
  • 网络status;State information;status information;status message
  1. 当我按下Enter时,它会显示一些状态信息,直到管道到达PLAYING状态。

    When I press Enter , it prints several status messages until the pipeline reaches the PLAYING state .

  2. 扩展了一块LCD显示屏,实时动态显示电机的状态信息。

    An LCD screen was equipped to display the status of motor .

  3. 部分信道状态信息对空时OFDM系统性能的影响

    Impaction of partial channel state information on performance of space-time OFDM system

  4. 信道状态信息对MIMO容量影响的分析

    Analysis to The Effect of Channel State Information on MIMO Capacity

  5. 多用户MIMO中基于部分信道状态信息预编码的稳健性研究

    Robust precoding for multiuser MIMO system with partial channel state information

  6. MIMO系统中的部分信道状态信息反馈

    Partial Feedback for Channel State Information in MIMO System

  7. Agent摘要博士论文通信语言不仅要完成一般的通信协议的功能,而且要传递Agent的思维状态信息。

    Not only should an agent communication language work as a general communication protocol , but also needs to convey an agent 's mental state .

  8. 在每个收集运行时,您将在CollectorStatus区域(5)中看到有关该收集的状态信息。

    As each collection runs , you will see status information about the collection in the Collector Status area ( 5 ) .

  9. 用户可以提交其在线状态信息的PUBLISH请求,以指示当前状态。

    A user can submit PUBLISH requests of his presence information to indicate the current status .

  10. 汇报练习:获得AP状态信息

    Debrief Exercises : Obtaining AP status information

  11. 返回的状态信息,或者崩溃的出错信息,可以直接来源于CM工具。

    Return status information , or error information in the case of failure , comes directly from the CM tool .

  12. 首先,研究了基于部分信道状态信息(CSI)的合作中继策略。

    Firstly , partial channel state information based cooperation-strategy is studied .

  13. 提出一种新的基于被动测试的web应用测量方法,以便准确、快速的获取应用特征与状态信息。

    In order to collect the behavioral characteristics and status information of applications precisely and quickly , a novel appli - cation monitoring mechanisms based on passive measurement is presented .

  14. 您的指导者将指定这个练习用来获得状态信息的RCS号。

    Your instructor will designate the RCS number to obtain status information for this exercise .

  15. 基于EMS、SCADA状态信息的电网故障诊断方法

    Method for Fault Section Estimation in Power System Using Stator Information from EMS and SCADA System

  16. 分析CNC中PLC的类型和作用、阐述利用PLC工作状态信息窗口和PLC程序法进行故障诊断的方法和过程。

    Introducing the categories and functions of PLC in CNC , explaining that how to diagnosis the malfunction by information window and PLC program method .

  17. 在这种情况中,JSF就使用现有视图的状态信息来重构状态。

    In this case , JSF uses the existing view 's state information to reconstruct its state .

  18. 网络链路状态信息的非精确性是客观存在的,因而研究非精确网络状态信息下的QoS路由算法十分必要。

    The imprecision of network link-state information is objective , thus , the research of QoS routing algorithms under imprecise link-state information becomes necessarily .

  19. 它将打印状态信息并将sleep命令发送给SIGINT信号。

    It prints a status message and sends the sleep command a SIGINT signal .

  20. 终端接收并解析卫星的GPS定位数据,通过GPRS无线网络将车辆状态信息传输给监控中心,监控中心处理信息并通过GPRS网络向终端发送控制指令,实现对车辆的监控。

    The terminal receives and processes the GPS data , transfers the data of vehicle state information to the monitor center by GPRS wireless-network .

  21. 提出了应用流量钳制方法,来控制网络内QoS路由的连接状态信息(LSA)发布量。

    A clamp-down traffic method is proposed to control the volume of QoS link state advertisement ( LSA ) .

  22. 网络接口、路由器和桥接、服务器计算机、货架系统、刀片服务器可能被定期轮询,返回状态信息以响应SNMPGet请求。

    Network interfaces , routers and bridges , server computers , rack systems , and blades may be regularly polled to return status information in response to SNMP Get requests .

  23. 并将此系统成功地用于佛山米高电梯远程监控系统中,利用微处理器的采集电梯状态信息,通过GPRS无线通讯方式,与监控中心进行数据传输。

    Using MPU to collect the elevators state information and adopt GPRS communication method , the monitoring station transmit datum with the center .

  24. 本算法在资源分配的同时考虑用户物理信道状态信息以及反映公平性和QoS需求的其他层参数。

    The algorithm allocates the resource taking into account both the physical channel state information and parameters of other layers reflecting the system fairness and QoS requirements .

  25. 它允许您将额外的状态信息返回RPG程序。

    It allows you to send additional status information back to the RPG program .

  26. 在LPAR暂停期间,源LPAR继续把分区状态信息发送给目标服务器。

    During the LPAR suspension , the source LPAR continues to send partition state information to the target server .

  27. 基于GF-INS和GPS的汽车状态信息测试系统算法的研究

    Research on the Algorithm of Vehicle State Testing System Based on GF-INS and GPS

  28. 计算机仿真结果显示出MKPPA在求解QoS路由问题时,当计算次数不超过已有算法的计算次数时,不论是精确链路状态信息还是非精确链路状态信息条件下,均具有更高的路由计算成功率。

    The extensive simulation results show that the proposed algorithms have the higher routing computation success ratio with either accurate link-state information or inaccurate link-state information of the network .

  29. 设计了电网监测仪的应用软件,使得电网监测仪可以直接与Internet相互连接,能够接收远程控制主机的命令并向远程控制主机发送采集数据与当前状态信息。

    At the same time , designed application of monitor instrument of electrical network , which made it possible to connect with Internet directly , receive command from remote control computer and transmit data and current status information to it .

  30. 而信道状态信息是LTE系统中调制编码的关键因子,其准确性直接影响到系统整体性能。

    However , channel state information is the key factor in link adaptation technology . Its accuracy affects the system performance directly .