
  1. 船舶担保物权的消灭问题研究

    Study on Extinguishment of Security Right on Ships

  2. 第五章则探讨了船舶担保物权的相对消灭问题。

    The fifth chapter discusses the case of relative extinguishment of security right on ships .

  3. 物权请求权与消灭时效

    Right of The Real Claim and Extinctive Prescription

  4. 物权关系的相对消灭,是指物权相对于特定的主体消灭,如物权在主体间的转移等,也就是上述广义物权变更中的主体变更。

    Elimination of the economic relationship , the property rights with respect to the elimination of a particular subject , such as property rights transfer between the main , is the generalized real right to change the main change .

  5. 目前,正值我国物权法制定之际,本文旨在通过对物权请求权消灭时效制度的研究,希冀对我国的物权法理论和《物权法》立法及司法实践有所裨益。

    The study on extinctive prescription of right of the real claim may contribute to the academic ideas as well as constituting a new Real Law in China .

  6. 广义的变更,包括物权的主体、客体与内容等要素中的一项或数项的变更,而狭义的变更仅指物权客体与内容的变更;物权的消灭也有绝对消灭和相对消灭之说。

    Broad changes , including one or more of the property rights of the subject , object and content elements change , and changes in the narrow sense refers only to the object of real right content changes ; The Real Right elimination absolute eradication and relative destroy .