
  • 网络modern market system
  1. 完善基本经济制度,健全现代市场体系。

    Improve the basic economic system and the modern market system .

  2. 健全现代市场体系,加强和完善宏观调控。

    Improve the modern market system and tighten and improve macroeconomic control .

  3. 构建以人为本的现代市场体系

    Constructing the Modern Market System on the Principle of People-oriented

  4. 现代市场体系建设全面展开。

    The modern market system developed in a comprehensive way .

  5. 现代市场体系建设刍议

    Discussion on Modern Market System Construction

  6. 研究坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向,建立和完善现代市场体系问题。

    Adhere to the orientation for reforming socialist market economy to establish and perfect the current market system .

  7. 用可持续发展原则解析消费者社会和现代市场体系

    Explanation of the crisis of consumer 's society and modern economic system in light of sustainable development principles

  8. 健全现代市场体系,加强宏观调控目标和政策手段机制化建设。

    We should improve the modern market system and strengthen institutional procedures for setting macro-regulation targets and employing policy tools .

  9. 期货市场作为市场经济发展到一定程度的产物,已成为现代市场体系的一个重要部分。

    As a market economy developed to a certain extent , future market has become an important part of the modern market system .

  10. 但要真正建立统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系,仍急需尽快建立和完善竞争法,特别是尽快制定和颁布反垄断法。

    Nevertheless , it is necessary for establishment of united open orderly modern market system to set up and perfect competition law , especially , the anti-monopoly law .

  11. 社会信用体系的建立健全,是建设现代市场体系的必要条件,也是规范市场经济秩序的治本之策。

    The establishment and soundness of social credit system is essential to the construction of modern market system and it also provides fundamental solutions to standardize the order of modern economy .

  12. 要着眼于完善宏观调控体系,完善现代市场体系,理顺和规范经济关系,完善经济法律制度。

    Earnest efforts must be made to optimize china 's macro-regulatory system and the modern market system , to rationalize and regulate various economic relations and to perfect the economic legal system .

  13. 在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系。

    We should give a fuller play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources and build up a unified , open , competitive and orderly modern market system .

  14. 作为现代市场体系中的一个重要组成部分的人力资源市场(劳动力市场),为人力资源的最佳配置和有效利用提供了一个有力的场所和载体。

    As an important composing part of the modern market , the human resources market ( labor force market ) offers a powerful site and carrier for the human resources ' collocation and effective using .

  15. 运用文献资料、理论论证等方法,对民族传统体育市场服务体系建立的前提和现实意义以及如何构建多元化服务体系进行分析论证,以发展民族传统体育,完善社会主义现代市场体系。

    To make an analysis of traditional ethnic sports market prerequisite and the current meaning . How to build up the pluralistic service system ; develop traditional ethnic sports and perfect socialist modern market system are discussed in the paper .

  16. 良好的公司治理和内部控制是企业增强竞争力和提高经营绩效的必要条件,是保护所有者及其他利害相关者,保证现代市场体系有序、高效运行的微观基础。

    Favorable corporate governance and internal control are the necessary conditions to improve competition and performance of enterprises . Meanwhile they are microcosmic basis to protect inventors and other relatives , ensure modern market system to run orderly and efficiently .

  17. 党的十七大报告把规范发展行业协会和市场中介组织,健全社会信用体系作为完善我国基本经济制度、健全现代市场体系的重要举措。

    The 17th party congress report take " regulating development industry association and the market intermediary organizations , perfecting the social credit system " as to improve the basic economic system in China , improve the modern market system an important measure .

  18. 现代市场体系和宏观调控体系不断健全,财税、金融、价格、科技、教育、社会保障、医药卫生、事业单位等改革稳步推进。

    The country 's modern market system and macro-regulatory system have been steadily improved , and its reform of finance and taxation , banking , prices , science and technology , education , social security , medicine and public health , and public institutions has progressed steadily .

  19. 完善基本经济制度,实行有利于科学发展的财税制度,强化税收调节,创造公平机会,健全现代市场体系,才能从制度上更好地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用。

    To improve the basic economic system , implement the finance and taxation system constructive to scientific development , strengthen taxation regulation , create fair opportunities , and improve modern market system , will give a better play to the fundamental role market plays in distribution of resources .

  20. 从动态的角度看,基于规避市场风险而产生的期货市场与初级市场现货市场通过发挥各自的市场作用,相辅相成,互相补充,是现代市场体系的重要组成部分。

    From the dynamic point of view , the arising of futures market and primary physical market , based on avoiding marketing risks , play an important role in their respective markets , complementary and mutually supplementary , and become an important part of the modern market system .

  21. 构建平衡的现代物流市场体系

    Structuring the Modern Balanced Logistics Market System

  22. 上市公司在现代市场经济体系,尤其是资本市场中,具有举足轻重的地位。

    Listed companies play a very important role in standard market economy system , especially in capital market .

  23. 新时期我国农村现代市场流通体系建设基本框架及政策取向

    The Basic Framework and Policy Orientation for the Construction of Modern Market Circulation System in China 's Countryside

  24. 现代艺术市场体系虽然出自西方,如今也没有人可以忽视它的全球效应。

    Modern art market system was build in occidental world , but nobody can ignore its global effect at this moment .

  25. 证券交易所是现代市场经济体系中一种特殊的经济组织形式,是证券交易市场的组织者和一线监管者。

    Stock exchange is a special economic structure in modern market economy system , organization of securities markets and managerial regulation .

  26. 经济实力显著提高,综合国力大幅度提升,现代市场经济体系逐步建立。

    Economic power has significantly increased , the comprehensive national strength greatly enhanced , and modern market economy system has been well developed .

  27. 公司作为法律创设的私法主体,在现代市场经济体系中是最为普遍、最为活跃的市场主体。

    As an individual act established by the law , corporations are the most common and active market act , in the market-oriented system .

  28. 金融市场在现代市场经济体系中居于核心地位,它对于资源的合理配置发挥着越来越举足轻重的作用。

    Occupying the core of modern market economy systems , financial markets are playing a more and more important role in allocating resources rationally .

  29. 因此,在我国经济加快市场化进展中,发展中介组织对健全现代市场经济体系有着重要意义。

    Therefore , Developing the intermediary organization has vital significance to the perfecting the modern market economic system in process of speeding up marketing advancement .

  30. 探寻通过建立统一、竞争、开放、有序的现代劳动力市场体系来推进我国现代市场体系的形成途径和方法。

    Mouse out the ways of pushing up modern labor market by constructing the unified , open , competitive and orderly modern labor market system .