
niú wěi
  • oxtail
牛尾[niú wěi]
  1. 牛尾汤和清汤,您要哪一种?

    Which would you prefer , oxtail soup or clear soup ?

  2. 我建议您尝尝牛尾汤,先生。

    I suggest you try the oxtail soup , sir .

  3. 脱脂牛肉粉、粗脂肪、牛尾毛中δ13C、δ15N值均可作为牛肉产地溯源的指标,它们对牛肉产地来源的判别规律一致。

    The δ 13C and δ 15N values of defatted muscle , crude fat , cattle hair , which provided consistent information for geographical traceability , could be used in beef geographical origin assessment .

  4. 田间试验采用裂区设计,在不同种植模式下采用15N示踪研究了苜蓿与牛尾草混播及单播草地的产草量、产氮量和固氮量的变化。

    Effects of planting patterns on dry weight , N yield and dinitrogen fixation in alfalfa meadow fescue pasture are studied by using split plot design in the field for two successive years .

  5. 去了皮的牛尾做成的汤。

    A soup made from the skinned tail of an ox.

  6. 牛尾菜种子发芽特性的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Germination Character of Smilax riparia Seed

  7. 牛尾菜的资源利用与研究现状

    Study on Exploitation for Resource of Smilax Riparia A. DC

  8. 牛尾海是连接香港陆地和南中国海的重要通道。

    Port Shelter is an important harbor connecting Hong Kong and South China Sea .

  9. 牛尾独活的化学成分

    The Oxtail Fox Chemical Constituents of Heracleum Hemsleyanum

  10. 文件与档案&牛头与牛尾的关系

    Documents and Archives : The Relation of the Ox Head and the Ox Tail

  11. 纪昌回到家里,用根牛尾毛将一只虱子吊在窗户上。

    Ji Chang returned home and hung a louse on the window with an ox tailhair .

  12. 或吃盘牛尾?

    Or a plate of oxtail ?

  13. 牛尾海污水收集整体计划研究

    Port Shelter Sewerage Master Plan Study

  14. 该项目位于邢台市高开区东部,振兴七路东侧,牛尾河南岸。

    It is on the east side of Seventh Zhenxing Road and the south bank of Niuwei River .

  15. 炉灶上炖的是由牛尾和鸡混在一起的牙买加炖肉,炖肉的香味沿着道路飘散开来。

    Simmering on the stove was a Jamaican stew of oxtail and chicken , whose smell wafted through the open doorway .

  16. 现在反应唐代的电视剧挂的可都是牛尾啊!从尾部切下来的牛排。

    Now the things in Tang dynasty shown on teleplay may be all oxtails ! a steak cut from the rump .

  17. 鸢尾科的一个单子叶植物属。有关雁翎刀.柳叶刀.牛尾刀.该如何区别?

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae . How to distinguish the Yanling sword , Willow leaf sword and cow-tail sword ?

  18. 第二期计划是在牛尾海和大滩海敷设人工鱼礁,敷设工作已于九月展开。

    The second phase , which involves the deployment of artificial reefs in Port Shelter and Long Harbour , commenced in September .

  19. 鸡脚草、牛尾草在放牧条件下体内糖分含量积累动态与再生速度关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between dynamics of suger accumulation and rate of regeneration of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca pratensis under grazing condition

  20. 苜蓿、牛尾草混种模式的探讨及其固氮评估

    Discussion on the planting patterns of alfalfa and meadow fescue in mixed culture and evaluation for their contribution from N 2 fixation

  21. 他指着钢质切肉台后一幅母牛示意图上的牛尾说:这里的肉不好吃。

    Pointing to the tail on a diagram of a cow behind the steel counter , he says : Not good for meat .

  22. 此酒可单独饮用,也可搭配各式肉类菜肴,诸如辛辣风味羊肉、羊肉串、传统风味烤肉、牛尾以及烧烤牛排。

    Enjoy on its own or serve with meat dishes such as spicy lamb , souvlaki or kebabs or traditional roasts , oxtail and barbecued steaks .

  23. 瓮缸是西贡牛尾海众多岛屿之一,是珊瑚及其他海洋生物的重要生境地。

    Bluff island is one of many islands in port shelter , Sai kung , and is an important area for corals and other marine life .

  24. 首先要将橄榄油在沙锅里加热,后放入肉丝煎炒,再加上调过味的牛尾煎一段时间,注意不要把肉丝煎糊。

    First you heat up some olive oil in a casserole , fry some bacon cubes in this , add seasoned oxtail and brown them for a few minutes , taking care not to burn the bacon .

  25. 晚期还有一种情况不是因断茎而改茎,是因为要配合比较粗大的牛尾装,而将茎改长改弯。

    In the later period , there has another circs that it isn 't changed because the stalk broken , because it could be cooperated quite thick oxtail fitting , but the stalk should be elongated and change into bend .

  26. 牛尾芥是闽西当地特种芥菜,以牛尾芥为原料制作的闽西酸菜有着悠久的历史,以其特殊的清爽酸味和香味深受民众欢迎。

    Shelter mustard is special mustard in Longyan City , Fujian Province . The sour pickled cabbage that is made of the shelter mustard has a long history is deeply welcomed by people , with its fresh acidity and sweet smell .

  27. 他经常在中午打电话说“嗨,我在附近——想不想见个面,快快喝杯咖啡?或吃盘牛尾?”我们在罗马后街那些肮脏小酒吧消磨了许多时间。

    He often calls in the middle of the day to say , " Hey , I 'm in your neighborhood - want to meet up for a quick cup of coffee ? Or a plate of oxtail ? " We spend a lot of time in these dirty little dives in the back streets of Rome .