
wù jià bǔ tiē
  • Price subsidies;subsidy to compensate for price rises
  1. 提高乳制品的物价补贴

    Raise price supports for dairy products

  2. 在社会环境发生变化的同时,国家为了保障原退休职工的基本生活,也几次规定在原有退休金的基础上增发了一定的物价补贴和生活补贴。

    With social environment changed , in order to ensure the basic life of the retired worker , Countries pay a certain price additional subsidies and life subsidies .

  3. 职工生育保险费用,由单位包干用于:产妇分娩期间医药费;按规定的产假工资、物价补贴和奖金;产妇营养补助费。

    The worker bears insurance cost , be responsible for a task unit until it is completed by the unit use at : during the puerpera labors medical expenses ; press allowance of maternity leave salary of the regulation , prices and bonus ; puerpera nutrition allowance is expended .

  4. 指为了补贴职工特殊或额外的劳动消耗和因其他特殊原因支付给职工的津贴,以及为保证职工工资水平不受物价影响支付给职工的物价补贴。

    Refers to subsidies paid to staff and workers for compensating special or extra labor and allowances paid to staff and workers to offset the impact of inflation on real wages .