竞争对手发出了挑战。

    Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market .

  13. 售商或生产商与消费者之间更紧密的关系不仅仅是经济激励。

    A stronger relationship between the retailer / producer and the consumer isn 't just about financial incentives .

  14. 像无人驾驶汽车这种公共安全所依托的大型而复杂的系统应该由有能力保证安全以及对交通事故负责的生产商们建立、规划以及销售。

    Big , complicated systems on which much public safety depends , like driverless cars , should be built , programmed and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents .

  15. 如果要求生产商收回他们用来销售产品的包装,他们会首先减少包装吗?

    If producers are required to take back packaging they use to sell their products , would they reduce the packaging in the first place ?

  16. 食品生产商经常使用化肥和杀虫剂,这些最终会进入你的食物中。

    Food producers often use fertilizers and pesticideswhich can end up in your food .

  17. 之所以叫“肥皂剧”,是因为这些剧集播放之初都是由宝洁等洗涤用品生产商赞助或制作的。

    The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials4 broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble as sponsors and producers .

  18. 跑步运动的普及,尤其是跑步赛事在最近几年增长的规模远远超出了所有运动产品生产商、零售商和赛事组织者的预期。

    The growth in running , particularly in running in organized events , has increased in recent years beyond the expectations of even the most wildly optimistic manufacturers , retailers3 and event managers .

  19. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  20. 中国锌、镍、铜生产商西部矿业(westmining)便是一个例子。

    One example is west mining , a mainland producer of zinc , nickel and copper .

  21. 苹果(Apple)算生产商还是服务商,又或两者兼而有之呢?

    Is apple ( AAPL ) a manufacturer or a service provider or both ?

  22. 上周五,黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion大幅下调了其2012年的指导性收入预测,并警告即将进行裁员,消息一出,该公司便遭到分析师们的围攻。

    The analysts were all over research in motion ( RIMM ) Friday after the company issued sharply lower guidance for 2012 and warned of forthcoming layoffs .

  23. 毫无疑问,三星从诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion的颓势中获益良多。

    It has no doubt benefitted from the travails of Nokia ( NOK ) and research in motion ( RIMM ) .

  24. 即便生产商改变了平板电脑的芯片构架,Android上的大多数程序都能正常工作,而且Google不会向使用Android的公司收费。

    Android also allows most programs to work even if manufacturers change the underlying chip architecture .

  25. 包括摩托罗拉在内,大约有20家生产商正在生产或将要生产Android智能手机。

    Something like 20 manufacturers , including Motorola , are making or will be making Android-based smartphones .

  26. 在这些举措的推动下,索尼应该可以和竞争对手松下电器产业公司(MatsushitaElectricIndustrialCo.Ltd.)齐头并进,后者是松下品牌消费类电子产品的生产商。

    That should help it keep pace with rival Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. , maker of the Panasonic brand of consumer electronics .

  27. KDS是全球领先的Crystal以及晶振产品生产商。

    KDS is a leading global manufacturer of Crystal and crystal products .

  28. 至少这是WholeFoodsMarket等高档食品超市和一批发展迅猛的小型果汁生产商的信条,他们正试图将狂热的冷榨果汁潮流从小批量变成大规模生产。

    At least that 's the belief of high-end grocers like Whole Foods Market and a spurt of small juice companies trying to move the cold-pressed-juice craze from small-batch to mass-produced .

  29. 猪肉生产商万洲国际(WHGroup)今年8月的在港上市一波三折,在报出逊于预期的盈利后,其股价在上市后累计下跌了16%。

    Pork producer WH Group has lost 16 per cent since its bumpy August listing , after reporting worse than expected earnings .

  30. 因此,他从TataBPSolar赊购了一个太阳能照明系统。TataBPSolar是印度太阳能电池板生产商。

    So he obtained a single solar lighting system on credit from Tata BP Solar , an Indian solar panel manufacturer .