
  • 网络coal consumption
  1. 同时,据国际能源机构(InternationalEnergyAgency)估计,2010年的全球煤炭消费量达到72.38亿吨(这是可获取的最新数据)。

    At the same time the International Energy Agency estimates , global coal consumption reached 7,238 million tons in 2010 , the latest data available .

  2. 据美国能源情报署(EnergyInformationAdministration)估计,2014年中国煤炭消费量未出现增长,而中国国家统计局(NBS)的数据显示,去年中国的煤炭产量下降了3.3%。

    The US Energy Information Administration estimates that coal consumption stayed flat in 2014 , and the National Bureau of Statistics states production fell by 3.3 per cent last year .

  3. EIA的分析还得出一个结论,煤炭消费量的增长正在大幅放缓。

    The EIA 's analysis also concluded that growth in coal use was slowing dramatically .

  4. 据美国能源情报署(EIA)对中国最新发布数据的分析,本世纪中国的煤炭消费量被显著低估,这使气候变化谈判代表们在今年12月巴黎联合国气候大会前面临更多问题。

    China 's coal use this century has been significantly underestimated , according to analysis of new Chinese data by the US Energy Information Administration , adding to climate change negotiators " problems ahead of December 's UN conference in Paris .

  5. 电力工业煤炭消费量的计量经济模型预测研究

    Forecast and research of the econometric model for electric power industry 's coal consumption

  6. 我国煤炭消费量灰色关联分析

    Coal Consumption Grey Relation Analysis in Our Country

  7. 化学工业每年的煤炭消费量在四亿吨以上。

    Over four hundred million tons of coal is used by chemical industry each year .

  8. 煤炭消费量预测的人工神经网络方法

    Study on Prediction of the Coal Consumption Based on the Method of Artificial Neural Network

  9. 除非中国削减煤炭消费量,否则任何应对气候变化的国际性方案都无法获得成功。

    No international program to combat climate change can succeed unless China slashes its burning of coal .

  10. 中美两国的煤炭消费量之和占全球总量的40%以上。

    Together , the United States and China account for more than 40 percent of global coal consumption .

  11. 去年,中国煤炭消费量下跌了2.9%,是14年来首次下跌。

    Consumption of coal in China fell 2.9 per cent last year , the first drop in 14 years .

  12. 实际上中国的煤炭消费量在2014年已经下滑,煤炭进口下降了11%,这是十年来的首次下降。

    Indeed , coal consumption in China fell in 2014 , with imports down 11 per cent , the first fall in a decade .

  13. 中国约占全球煤炭消费量的46%,其后是美国(13%)和印度(9%)。

    China accounted for 46 % of the consumption , followed by the United States at 13 % , and India with 9 % .

  14. 在我国能源消费结构中,煤炭消费量占76%左右,煤是我国的第一能源。

    In our country , coal resource consumption is about 76 % of the whole energy consumption structure , and coal is also the first source .

  15. 尽管中国目前主要采用燃煤发电,但如果要使中国的人均用电量达到世界平均水平,其煤炭消费量将需要增至目前水平的四倍,那将快速耗尽国内的煤炭供应。

    While coal dominates today , coal consumption would need to quadruple for per capita power use to reach that average , which would quickly exhaust domestic coal supplies .

  16. 近十年以来,新疆煤炭消费量基本占能源消费总量的60.95%左右,以煤为主的能源结构在未来相当长时期内难以根本改变。

    Over the last decade , the coal consumption amounts of 60.95 % of total energy consumption in Xinjiang . The coal-based energy structure in the future is changed fundamentally for a quite long period .

  17. 随着城市环境治理力度的加大,大、中城市的燃烧结钩面临着根本性的改变,城区煤炭消费量逐年下降。

    With harnessing of environment is strengthened , the structure of energy consumption in big and medium-size cities has been changing once and for ail , but the general amount has been decreasing year by year .

  18. 在今后20年中,全球新增煤炭消费量将有80%来自中国和印度,中国有着充足的国内供应,而印度则需要进口更多煤炭。

    China and India also will account for 80 % of the growth in coal consumption over the next two decades , with China tapping abundant domestic supplies but India having to import more of what it needs .

  19. 研究人员称,2015年中国碳排放量预计将减少多达3.9%,主要是由于中国的煤炭消费量至少在2015年的头8个月出现了下降。

    The country 's emissions were expected to fall by as much as 3.9 per cent in 2015 , researchers said , largely because of a fall in coal consumption in at least the first eight months of 2015 .

  20. 灰色动态模型与我国煤炭产量消费量的预测

    Grey Dynamic Model and Our Country s Coal production and consumption preduction

  21. 我国煤炭产量和消费量都占世界第一,是世界上少数几个以煤为主要能源的国家。

    China ranks first in the world in both coal production and consumption , becoming one of a few countries which take coal as the main source of energy .

  22. 中国煤炭产量和消费量均居世界首位,占国内一次能源生产和消费总量的85%左右。

    Our country coal resources are very abundance . Coal output and consumption occupy first place in the world , which occupying about 85 % in the internal primary energy produces and consumption .

  23. 随着清洁能源和可再生能源的开发,21世纪的能源结构将逐渐改变,到本世纪中叶有可能发生重大变化,但煤炭的绝对消费量有增无减。

    With the development of clean and renewable energy resources , energy resources structure in the 21st century will be changed gradually and a great change might take place in the middle of the 21st century , but absolute consumption of coal will grow more and more .

  24. 2001年其煤炭生产量和消费量分别占世界总量的22.3%和24.6%。

    Their coal production and consumption account for 22.3 % and 24.6 % of the world total ' s.

  25. 江苏省煤炭资源储量不够丰富,然而江苏煤炭的消费量年年攀升,煤炭供需矛盾突出,因此需要从省外大量调运煤炭。

    Coal resources in Jiangsu province is limited , however , the coal consumption of Jiangsu keeps increasing year by year . With the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent , Jiangsu needs a lot of coal transferred from other provinces .

  26. 由于受资源储备和传统能源结构的限制,煤炭历来是我国最主要的能源之一,年煤炭消费量占全国能源总量的75%左右,1997年煤炭消费量13.9亿吨,仍为世界第一。

    The coal is the main energy because of the limit of the traditional energy structure . The consumption of the coal is about 75 % of the total consumption . The consumption in 1997 was 1.39 billion ton , which was the first place in the world .

  27. 根据近几年来我国煤炭消费总量和各行业煤炭消费数据,通过灰色关联度分析了我国煤炭消费总量与各主要行业煤炭消费量的相关关系。

    The paper analysis correlativity between the total coal consumption and the main industry correlated with coal of our country , according to the data of the total coal consumption and every walk of life correlated with coal in our country in recent years .