
  • 网络Procurement
  1. 本文旨在为国际EPC工程项目物资采购管理的研究提供参考。

    This paper aims to provide a reference for the study of materials procurement and management of international EPC projects .

  2. 以规范电力物资采购管理为目的,分析推行ISO9000标准的必要性及在物资采购中的运用。

    The necessity of promoting ISO 9000 to standardize power material procurement and the application of the standard in material procurement process are analyzed .

  3. 基于INTERNET的石油物资采购电子商务系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Internet Based Petroleum Product 's E-commerce

  4. 然后应用结构化方法,确定了煤炭行业物资采购电子商务系统的逻辑需求,建立了一个基于WEB的物资采购业务电子商务系统的逻辑模型;

    After that , the logical requirements of EC system of coal mining are described using structured method and a logical module of Web based was constructed for the Material Supporting Department of coal mining .

  5. 并进行了以订单处理自动化为核心的石油物资采购供应系统模块功能设计、订单元素设计和XML文档与数据库之间存储、查询。

    Function and module about the petroleum system material stock which takes automation about the order process as the core and order element is designed and storage and query from XML document to database is executed .

  6. 第五部分是运用MRP的物料管理思想,结合企业的实际情况,通过加强企业的物资采购管理和仓库管理,解决原材料库存管理问题。

    At last , material requirement planning and storeroom regulation are made to solve the problems of inventory management of raw materials in the fifth section .

  7. 该系统与企业CIMS系统的生产管理子系统、设计管理子系统,物资采购子系统等有机集成,形成了覆盖企业主要业务领域的质量信息反馈网络,实现信息流、业务流的统一。

    This system integrated with production management sub-system , design management sub-system , material purchase sub-system of CIMS , formed the quality information feedback system network which covered the whole company operation .

  8. 物资采购中标准化、质量、计量工作的误区

    Misunderstanding of Standardization , Quality and Measurement in the Material Purchase

  9. 浅谈联勤分部军队物资采购制度改革

    Reform of troops material acquisition in the branch of JOINT-SERVICE Department

  10. 实验物资采购管理新模式的研究及其实现方式

    The research and realization of a new experiment material purchase mode

  11. 沃尔玛采购物流体系对军队应急物资采购的启示

    Wal-Mart Purchase Logistics System 's Inspiration to Military Emergency Materials Purchase

  12. 高校基建物资采购方式探析

    An Exploration into Purchasing Methods of Capital Construction Materials in Colleges

  13. 网上物资采购问世不久,便以巨大的生命力得到快速发展。

    Net commodity purchase has been developing rapidly on its advent .

  14. 关于电信企业物资采购监督管理机制建设的探讨

    On Construction of Supervision Mechanism of Material Purchase in Telecommunication Enterprises

  15. 建筑公司物资采购管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Materials Procurement Management System in Construction Enterprises

  16. 企业物资采购中存在的风险及其防范措施

    Risks Existed in Enterprise Commodities Procurement and their Prevention Countermeasures

  17. 军队疗养院物资采购供应模式的改革

    Reforms on the pattern of materials purchasing and supplying in military sanatorium

  18. 军队物资采购交易成本研究

    A study of the transaction cost of military material acquisition

  19. 涨价及资金有限时的多品种物资采购模型

    Assorted Commodities Purchasing Model When Prices Rising and Funds Limited

  20. 电子商务在玉门油田分公司物资采购中的应用研究

    Research of Electronic Commerce Application in Material Purchasing Business in Petro Yumen

  21. 电网企业电力物资采购风险管理

    Risk Management for Procurement of Electric Power Materials for Power Grid Enterprise

  22. 浅谈平衡物资采购中的质量与成本

    How to Balance the Quality and Cost in Materials Purchasing

  23. 基于网络环境下的高校物资采购管理和软件系统研制

    Network-based Material Stocking Management in Universities and the Development of Software System

  24. 高校大宗物资采购管理改革的思考

    Thought on the Reform of Handling Big Purchase in Universities

  25. 加强船厂物资采购管理的原则与方法

    The Principles and Ways of Improving Shipyard Material Supply Management

  26. 广州地铁运营物资采购物流外包研究

    Research on the Logistics Outsourcing of Maintenance Goods Purchased by Guangzhou Metro

  27. 国有汽车企业加强物资采购监管研究

    Study on Enhancing the Supervision of State-Owned Automobile Enterprises ' Material Purchasing

  28. 高新技术发展对军用物资采购法制建设的要求

    High-tech and the construction of military material procurement regulation system

  29. 军队物资采购制度变迁透视

    Economics analysis of the change of troops material acquisition system

  30. 煤矿物资采购价值工程分析研究

    Research on value engineering in material purchasing of coal mine