
  • bottled water;Tapped;bottle of water
  1. 只喝瓶装水,并且要看封口开了没有。

    Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn 't broken .

  2. 纽约人一直在贮备瓶装水。

    New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water .

  3. 我们品尝了一系列不同品牌的瓶装水。

    We sampled a selection of different bottled waters .

  4. 行程提供自行车、头盔和瓶装水。

    Tour includes bike , helmet , and bottled water .

  5. 导览行程中会提供自行车、头盔、饼干和瓶装水。

    Guided tour includes bike , helmet , cookies and bottled water .

  6. 当有人捐赠瓶装水时,伊万和他的家人开着车去买更多的水。

    When someone donated bottles of water , Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more .

  7. 但代表生产瓶装水公司的机构称,很多人还是希望能方便地直接购买冷却的或起泡的瓶装水。

    But the body that represents bottled water companies says lots of us still want the convenience of buying it chilled or fizzy .

  8. 饮水、做饭、洗澡等都只用瓶装水、沸水或处理过的水。避免驾车经过灾区和积水区,6英寸高的水就能让你失去对车的控制。

    Use only bottled , boiled , or treated water for drinking , cooking , bathing , etc. Avoid driving through flooded areas and standing9 water . As little as six inches of water can cause you to lose control of your vehicle .

  9. A说是一种冰水,B说是一种普通自来水,C说是一种瓶装水,D说是一种矿物质水。C是正确答案。

    It is a kind of mineral water . ( C )

  10. 这个小作坊吸引了两位投资者,包括现年52岁的瓶装水企业家杰夫&12539;丘吉(JeffChurch)。

    The small operation attracted two investors , including Jeff Church , 52 , a bottled-water entrepreneur .

  11. 为了证明瓶装水这个发明到底有多愚蠢,我将用达沙尼瓶装矿泉水(DasaniBottledWater)来举例。

    To illustrate just how ridiculous a concept it is , I will demonstrate with Dasani Bottled Water .

  12. 贝茨意识到,自己写的都是些丹宁牛仔的弹性与丽兹酒店(Ritz)的瓶装水之类。

    Betts realized that she had written about stretch denim and the bottled water at the Ritz .

  13. 商店员工分发了免费的瓶装水、可沛利(CapriSun)饮料、水果燕麦棒,并提供大型遮阳伞。

    Store employees handed out free bottled water , packs of Capri Sun , fruit and granola bars and provided large umbrellas for shade .

  14. 作为包装食类品产品,瓶装水也受到FDA保护办法的全面制约,这些保护办法均是用于增强产品安全度,以保护消费者。

    Being a packaged food product , bottled water is also bound by the full range of FDA protective measures designed to enforce product safety and protect consumers .

  15. 如果你选择了一个有问题的目标(瓶装水)并随随便便制造出一个重要的政策困境(环境vs健康),那么“轻推”将不会解决你的问题。

    If you pick a questionable target ( bottled water ) and fudge a key policy dilemma ( the environment vs health ) then nudging isn 't going to solve your problems .

  16. 在最近的一次Gallop的调查中,消费者喝瓶装水的首要原因是因为他们认为瓶装水比自来水安全、纯净。

    In a recent Gallop survey , most consumers indicated they drink bottled water based on their perception it is safer and purer than tap water .

  17. 随着美国与英国对瓶装水的反对日益强烈,可口可乐(coca-cola)和百事公司(pepsico)在塑料容器的回收利用方面正在逐步加大力度。

    Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are stepping up efforts to recycle plastic containers amid a growing backlash against the sale of bottled water in the US and the UK .

  18. Blenheim瓶装水两瓶

    Bottle of Blenheim still water x2

  19. 与其购买可口可乐瓶装水,我们还不如把钱用在完善公共供水系统上。据美国环保署(EPA)估计,公共供水系统维修需要的费用超过5000亿美元。

    Perhaps our money could be better spent fixing public water systems - which currently need over $ 500 billion in repairs , according to the EPA - rather than purchasing Coke 's bottled water .

  20. CNN记者,RANDIKAYE:我们脱掉鞋子,淘汰便携式电脑,扔掉瓶装水,这一切都是以安全的名义。

    RANDI KAYE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : We take our shoes off , remove our laptops , and toss our bottled water all in the name of safety .

  21. 来自NRDC的詹妮·鲍瓦丝(JennyPowers)说道:“瓶装水是一门正在壮大的生意,随之而来的是对环境巨大的影响,而这些都是可以避免的”。

    " Bottled water is an increasingly growing business , and with that comes a whole lot of environmental impact that can be avoided by a turn of the faucet ," says Jenny Powers of the NRDC .

  22. 劳氏说,将加快其他物资的供应,包括延长电线、雪铲、融雪剂、电池和手电筒。沃尔玛(Wal-MartStoresInc.)周日表示,由于飓风到来之前的抢购,一些门店的瓶装水已经售空,该公司正在对货源进行补充。

    The company said it would expedite extra supplies , including extension cords , snow shovels , ice melt , batteries and flashlights.Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , said Sunday that it was restocking bottled water as customers empty the shelves ahead of the storm .

  23. 国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

    Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .

  24. 尽管一项消费者调查显示瓶装水被认为在健康和安全方面优于自来水,但注册营养师、执业运动营养学专家CynthiaSass认为这一结果并非完全正确。

    Although bottled water is perceived as a healthier , safer choice over tap water in consumer surveys , that is not necessarily always true , says sports nutritionist Cynthia Sass , R.D. , C.S.S.D.

  25. 达能瓶装水包括依云(evian)和badoit在西欧的销量出现下降,奶制品销售也出现缩减。

    Its sales of bottled water including Evian and badoit are falling in Western Europe and it is also battling declines in its dairy product sales .

  26. 因饰演可爱的瑞秋·格林而一直被人们所熟识的安妮斯顿依旧获得了Aveeno(艾维诺,美国强生公司的下属公司)及Smartwater(可口可乐高端瓶装水品牌)等几家公司的重要代言合同。

    Forever recognizable as the lovable Rachel Green , Aniston continues to score major endorsement deals with companies like Aveeno and Smartwater .

  27. 而且几乎每家公司都有一两台装满Hint的冰箱。这是一种口感特殊的瓶装水,似乎在旧金山肆意流淌,就像为给将来的软件工程师腾出空间而被赶走的人们的眼泪一样。

    And just about every company has a refrigerator or two stocked with Hint , a subtly flavored brand of bottled water that seems to flow as freely in San Francisco as the tears of the people who were evicted to make room for the incoming software engineers .

  28. 但即便是夏佩尔的体谅,也受到纽约市瓶装水饮用者的挑战。纽约的自来水来自卡茨基尔山(CatskillMountains),天然含有足量的钙、镁和钾,味道十分甘美。

    But even Mr Chapelle 's sympathy is strained by the bottled-water drinkers of New York City , whose tap water arrives from the Catskill Mountains , naturally infused with just enough calcium , magnesium and potassium to give it a truly delicious taste .

  29. 方法对腹膜透析液、CPDA血液保存液、输液器、保鲜膜、一次性使用塑料袋和塑料瓶装水利用液液萃取、固相萃取分离富集、反相高效液相色谱法进行分析。

    Methods Samples of peritoneal dialysis solution , blood preservative solution , infusion instruments , preservative film , disposable plastic bags and water in plastic bottles were analyzed for phthalates by RP-HPLC after liquid-liquid extraction and / or solid phase extraction .

  30. 然而,纽约人饮用的瓶装水可能比其它任何地方都多。

    Yet New Yorkers probably drink more bottled water than anyone .