
  • 网络slurry;coal liquid
  1. 黑液水煤浆焦与普通水煤浆焦CO2催化气化反应特性研究

    Research on Alkali-catalysed CO2-Gasification of Coal Black Liquor Slurry Char and Coal Water Slurry Char

  2. 利用MonteCarlo方法进行煤浆系统的几何设计

    Geometry Design of Coal Slurry System Using Monte Carlo Method

  3. 降低水煤浆雾炬燃烧氮氧化物(NOx)排放的研究

    Researches on the low no_x emission combustion of coal water slurry spray

  4. GE水煤浆气化炉的结构设计特点分析

    Analysis of structural design features of Ge coal-water slurry gasifier

  5. 碱金属Na对黑液水煤浆焦-CO2气化特性的影响

    Catalytic Influence of the Alkali-Metal Na on the CO_2-Gasification of Coal Black Liquid Slurry Char

  6. 燃煤锅炉NOx形成机理及其排量控制技术探讨链条炉排锅炉改燃水煤浆后炉内气流特性研究

    A Research on NO_x Formation Mechanism and Emission Control Technology in Coal Burning Boilers Flow Characteristics in CWM-fired Chamber Retrofitted from Travelling Grate Boiler

  7. Texaco水煤浆技术与Shell干煤粉气化技术的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis on Texaco Water Coal Slurry Technique and Shell Dry Coal Dust Gasification Technique

  8. 具体阐述在大化肥石脑油制氨装置改扩建为水煤浆制氨装置工程中的耐硫CO变换系统的安全设计。

    This article presents the safety design of CO shift system for large scale ammonia revamping project where feedstock shall be changed from naphtha to coal .

  9. 得出真菌脱硫的适宜条件是:pH值为6,温度为45℃,煤浆浓度为15%,煤粒度为160μm。

    The optimum conditions of desulfurization are obtained as follows : pH value 6 , temperature 45 ℃, concentration of coal slurry 15 % and coal size 160 μ m.

  10. GMR控制系统在新型水煤浆气化炉中的应用

    Application of GMR Control System for New Type of Coal Water Slurry Gasifier

  11. 水煤浆热解过程中HCN和NH3释放特性的分析

    An Analysis of HCN and NH_3 Release Characteristics of Coal-water Slurry in its Pyrolysis Process

  12. 针对钢管连续退火水煤浆炉工艺控制要求,选用可编程序控制器S7-200(PLC)作为下位机的集成控制(IPC+PLC系统)方案。

    A control system ( IPC + PLC ), using s7-200 as field controller is proposed for the steel tube annealing process .

  13. 水煤浆添加剂NSF制浆试验及其效能的研究

    Research on the Ability of Making Slurry with NSF as Additive for CWS and Its Effect

  14. Texaco水煤浆气化技术是目前世界上最先进的煤气化方法之一。

    Texaco coal slurry gasification technology is one of the most advanced methods of coal gasification field so far .

  15. 究其原因是因为两种水煤浆矿物质在炉内热力环境下的行为不同,其中Fe的存在形式、炉内行为对灰渣熔融特性有很大影响。

    The results show coal 's characteristics in nature is the root factor deciding mineral behavior inside furnace , and the chief difference of the coal fired in two boilers is the ferric mode of occurrence .

  16. 选择了三种常用的水煤浆(CWS)的分散剂,考察了分散剂的用量对水煤浆(CWS)的质量浓度及粘度的影响。

    In this paper , three representative dispersants for CWS are selected to study the effects of dispersant dosage on CWS concentration and viscosity .

  17. 中国的水煤浆技术,已通过了25万t/a浆厂和230t/h炉72h运行试验。

    A test on 250,000t / a slurry plant , 230t / h heater with Chinese CWM technology for 72 hours operation is successful .

