  • Baking;roast;dry or warm by the fire;griddle;set off
  • 用火或蒸气使身体暖和或使物体变热、干燥:~箱。~手。~干(gān)。~烤。~焙。

  • 烧。

  • 衬托,渲染:~衬。~托。~染。~云托月(喻从侧面加以点染以烘托所描绘的事物)。


(使热; 使干) dry or warm by the fire:

  • 烘面包

    bake bread;

  • 她在炉火上烘手。

    She warmed her hands over the fire.

  • 我们在火前烘干了衣服。

    We dried our clothes in front of the fire.


(衬托) set off:

  • 烘衬

    set off by contrast; serve as a foil to

  1. 在烘板上将榛子烤至表皮微煳。

    Toast hazelnuts on a baking sheet until the skins char

  2. 你怎么学会烘蛋糕的?

    How did you learn to bake cakes ?

  3. 将蛋糕烘35到50分钟。

    Bake the cake for 35 to 50 minutes

  4. 餐厅晚饭时间提供香肠、鸡蛋、薯片和烘豆。

    Sausages , eggs , chips and baked beans are available at suppertime in the dining room .

  5. 我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味。

    I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans .

  6. 一份烤土豆加烘豆

    a baked potato and beans

  7. 基于ARM的花椒烘房温度自动控制系统设计

    Design of Temperature Automatic Control System for Zanthoxylum Drying Room Based on ARM

  8. 基于MATLAB的花椒烘房温度模糊控制器

    Design of Temperature Fuzzy Controller for Chinese Prickly Ash Drying Room Based on MATLAB

  9. PLC及触摸屏在烟草制丝车间烘丝秤系统中的应用

    Using of PLC and touch-screen in the scale system of tobacco thread drying workshop

  10. PET金银镀铝膜专用烘烤漆的配方设计

    Formulation Design of Special Baking Paint for Aluminum Plated PET Membrane of Metallic Yarn

  11. 采用ANSYS的烘筒S形封头优化设计及其参数化分析

    Optimum design and development of parameterized analysis program for S-head structure of drying cylinder based on ANSYS

  12. 介绍了基于PLC与触摸屏的烟草制丝线烘丝秤自动控制系统。

    This article introduced an automatic control system based on the PLC and touch-screen on the tobacco drying thread scale .

  13. 应用LOGO!解决烘呢机风扇步进启动方案

    Stepping startup programs on using LOGO ! solve the woollen cloth dyeing machine 's

  14. 冬瓜枣加工过程中,着色时间对总糖含量、维生素C含量有显著性影响,煮枣时间和烘枣时间对总糖含量有显著性影响。

    Coloring total sugar content , vitamin C content has a significant impact , cook jujube and bake date have a significant impact on the total sugar content .

  15. 分析结果表明,对未掺杂的ZnO薄膜,前烘温度和退火温度对薄膜的c轴取向都有一定的影响,退火温度的影响更为显著。

    It was revealed that c-orientation of undoped films was affected by both drying and annealing temperatures , and the latter was more remarkable .

  16. CPE对合金的热烘变色有利;有机锡热稳定剂的效果最好。

    CPE could delay the color degradation of the blends and organotin was the best heat stabilizer .

  17. 结果表明,采用合适的烘粉处理后,Mg粉的新旧程度对复合材料的性能无明显影响;

    It is revealed that with appropriate baking treatments , there is no obviously different effect between new Mg powder and old Mg powder on properties of the composites ;

  18. 烘丝过程烟丝含水率的MFA控制

    MFA Control of Moisture Content during Cut Tobacco Drying

  19. NCT系列热风烘茧装置结构性能及使用效果

    Structural Features and Application of NCT Serial Hot Air Cocoon Drying Systems

  20. 在Ferguson的负性化学放大胶(CAR)后烘反应动力学模型基础上,增加了后烘过程中光致酸扩散模型,通过后烘模型的简化,得到了简化的后烘反应扩散动力学模型。

    A diffusion model for photogenerated acid is added to a reaction kinetic model for post-exposure bake ( PEB ) of negative chemically amplified resist ( CAR ) introduced by R. A. Ferguson .

  21. 由多元羧酸的酸性引起的纤维素大分子链的催化降解是不可恢复的,它的强力损失与酸的种类、浓度、pH值、焙烘温度和时间有关。

    Catalysis degradation of cellulose macromolecule chain , caused by acidity of polycarboxylic acid can not be recovered and its strength loss is related to acid type , concentration , pH value , baking temperature and time .

  22. 研究了溶胶浓度、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)浓度、轧液率、焙烘温度及时间对真丝织物导电整理的影响。

    The effects of sol concentration , PVP concentration , pick-up , curing temperature and time on electric conductive properties of silk fabric were studied .

  23. 为解决JSSJ-83型小样浆纱机浆纱速度、烘燥温度、织轴卷绕张力控制不准确的问题,进行了技术改造。

    To resolve the problems of inaccurate control of sizing speed , dry can temperature and beam winding tension of JSSJ-83 sample sizing machine , innovation of it was done .

  24. 溶胀实验结果表明,随着后烘温度的降低,SU-8胶的溶胀速率及溶胀变形量增大。

    Experimental results show that , the swelling deformation of SU-8 is larger when at a lower PEB temperature .

  25. 采用刚果红法、热烘法研究了二聚酸钙和二聚酸锌对PVC的热稳定作用,并与传统的硬脂酸钙、硬脂酸锌热稳定剂作了比较。

    Their effects on heat stability of PVC were tested by way of Congo Red Method and Heating Method . Calcium dimmer acids and zinc dimmer acids were compared with traditional calcium stearate and zinc stearate .

  26. 系统由一台IBM-PC兼容机和一个电脑控制柜(包含8031单片机、TDC-102数显温控仪等)所组成,同时对两个烘房进行检测和过程控制。

    It consists of an IBM PC compatible microcomputer and a controller with a 8031 chip and a TDC 102 digital display temperature control being able to detect and control two baking rooms simultaneously .

  27. 烘丝过程中烟丝含水率的变化具有较强的非线性、不确定性和大滞后特性,同时存在干扰和噪声,运用常规的PID算法难以达到期望的控制效果。

    The nature of the variation of cut tobacco moisture content during drying , its strong nonlinearity , uncertainty , longer time lag , accompanied with disturbance and noises , precluded the conventional PID algorithm from attaining the expected results .

  28. 结合L9(34)正交试验对柠檬酸在亚麻织物中的防皱整理工艺进行研究,结果显示焙烘温度和时间对亚麻织物的无醛防皱整理起决定作用。

    The crease-proof finishing process of linen with citric acid was studied by orthogonal expts . The results showed that baking temp .

  29. 初步研究了SU-8胶的光刻工艺流程,讨论了涂胶、前烘等各个步骤对光刻结果的影响。

    The process of SU-8 photoresist lithography is researched , and the influence of steps like coating and soft-bake on the lithography is studied .

  30. 不论是曝光过程还是后烘过程,无法用单一的学科理论进行解释,需要交叉学科知识的支持,这正是MEMS领域研究的特点之一。

    Not only exposure process and also PEB process , can not be explained by the single discipline theory . It is necessary to be supported by interdisciplinary knowledge , which right is the characteristic of research in MEMS field .