
tián jiāo
  • sweet pepper;bell pepper;pimento;Capsicum annuum
甜椒[tián jiāo]
  1. 冷害对甜椒果实外部形态及细胞结构的影响

    Effect of Chilling Injury on the Morphology and Cell Structure of Fruits of Capsicum annuum var. grossum Bailey

  2. 将甜椒剖成两半,在滚热的烤架上烤至外壳微焦。

    Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill .

  3. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。

    Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out .

  4. 像甜椒这样的蔬菜会抢了原汤的味道。

    Vegetables such as peppers can overpower the flavor of the stock .

  5. 地热温室甜椒追施CO2的研究

    Study of topdressing co_2 on sugar pepper in the Geothermal Greenhouse

  6. Southern杂交分析表明该基因在甜椒基因组中为单基因。

    A single-gene was found in sweet pepper genomic DNA by southern-blot analysis .

  7. 基质供水状况对甜椒穴盘苗C、N代谢产物的影响及其与发育的关系

    Effects of water supply condition in media on C 、 N metabolic products of sweet pepper potting seedlings and the relationship with development

  8. 甜椒雄性不育两用系AB(91)的选育及利用

    Breeding and Application of Dual-purpose Male Sterile Lines in Sweet Pepper

  9. 如果你厌倦了吃水果,你还可以吃辣椒、甜椒、芽菜,这些蔬菜也含有大量的维他命C。

    In case you get tired of eating all that fruit , hot peppers , bell peppers and sprouts also have good amounts of vitamin C.

  10. 甜椒当地品种(茄门甜椒)的Pn显著高于引进品种的Pn。

    Pn of local varieties of sweet pepper were higher significantly than introduced varieties .

  11. 北京、宁夏甜椒上分离的黄瓜花叶病毒CP基因序列分析及亚组鉴定

    Sequence analysis of CP gene and identification of subgroup of cucumber mosaic virus from Beijing and Ningxia

  12. 航天育种甜椒、番茄品系种子的FTIR分析

    Novel Application of FTIR to the Analysis of Sweet Pepper Seeds and Tomato Seeds with Space Mutation

  13. 甜椒CMS不育基因ISSR的分子标记

    ISSR Marker of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Sweet Pepper

  14. 人工老化和PEG引发对甜椒种子活力及芽期过氧化物酶活性的影响

    Effects of Artificial Aging and PEG Priming on Sweet Pepper Seed Vigor and Activity of Peroxidase During Shoot Stage

  15. 卫星搭载的甜椒87-2过氧化物同工酶检测和RAPD分子检测初报

    Preliminary study on peroxidase isoenzyme detection and RAPD Molecular verification for sweet pepper 87 2 carried by a recoverable satellite

  16. 对上海郊区甜椒上6株Phytophthoracapsici形态与生理生化性状的研究

    The studies on 6 isolates of Phytophthora capsici in Shanghai suburbs

  17. 喷施硫酸锌对甜椒毒病(TMV)的影响

    The Effect of Znso_4 to Virus Disease ( TMV ) of Pepper

  18. 以4种不同基质组合配比,进行营养液和有机生态型无土栽培试验,以土壤栽培为对照(CK),重点研究不同基质栽培对大棚甜椒生长发育、光合生理及生态效应、产量的影响。

    Compared with soil culture , the different substrate treatments were applied for solution and ecological sound organic substrate culture .

  19. 研究温度、光强、光照时间、PH值等环境因子对甜椒增殖、生根培养的影响。

    Effects of environmental factors such as temperature , light intensity , photoperiod and PH value on rooting of the tissue - cultured plantlets in sweet pepper were studied .

  20. 以不同颜色的甜椒为试验材料.采用CTAB法、SDS法、ROSE法和氯化苄法提取彩色甜椒基因组DNA。

    Benzyl chloride method , CTAB , SDS , and ROSE methods were used to extract DNA from color sweet pepper leaves of different fruit color .

  21. 对其进行田间多代抗性鉴定与筛选,育成双抗CMV、TMV甜椒新资源。

    New resources of resistance to CMV and TMV were obtained by further resistant detection and selection in field .

  22. 甜椒TMV简易接种法的应用

    Possibility of practical use of simplified inoculation method for the selection of TMV resistance in sweet pepper

  23. PCPA,NAA防治甜椒落花的生理效应初探

    Physiological Effects of PCPA or NAA on Sweet Pepper in Preventing Flower Falling

  24. 但是,磁化活水灌溉甜椒后,植株的茎粗和果实体内的维生素C、还原糖和可溶性固形物含量虽略有增加,但对改善甜椒果实品质效果不大。

    But , the stem diameters and the contents of Vitamin C , reduced sugars and soluble solid increased slightly after sweet pepper irrigated with magnetized water , but led to the quality of sweet pepper improved little .

  25. 不同处理方法对番茄和甜椒种子中TMV的脱毒效果

    Effect of Different Treatments on the Disinfection of the Seed-borne Virus ( TMV ) in Tomato and Pepper

  26. 彩色甜椒生理成熟果果色红色对橙黄色是两对具有重叠作用的显性基因R1R1R2R2控制,且商品成熟果和生理成熟果果色为不同的基因控制。

    And the colors of fruit of marketable mature stage and those of physiological mature stage were controlled by different genes .

  27. 可是,上述三种方法都不能有效地脱去甜椒种子中的TMV。

    However , the 3 methods mentioned above were not effective for the disinfection of seed-borne virus in pepper .

  28. 中国部分甜椒品种的TMV抗性基因鉴定

    Genetic information carrier gene study on identification of tobacco mosaic virus ( tmv ) resistance in some sweet pepper varieties in China

  29. 可以尝尝绝佳的“Ro”饭,米饭上堆满了松脆的各式天妇罗,有海鳗、鱿鱼、大虾和甜椒(1900日元)。

    Try the excellent " Ro " bowl , which comes piled with crisp tempura of conger eel , squid , prawns and sweet pepper ( 1900 yen ) .

  30. 控释氮肥能显著提高甜椒Vc和可溶性糖的含量,降低可滴定酸的含量,但各控释氮肥处理甜椒硝酸盐含量差异不显著。

    Controlled release nitrogen fertilizer can significantly improve the Vc and soluble sugar content , lower acid content , but each of the controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer nitrate content of sweet pepper was no significant difference . 4 .