
shāo xīn
  • heartburn;worry;(of cabbages)turn yellow at the heart
烧心 [shāo xīn]
  • (1) [worry]∶忧心

  • 别玩笑呀!我是烧心的事。--《三侠五义》

  • (2) [heartburn]∶胃部感觉烧灼,多由胃酸过多刺激胃粘膜引起;胸骨下部后方的一种烧灼感,通常与食管下端或胃贲门的痉挛有关

  • (3) [(of cabbages)turn yellow at the heart]∶菜心因病害而发黄

烧心[shāo xīn]
  1. 柠檬的维生素C含量很高,可以缓解感冒症状,还可以防止烧心。

    High in vitamin C , lemons relieve cold and flu symptoms and can also relieve heartburn .

  2. 研究背景:胃食管反流病(GastroesophagealRefluxDisease,GERD)以烧心和反酸为主要的特征性症状,在西方国家人群中是一种常见的胃肠疾病。

    Background : Gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) is a relatively common disorder in the Western populations , which main symptoms include heartburn and acid regurgitation .

  3. 为大白菜干烧心QTL定位和分析奠定了基础。

    It will contribute to the following location and analysis of QTL of tipburn in Chinese cabbage .

  4. 结果:1.治疗组较对照组更能改善患者的烧心、胃脘满闷而痛等临床症状(P0.05)。

    Results : 1 . the treatment group improved more than the control group of patients with heartburn , epigastric pain over nausea and other symptoms ( P 0.05 ) . 2 .

  5. 幽门螺旋杆菌感染和根除对胃食道反流和烧心的影响:Bristol螺旋杆菌随机对照试验

    Randomised controlled trial of effects of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on heartburn and gastro-oesophageal reflux : Bristol helicobacter project

  6. 方法:对在消化专科门诊就诊的有烧心、胸骨后疼痛、反酸和反食等症状的病例,行胃镜和24h食管pH监测等检查。

    Methods : Subjects with symptoms of heartburn , substernal chest pain , acid and food regurgitation in the out-patient department of digestive disease were referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and 24 hour esophageal pH monitoring .

  7. 结果两组治疗4周均可明显改善FD患者上腹胀、早饱、腹痛、烧心、食欲不振及嗳气等症状,与治疗前相比,差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    Results Both medical and control group have significantly improved the symptoms of abdominal distention , early satiety , abdominal pain , heartburn , anorexia and belching in patients with functional dyspepsia 4 weeks after treatment ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 结果:200例中49例以反酸、烧心、咽部异物感等消化道症状为主;

    Results : 49 patients with mainly acid reflux and heartburn ;

  9. 我想看一看医生,诊断一下我的烧心症状。

    I 'd like to see the doctor about my heartburn .

  10. 但是如果经常烧心,应该去看医生。

    But if it happens often , check with your doctor .

  11. 大白菜耐低钙品系的筛选及干烧心发生的机制的研究

    The Screening to Low Calcium and Mechanism of Chinese Cabbage to Tip-Burn

  12. 经常打嗝、烧心的人属于重点人群。

    Often the person of belch , heartburn belongs to key crowd .

  13. 不同肥料和灌溉方式对生菜钙吸收和干烧心的影响

    Effects of Different Irrigation and Fertilizer on Ca Absorption and Tipburn of Lettuce

  14. 用于缓解胃酸过多所致的胃痛,胃灼热(烧心)。

    Used to relieve hyperacidity due to stomach pain , heartburn ( heartburn ) .

  15. 方法:选择经支气管激发试验确诊为支气管哮喘且伴有烧心、反酸等消化道症状的患者32例,再行电子胃镜检查,比较反流性食管炎严重程度与肺功能各参数的关系。

    Methods : 32 asthma patients diagnosed by bronchial provocation test were tested electronic gastroscopy .

  16. 烧心一直以来都被看作是一个酸介导的事件,并作为胃食管反流病的一个可靠指标而存在。

    Heartburn induced by acid reflux is always regarded as a reliable mark in gastroesophageal reflux disease .

  17. 烧心的最普遍理由就是吃的太多了,胃酸溢出进入食道。

    The most common reason for heartburn is eating too much , so acid overflows into the esophagus .

  18. 烧心、胸骨后或心窝部疼痛及吞咽困难等为其主要症状。

    Heartburn , breastbone hind or ache of heart nest ministry and deglutition difficulty for its main symptom .

  19. 抗酸剂可以中和胃酸,防止胃里的食物反流回食道,造成烧心。

    Antacids neutralise the acid and prevent the stomach contents flowing back into the oesophagus and causing heartburn .

  20. 然而有很多病人常有多年阵发上腹痛和烧心。

    There are many persons , however , who have frequent bouts of epigastric pain and heartburn for years .

  21. 严重的,慢性烧心能损害食道,并增加得食道癌的危险。

    Severe , chronic heartburn can damage the lining of the esophagus and increase the risk of esophageal cancer .

  22. 91.9%患者有烧心和反酸,68.9%有胸骨后疼痛。

    At the baseline , 91.9 % of patients pre-sented heartburn and acid regurgitaion , 68.9 % with chest pain .

  23. 那烧心症状到底是由什么引起的呢?食品化学师想探个究竟。

    But food chemists [ Veronika Somoza et al . ] wanted to know exactly which chemicals were behind the heartburn .

  24. 结果表明:随着叶片中钙含量的下降,干烧心病症逐渐出现。

    The results indicated that with the calcium content of leaves decreased the tipburn symptoms developed gradually and became visible finally .

  25. 目的观察复方法莫替丁咀嚼片治疗烧心、酸过多型消化不良的疗效和安全性。

    AIM To investigate efficacy and safety of Pepcid Complete ( compound famotidine ) on heartburn , acid related functional disorders .

  26. 本文研究了大白菜耐低钙品系的筛选、鉴定方法及干烧心发生的生理生化机制和组织细胞学特征,总结完善了大白菜抗干烧心品系的鉴定方法;

    This text studied the screening and identifying methods and the physic-biochemical indexes and cytological changes of tip-burn in Chinese cabbage .

  27. 广告词是:“吃甜洋葱,没有眼泪,不会烧心,而且绝对不会让你臭烘烘。”

    The advert claims that " with sweet onions there are no tears , no burn and definitely no stink . "

  28. 即使是严重的烧心,不暴饮暴食,不喝酒和咖啡因,不吃油腻的食物,这些都是最好的预防方法。

    Even for severe heartburn , avoiding big meals , alcohol , caffeine , and greasy food is the best prevention .

  29. 而且油腻的食物,咖啡因,酒精和巧克力都会增加你胃中的胃酸,这回导致烧心。

    And greasy foods , caffeine , alcohol , and chocolate all increase acid production in your stomach , which results in heartburn .

  30. 烧心及反流症状改善总有效率76%(完全缓解36%,部分缓解40%),无效24%。

    The heartburn and regurgitation were improved in 76 % of patients , resolved completely in 36 % and remitted partly in 40 % .