
  • 网络logistics information management
  1. 基于SOA的机械企业物流信息管理系统

    Logistics information management system for mechanical enterprises based on SOA

  2. 论文基于现有的异构系统资源,结合REST架构风格的特点,设计了一个基于REST的物流信息管理集成平台。

    The paper , based on the existing system of heterogeneous resources and combining with REST architecture style , designs logistics information management integrated platform based on REST .

  3. 基于J2ME技术的现代物流信息管理软件的开发研究

    A Development Research on J2ME Based Software Application for Modern Logistics Management

  4. 最后,以物流信息管理系统为应用背景,搭建了基于语义Web服务的原型系统,并对系统进行了调试及用例分析。

    After executing the synthetic service , a result can be returned to user . Finally , a Semantic Web Services based prototype system is built taking a Logistics Management Information System as its application background .

  5. 本课题依托于上海赛晨物流信息管理系统的表现层开发过程中,通过对市场上同类产品,和各种实现技术的研究,设计了基于VISUALSTUDIO。

    After doing the research of the similar products and new technologies in the market , we developed the tool of customized and dynamic Logistics forms generation , which is based on the platform of Visual Studio .

  6. 融合了多种技术的GPS接入服务器(GAS:GPSAccessServer)是GPS物流信息管理系统的核心,其性能的高低决定了系统的优劣乃至运营的成本。

    Integration of a variety of technology GPS access server ( GAS : GPS Access Server ) is " GPS Logistics Information Management System ," the core , the performance of the system determine the level of the pros and operating costs .

  7. 介绍物流信息管理系统的分析与设计,实现了对Sybase数据库的操作控制及自动化立体仓库库位的优化算法。

    This paper introduces the analysis and design of the information management system of the logistics , the realization of the control of Sybase Database and the optimization algorithm of automatic warehouse .

  8. 构建电子物流信息管理系统的思考

    The Consideration of Constructing the Electronic System of Logistics Information Administration

  9. 开放网格服务在物流信息管理中的应用研究

    Application Research on Open Grid Service in Logistics Information Management

  10. 第三方物流信息管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Reality of the third Part Logistics Management Information System

  11. 制造企业物流信息管理系统分析与研究

    The Research on the Logistics of the Manufacturing Enterprise

  12. 计算机物流信息管理系统的实施与应用

    Practice and Application of Computer-based Material-flow Information Management System

  13. 针对高职管理类课程的案例教学法研究&以《物流信息管理》为例

    Study on the Case Teaching Method for Management Courses in Higher Professional Education

  14. 网格与现代物流信息管理初探

    A Study on Grid and Modern Logistics Information Management

  15. 农产品企业物流信息管理系统解决方案设计

    Project Design of Farm Product Logistics Information Management System

  16. 第三方物流信息管理模型的研究

    Research on Third Party Logistics Information Management Model

  17. 工作过程为导向的物流信息管理课程开发设计

    Design on Work Process-Guided Logistics Information Management Course

  18. 本实用新型的标识具有物流信息管理的功能;

    The label of the utility model has the function of logistics information management ;

  19. 物流信息管理和质量安全控制

    Logistics Information Management and Quality Security Control

  20. 物流信息管理模式的应用研究

    Application Research of Logistics Information Management Model

  21. 基于工作工程的物流信息管理模拟实训课程的开发

    The Development of Simulation for the Logistics Information Management Training Curriculum Based on Work Process

  22. 构建现代物流信息管理系统

    Construct Modern Logistics Information Management System

  23. 现代物流信息管理中配送车辆路线优化研究

    Optimization of Modern Logistics Distribution Routing

  24. 文章结合适用于我国中小军工企业的物流信息管理系统,对网络化制造环境下的库存信息管理系统进行了重点的设计与开发。

    The article designs system for networked inventory information management , and it is suit for medium-sized military enterprises .

  25. 分析了当前物流信息管理的需求。提出了面向物流信息集成的体系结构。

    The paper analyzes the demands of current logistics information management , and gives the architecture of logistics oriented information integration .

  26. 自动化仓库系统是涉及物流信息管理、自动化设备控制及货位优化管理等技术领域的综合系统。

    Automated Storage and Retrieval System ( AS / RS ) is an integrated system which involves logistics information management , automated equipment control , goods location optimization , etc.

  27. 现场操作人员将数据即时地发送到服务器,远程操作人员通过农产品物流信息管理系统软件更新数据,管理数据库。

    The site operators send the data instantly to the server , the remote operator update data and manage the database through by the agricultural products logistics information system software .

  28. 整个系统分为标签签发管理、养殖信息管理、屠宰信息管理、物流信息管理、销售信息管理和中心管理平台等六个子系统。

    The whole system is divided into six sub-label issuing management , information management farming , slaughtering information management , logistics information management , information management and sales center management platform .

  29. 在此基础上,本文运用物流信息管理系统和作业成本法的理论知识,首先对物流信息管理系统所具备功能和系统程序的应用进行了描述和介绍。

    This paper , employing theories of Logistic Information Management System and Work Cost Mechanism , at first , described and instructed the functions and appliance of Logistic Information Management System .

  30. 简要论述了物流信息管理在企业管理中的意义,并详细介绍了企业物流信息管理软件的设计方案、优点。

    This paper simply introduces significance of resource circulation information management in enterprise management , and explicates design project , advantage of the enterprise 's resource circulation information integrated data management software .