
  • 网络photographic chemistry
  1. 含碲有机物在照相化学中的应用

    Application of Organic Tellurium Compounds in Photographic Chemistry

  2. 近年来,核/壳乳剂的研究在照相化学领域中起着重要的作用。

    Recently , the studies of the core / shell emulsions play an important role in the field of photographic chemistry .

  3. 伽玛值:量度照相化学处理的对比方法。

    Gamma : A measure of contrast in photographic processing .

  4. 照相化学增感剂专利最新动态

    The Latest Development of the Patents of Photographic Chemical Sensitizer

  5. 吡唑酮型成品红成色剂的照相活性与化学结构之关系

    The relation between photographic activities and structures of pyrazolone colour couplers

  6. 漂白:(1)照相材料的化学处理方法。它把黑色金属银粒的影像变成无色的银粒复合物。

    Bleaching : ( 1 ) Chemical process on photographic materials , which converts the black metallic silver image into a colourless silver complex .

  7. 彩色照相的原理和化学简述

    An outline on the principle and chemistry of color development

  8. 照相明胶中铁的化学形态研究

    Study on chemical forms of iron in photographic gelatin used in color film making

  9. 大苏打:英文是硫代梳酸钠的简称。是显影后把照相影像定影的化学剂。

    Hypo : Abbreviation for sodium hyposulphite , a chemical used to fix photographic images after development .

  10. 利用凝胶层析-电热石墨管炉原子吸收光谱法对照相明胶中铁的化学形态进行了研究。

    Chemical forms of iron in photographic gelatin used in color film making were studied by means of gel filtration-atomic absorption spectrum method .

  11. 从原理和技术两个方面对黑白照相术中的化学变化进行了探讨,集知识性、趣味性和实用性于一体。

    In this paper , we probed into chemical changes in black and white photography from two aspects of principle and technology , which is not only informative and practical , but also interesting .

  12. 银电镀、照相业及实验室化学分析等诸多行业产生大量的含银废水,直接将其排放到自然界既污染环境又浪费资源。

    Silver-containing wastewater is discharged by silver-gilt industry , photographic industry , chemical analysis in laboratory and so on . It is not only pollution to environment but also waste to resources if we let it out into nature without reclamation .