
  • 网络live photography
  1. 相机自标定技术在交通事故现场摄影测量中应用的研究

    Research on Application of Camera Self-calibration Technology in Photogrammetry of Traffic Accident Scene

  2. 现场摄影图片资料在案件侦破中的应用价值研究

    The Research on Application of Site Photo Information

  3. 道路交通事故现场摄影测量几个关键问题的研究

    Study of Main Problems about the Photogrammetry in Treatment of the Traffic Accident on the Road

  4. 通过现场摄影取材、色卡比对的方式,建立了城市街道色彩数据库。

    Through on-site photographic material and color matching , I set up database of city street color .

  5. 如果你没有经历过,在犯罪现场摄影,你可能会希望能有一位经验丰富的专业与你在拍。

    If you aren 't experienced in crime scene photography , you might want to have an experienced professional with you during the shoot .

  6. 首先要交代的是这次现场摄影是我的小妹许萍,因为不专业所以很模糊!

    The photographer of the solo show was my younger sister , Ann Xu who was unprofessional in taking pictures , so many pictures were took out of focus .

  7. 采用现场摄影法,比较世界杯赛中男女皮艇运动员的桨频和划桨节奏。

    It applied the method of on-the-spot photograph to comparing the stroke frequency and rhythm of the male and female kayakers who took part in the " World Cup " .

  8. 针对复杂关联群采多空区情况,在现场摄影调查的基础上,提出了以探地雷达和瑞雷波法为主的综合探测技术。

    For complicated associated many mined-out areas , composite detecting technology with generating ground radar ( GPR ) and Raleigh wave method is taken forward , on the base of on-the-spot photography investigation .

  9. 与已发表的文献相比较,本方法简化了现场摄影操作,增大可见的下风距离,从而得到较多资料,并使普通计算方法引入的扩散参数的计算误差得到进一步的降低。

    In comparison with references published , this new procedure simplifies the manipulation of photography in the field , increases the visible downwind distance of the plume , gets more informations and minimizes the dispersion parameter errors introduced by conventional calculation process .

  10. 介绍了闪光灯的分类及特点,探讨了闪光灯在刑事摄影中的应用,根据刑事现场摄影的要求,对闪光灯的应用进行了实验。

    This paper introduces the classification and features of the flash lamp , probes into the applications of the flash lamp in the criminal detection photograph , and according to the requirements of the criminal detection photograph , makes the experiments on the application of the flash lamp .

  11. 交通事故现场俯视摄影图几何校正的研究

    Study on Geometry Correction of Bird 's-eye-photo for Traffic Accident Scene

  12. 交通事故现场正直摄影测量解析

    Analysis of Right Photographic Measurement of Traffic Accident on the Scene

  13. 工业现场近景数字摄影视觉精密测量

    Industrial Field Visual Inspection Technique Based on Digital Close Range Photogrammetry

  14. 一名在现场的路透社摄影记者说,撞机事件发生后,三机编队散开和两架飞机到对方,因为他们企图重新收敛抨击。

    A Reuters photographer at the scene said the collision occurred after a three-plane formation fanned out and two of the aircraft slammed into each other as they attempted to re-converge .

  15. 网民周一送给杨达才第一个绰号:“微笑帝”。这是因为周日发生一辆大巴和一辆罐车相撞、造成36人死亡的惨烈事故之后,这位大腹便便的领导人站在现场时被摄影记者拍到面露笑容。

    Internet users gifted Mr. Yang with the first of those nicknames ' the smiling official ' on Monday , after a photographer snapped a shot of the well-fed leader cracking a smile while standing at the site of a fiery collision between a bus and a tanker truck that killed 36 on Sunday .

  16. 刑事现场摄像构图与摄影构图的差异

    Differences in View Composition during Video Shooting and Photographs Taking

  17. 结论放射防护箱防护效果好,操作简便,易于携带,摄片成功率高,是现场手腕骨X线摄影调查的可靠配套装置。

    Conclusions Bellows model , easy to be manipulated , portable and having a higher successful rate , is a reliable accessory in field X-ray investigation on carpale .