- 名patrilineal society

Whith the development of human civilization , human society has evolved from matriarchal society to patrilineal society . So do the myth world .
Secondly , in the patrilineal society , there are not only the descent of the males and exchange of the females , but also the descent of the females and exchange of the males , which also constitutes an important way to the territorial community .
Thus , the patriarchal system was based upon love , not force .
the very strict patriarchal societies are starting to break down a little ,
Moreover , this archetype reflects the history that the paternal society replaced the matriarchal society .
Over several decades , South Korea built one of the most patriarchal societies we know about .
The patriarchal society subordinates the female to the male . Like a caged-bird , they do not have any rights .
Under the overwhelmingly powerful patriarchal system , men occupy the dominant position while women are forced to accept an unfavorable and inferior status as the Other .
On the one hand , sexism in language is the inevitable outcome of the development of a patriarchal society , which is the similarity of these two languages .
Since the establishment of man-ruled position in patriarchic society , female behavior criterion came to be regulated by the mode of collective unconsciousness , being an ineradicable rule of social reality .
The ape and human societies are parallel primitive patriarchies ( women nurture and worry , while men lead and fight , a disappointing but hardly surprising failure of imagination on the filmmakers " part ) , and they are threatened by symmetrical schisms .
It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .
In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge .
Much information about the patriarchal commune is documented in Chinese literature , like the Records of the Grand Historian and the Bamboo Annals .
Generally believed that a matriarchal clan community of early end to the patriarchal clan society transitional phase , has entered advanced paternal clan society .
At the early stage of it , some excellent chieftains appeared . Among them , the most distinguished ones are Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors .
Although the uncle right from the matriarchal clan community is only to the patriarchal clan society of a transitional intermediate links , but in the history of the development of human society have a prominent position .
Under the domination of the patriarchal system , women and nature have no choice but to revolt .
It mainly states that there were men habitat in Mongolian plateau from the Old Stone Age , and those pre & historical men are the precedent of the present Mongolians . Many tribes in the Mongolian plateau were in the stage of paternal clan .