
huǒ zàng
  • cremation
火葬 [huǒ zàng]
  • [cremation] 对死者实行火化、把骨灰装入容器,然后埋葬或保存的行动或实践

火葬[huǒ zàng]
  1. 公司创始人山迪沙利文(sandysullivan)表示,传统火葬产生的二氧化碳为这种过程的四倍之多。

    Its founder , sandy Sullivan , says conventional cremation produces four times as much CO2 as does this process .

  2. 唐宁街(DowningStreet)说,撒切尔的葬礼将于下周在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul'sCathedral)举行,之后将举行私人的火葬仪式。

    Downing Street said Mrs. Thatcher 's funeral service will be held next week at St. Paul 's Cathedral in London , and will be followed by a private cremation .

  3. 他要火葬,不要土葬。

    He wants to be cremated , not buried .

  4. 他要火葬,不要土葬

    He wants to is cremated , not buried .

  5. 老王解释道:“燃烧就是火葬,腐朽就是土葬。”

    Laowang explains : " Combustion is cremate , degenerating is inhumation . "

  6. 28.在火葬场工作workasafuneralfurnisher老李已经在火葬场工作了二十多年了

    Lao Li 's been working as a funeral furnisher for more than 20 years .

  7. 下一站是去纽约中村清池火葬场美国骨灰安置所(U.S.ColumbariumatFreshPondCrematory)火化。

    Next stop was U.S. Columbarium at Fresh Pond Crematory in Middle Village , for the cremation .

  8. Vaughan检查了银行火葬胡和退休金,计算出可以以最简单的方式帮助100个女孩:为她们购买所需要的资料,寻找学习的时间,寻找学习地点。

    Vaughan checked her bank account and her retirement and figured she could help 100 girls with a simple : get the materials they need , make the time to study , and find a place to study .

  9. 这就是未来火葬的一个发展方向。

    So that 's one option for the future of cremation .

  10. 预订火葬时段及/或领取灵灰授权书

    Authorization to Book Cremation Session and / or Collect Cremated Ashes

  11. 但是由于种种原因,民间火葬仍时有发生。

    Due to many causes , there was cremation in the folk .

  12. 其他人在火葬的时候燃烧没药作为熏香之用。

    Other people burned myrrh as an incense during cremations .

  13. 葬礼在戈尔德·格林火葬场举行。

    The funeral takes place at Golder 's Green crematorium .

  14. 她去火葬场取回母亲的骨灰。

    She went to collect her mother 's ashes from the crematorium .

  15. 车站管理员!看来你得火葬了我!

    Station master ! You 'll have to cremate me !

  16. 通往钻石山火葬场的通路;

    The access road leading to the diamond hill crematorium ;

  17. 尽管当年火葬也曾被视作天理难容之举。

    Though cremation was seen as outrageous in its day .

  18. 在恒河边火葬日夜不息。

    The cremation ghats in Varanasi burn day and night .

  19. 你知道我那个开火葬场的朋友克里斯吧?

    You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium ?

  20. 在某些国家,火葬比土葬普遍。

    Cremation is more common than burial in some countries .

  21. 人类火葬新碳同位素年龄测定表明

    New radiocarbon dates of human cremation burials there indicate that

  22. 授权埋葬/火葬尸体命令证明书

    Certificate of order authorizing burial / cremation of body

  23. 尸体被送去焚化(火葬).锅炉焚烧炉联合装置

    The body was consigned to the flames , ie burned . boiler-incinerator composite

  24. 今天,柬埔寨为已故太皇西哈努克举行了皇家火葬仪式。

    A royal cremation ceremony of the late king is being held today .

  25. 而今这些血管就要干净,像是火葬的灰烬。

    And now these veins will purge like pyres .

  26. 有一辆火车停到了火葬场上面。

    There 's the train , parked right on top of the crematorium .

  27. 火葬前要将他安置在贵宾室吗?

    Would she like him to wait in a VIP room before cremation ?

  28. 如果比尔班农在那里,绝对要火葬!

    If Bill banyon is there , definitely cremation !

  29. (甲部)申请火葬场及火葬日期

    ( Section A ) Crematorium , Date & Time of Cremation Applied for

  30. 他的儿子是火葬的,不是土葬的。

    Their son was cremated , not buried .