
jiān yú
  • Fried fish;fry fish
  1. 煎鱼要用慢火。

    We should use slow fire to fry fish .

  2. 你尝过这里的辣椒煎鱼吗?

    Have you tried to get chili fries on this campus ?

  3. 7.adj.烤的,有格子的,炙过的烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。

    Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish .

  4. 哇!有煎鱼,我最爱吃了!

    Wow ! Fried fish . That 's my favorite .

  5. 烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。

    Grilled fish drier and less greasy than fried fish .

  6. 可我没吃什么煎鱼啊!

    But I have not had any fried fish !

  7. 捉到鱼,才煎鱼。

    Never fry a fish till it 's caught .

  8. 他们贪婪地闻着煎鱼铺的香味。

    They snuffed the smell of the fried-fish shops .

  9. “可我没吃什么煎鱼啊!”他说。

    " But I have not had any fried fish !" he said .

  10. 请给我油煎鱼加炸土豆片试试。

    Let me try fish and chip , please .

  11. 她每天都要帮妈妈放青。煎鱼时不能只煎一面,要及时翻个儿。

    You must turn over the fish at the right time when you cook it .

  12. 我一定得在这个我们吃饭和晚间休息的房间里煎鱼吗?

    Must I fry those fish here in this room where we eat and spend our evenings ?

  13. “那么,你的煎鱼值多少钱?”法官问那女人。

    " Well , how much does your fried fish cost ?" the judge asked the woman .

  14. 屋子里除了一个老太婆以外,什么人也没有,她现在在一盏油灯上煎鱼。

    Nobody was at home except an old Lapland woman , who was dressing fish by the light of an oil lamp .

  15. 他们卖辣椒.是的,他们也卖煎鱼.但他们不把两者放在一起.

    They sell chili . Oh , yes , and they sell the fries . But they cannot put the two together .

  16. 油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直收到英国人的欢迎,但是随着海洋捕捞泛滥,鱼也变得越来越昂贵。

    Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain , but as the ocean have been overfished , fish has become more and more expensive .

  17. 以下是较为流行的土豆类菜品:土豆香肠,土豆泥,炸土豆和洋白菜,煎鱼土豆饼(大部分食料是土豆),兰开夏火锅及土豆肉饼。

    Popular potato dishes are bangers and mash , bubble and squeak , fishcakes ( mostly potato not fish ) , champ . Lancashire hot-pot or shepherd 's pie .

  18. 然而未庄人真是不见世面的可笑的乡下人呵,他们没有见过城里的煎鱼!

    " It 's ludicrous !" Nevertheless , Wei Zhuang people really were ridiculous peasants who hadn 't been exposed to the world . They 'd never seen fish fried in the city !