首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 你是你父皇的唯一选择。

    Because you are the only choice your father has left .

  2. 父皇,你也有过盲目的爱是吧?

    Father , have you ever had blind love before ?

  3. 全是我的罪孽,父皇,请惩罚我吧。

    It is my crime , father , punish me .

  4. 我把性命还给您,您拿去吧,父皇。

    I can give you my life , TAKE IT , FATHER .

  5. 您说过,不可在盛怒中行事。父皇!父皇!

    No , father , please , you are in a rage .

  6. 假如你父皇不如此,谁又有如此权力这样做呢?

    If your father didn 't do it , who else could have the power to ?

  7. 按你父皇的心愿行事,就会成为继承者。

    To be what your father wants , is to be the heir of his throne .

  8. 我不想象父皇和死去的两个叔父那样终其一生。

    I don 't want to end up like my father or my two dead uncles .

  9. 不破除常规,爱又何以为爱。这是我父皇说的。

    Love is not true if it doesn 't break any rules . That 's what my father said .

  10. 我向父皇的妃子们谄谄献媚。我感觉就像野狗追逐脏老鼠一样恶心。

    And I show respect and give gifts to my father 's Concubines . Ah , I feel like a dog chasing dirty mice .

  11. 因此,他的父皇颁布了条法令,要求他的所有国民都要去磕鸡蛋的细端,不然就要受到严惩。

    Where upon the Emperor his father published an edict , commanding all his subjects upon great penalties , to break the smaller end of their eggs .