  18. 淮南煤炭资源丰富,煤质优良,但是由于淮南煤灰熔融温度很高(FT>1500℃),因此不能直接应用于安徽淮化集团的Texaco水煤浆气化炉。

    Huainan coal can 't be used directly in Texaco gasifier for its high fusion temperature ( FT > 1500 ° C ) .

  19. HNF系列水煤浆添加剂的应用

    Application of HNF Series Additives of Coal Water Mixture

  20. 介绍了德士古渣油气化工艺和水煤浆气化工艺中Fe(CO)5和Ni(CO)4的生成机理、生成量以及对低温甲醇洗装置的影响和采取的防范措施。

    Mechanism of formation of Fe ( CO ) 5 and Ni ( CO ) 4 , their influence to Rectisol section , and counter measures for the purpose of anti clogging in Texaco gasification from oil and coal are introduced .

  21. 用DSD酸氧化废水制备水煤浆技术可从根本上解决DSD酸生产过程产生的废水污染。

    The wastewater pollution from DSD acid making process could be solved by making water coal slurry with DSD acid oxidation wastewater completely .

  22. Ф3.3×5.8m水煤浆磨机的开发与应用

    Development & Applicaton of Water - coal Pulp Mill

  23. 研究了多种水煤浆分散剂对安徽淮化Texaco气化炉备选煤种成浆性能的影响。

    The influence of various dispersants on the property of coal-water slurry was studied for the selected coals in Texaco gasifier of the Huainan Chemical Group of Anhui .

  24. 在向水煤浆中添加CMC(羧甲基纤维素钠),成功实现水煤浆高压均匀输送基础上,对超临界水中煤/CMC催化气化制氢性能进行了进一步研究。

    As coal was transported homogeneously at high pressure by adding the sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ), the hydrogen production from catalytic gasification of coal / CMC in supercritical water ( SCW ) was investigated .

  25. Cr2O3具有独特、优良的抗渣侵蚀性能,而添加Cr2O3的含铬耐火材料是RH精炼炉、炼铜/镍炉以及水煤浆气化炉等关键部位不可替代的耐火材料。

    Cr_2O_3 is possessed of outstanding , eminent slag corrosion resistance . So , the chrome-bearing refractories are all the same used in key part of RH finery , copper or nickel refining furnaces and coal gasifiers for use as important refractories .

  26. 煤浆法烟气脱硫基于液相催化氧化的原理,在脱除烟气中SO2的同时,还能降低煤系黄铁矿硫含量。

    Coal slurry flue gas desulphurization ( FGD ) is based on aqueous catalytic oxidation . SO2 is removed from flue gas through the reaction , and the content of sulfur in coal pyrite is reduced at the same time .

  27. 提出了优化浆温和雾化蒸汽压力、适当降低预热空气温度和优化吹灰次数和时间等优化运行方式来实现水煤浆燃烧的低NOx排放。

    Optimal operation modes of lowering NO_x for coal water slurry-fired boiler in utility were proposed , including optimum temperature of CWS and atomization steam pressure , optimum preheat air temperature , optimum frequency and length of time of soot blow , etc.

  28. 作为清洁能源之一的水煤浆技术,可以缓解石油资源的紧缺,同时还减少了SO2和NOx的排放,受到各国的重视。

    Coal Water Slurry ( CWS ), as one of clean energy sources , can solve the lack of petroleum resource , It can also decrease the emission of SO_2 and NO_x · So it becomes more important attention-getting due to its many virtues .

  29. 总结了新型一氧化碳耐硫变换催化剂QDB-04在德士古水煤浆气化制甲醇装置上的首次工业应用情况。

    The first industrial use is summed up of the new-type sulfur-tolerant CO shift conversion catalyst QDB-04 in a methanol unit based on the Texaco coal-water slurry gasification process .

  30. 介绍了PSFL系列立轴双反击破碎机的性能、特点及在水煤浆生产中的应用效果。

    The property and feature of PSFL series vertical shaft impact crusher and application in coal water slurry production are introduced in this paper .