
  1. 认为选用高Qm值压电陶瓷材料、分割电极和耦合电容的设计、焊接和点蜡工艺的控制等是研制低插损窄带型10.7MHz压电陶瓷滤波器的重点。

    High Qm PZT material , design of divided electrode and coupling capacitors , and process control of soldering and wax-application are the important factors for the filter .

  2. 用一把比较钝的刀子或调羹尽可能多刮下一点蜡。

    Start by using a dull knife or spoon to remove as much wax as possible .

  3. 这栋建筑只使用了几种基本材料:水泥、花岗石、青石路面、黄铜把手和栏杆以及电梯门,它们几乎都回归到原本的形态,只有地板上打了一点蜡。

    The building 's few basic materials - concrete , granite , bluestone pavers , bronze for handles and railings and elevator doors - were taken almost back to their elemental states , with only a low-sheen wax applied to the floors .

  4. 萨卡吉维亚用了点热蜡就帮我弄好了。

    Sakagawea , a little hot wax , and I 'm a new man .

  5. 请点支蜡。

    Please light a candle .

  6. 沈阳原油减压渣油富含微晶蜡而胶质、沥青质含量较少,可通过溶剂脱沥青和溶剂脱油工艺生产高滴点微晶蜡等产品。

    Abstract The vacuum residue of Shenyang crude oil is rich in microcrystaline wax and contains less resin and asphalt . It can be used to produce high dropping point microcrystaline wax and other valuable products by solvent deasphalting , solvent deoiling , and other processes .

  7. 经过与其它方法比较,证明了用DSC法测定原油析蜡点、含蜡量是可行的。

    Through comparison with other methods , DSC method of measuring wax precipitation point and wax content is proved to be feasible .

  8. 轻微-中等生物降解原油的凝固点和含蜡量明显降低而密度有所增大。

    The condensation points and wax content of the light-medium biodegradation oil obviously decrease and the density increases .

  9. 因此,预测给定条件下原油体系的析蜡点和析蜡量,对油气生产过程中有效防止石蜡沉积有非常重要的意义。

    The plug of pipeline caused by wax precipitation has important influence on the production and transportation of crude oils .

  10. 他呆呆地望着那支蜡烛的火焰,又从烛心旁边取出一点火热的蜡,在指间抟着。

    He examined the flame of the candle with a stupid air , and from around the wick he took some of the burning wax , which he rolled between his fingers .

  11. 因而采用自生热压裂技术,依靠生热剂发生化学反应所放出的热量来提高注入流体的温度,使井底压裂液的温度在施工期间高于原油的凝固点或析蜡点。

    The in_situ heat fracturing technique was applied to stimulation of the temperature of injected fluid in high freezing point oil well . The heat out of chemical reactions resulted from heat_generation agent can heat up the oil layer .

  12. 研究结果发现:①降凝剂干扰了原油的析蜡放热过程,增加了蜡的溶解性,降低了原油的析蜡点或析蜡高峰温度。

    The results of the studies are as follows : ① The enthalpy of wax precipitation is disturbed by pour point depressants in that the depressants increase solubility of the wax and decrease the wax precipitation temperature or the peak temperature .

  13. 每一个区块都是时间标记,有点像是数字蜡印。

    And every one is time-stamped , kind of like with a digital waxed seal .

  14. 为解决高凝点、高含蜡石油原油运输的困难,热媒炉被使用于原油输送过程中。

    In order to solve the high condensation point and high wax content during the delivery of petroleum crude , heat medium heater is used in delivering crude .

  15. 凝固点高、含蜡量高、供液能力差的深井举升一直是油田开发工艺的一个难题。

    The deep well artificial lift technology with high solidification point , high wax content and bad fluid supply capacity continues to be a problem for development technology in oilfield .