
  • 网络Modern mobile phones;hyundai
  1. NoraVolkow:“与两部手机都关机相比,最接近手机天线的大脑区域新陈代谢增加的幅度最大。尽管现代手机技术的电波频率非常微弱,但是仍然足以刺激人类大脑,从而产生影响。”

    NORA VOLKOW : " This right area of the brain that was very close to the shows the largest increase in as compared when the telephones were off . Even though the radio frequencies that are ted from current cell phone technologies are very weak , they are able to activate the human brain to have an effect . "

  2. 多元化消费时代的到来和手机产品同质化步伐加快对现代手机产品设计提出了更高的要求。

    The consumer diversity times and product homogeneity put forward higher requirements for product design .

  3. 从前些年起,现代手机的性能就开始能与台式电脑的性能相抗衡了。

    The power of modern cell phones rivals that of desktops from just a few years back .

  4. 利用视觉元素对手机界面进行风格化设计,成为现代手机界面设计的趋势。

    It has become a new tendency nowadays to make full use of visual elements on the style design of mobile phones interface .

  5. 现代手机天线的设计必须考虑到市场目前的趋势,以解决管理多个频率的挑战。

    Modern handset antenna design has to account for the current trends in the market to address the challenges of managing multiple frequencies .

  6. 现代手机不仅仅是电话&它们也当作照相机、收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件或上网冲浪。

    Modern cell phones are more than just phones-they are being used as cameras and radios , and to send e-mail or surf the internet .

  7. 即使现代手机科技发射的电磁波频率非常微弱,但仍足以刺激人类大脑,并对此产生影响。

    Even though the radio frequencies that are emitted from current cell phone technologies are very weak , they are able to activate the human brain to have an effect . ' '

  8. 由于现代手机辐射排放量普遍降低,更多地使用短信,免提功能使手机远离头部,以上因素使手机使用人数继续上升。

    But increasing use is tempered by generally lower radiation emissions from modern phones and greater use of texting and hands-free sets that keep the phone away from the head , they said .

  9. 但Rhodes还有一些新方法:有一些现代智能手机的高级特性在Rhodes应用开发中也可以使用,比如说地理定位信息;对加速仪、摄像头以及本地PIM的存取下个版本就可以使用。

    But Rhodes adds another twist to this : some of the advanced features of modern smartphones are available to the Rhodes applications .

  10. 进军曾遭受冷落的传呼机领域为公司横跨一步迈进蒸蒸日上的手持设备市场铺平了道路,在现代智能手机用户形成渴求数据的习惯之前,RIM就已取得了成功。

    The move into pagers , an unloved technology of yesteryear , paved the way for a sidestep into the growing handset market and RIM 's success anticipated the data-hungry habits of the modern smartphone user .

  11. 在现代智能手机的崛起过程中,三星曾经是早期获益者中的一员;

    Samsung was one of the early winners in the rise of the modern smartphone ;

  12. 电池一次可以使用20天,不用像大多数现代智能手机那样经常充电。

    The recharging grind of most modern smartphones is avoided through a 20-day battery life .

  13. 该季度是“自1996年现代智能手机市场诞生以来,全球出货量首次出现同比收缩”。

    The quarter was the " first time ever since the modern smartphone market began in 1996 that global shipments have shrunk on an annualised basis . "

  14. 一项在医院内进行的国际研究证实,现代烘手机会产生一种雾化效果,将大肠杆菌、微量排泄物和引发败血症的细菌吹到物品表面上。

    An international study in hospitals established that modern dryers create an aerosol effect , blasting E. Coli as well as traces of faeces and the bacteria responsible for septicaemia onto surfaces .

  15. 移动通讯技术迅猛发展,现代智能手机已经不仅仅是一部通讯工具,其功能强大,可以拍照录像、上网购物、微博聊天、游戏办公等,提供人们生活工作所需要的信息服务。

    The rapid development of mobile communication technology , modern mobile phone function gradually strong , can take photos video , Internet shopping , micro bo chat , games , office , etc. , provide the information we need in our life and work .

  16. 上周,微软公司就现代科技——手机和社交媒体对我们注意力时长和质量的影响做了一项调查。

    Last week , Microsoft released a study that sought to analyze the impact that technology - cellphones and social media specifically - is having on our attention span and the quality of our focus .

  17. 现代话语中的手机短信

    The Messages of Mobile Phone in Contemporary Words