
jí zhào
  • auspiciousness;good omen;propitious sign;promise
吉兆 [jí zhào]
  • [good omen;propitious sign] 吉祥的征兆

吉兆[jí zhào]
  1. 这是否终于可以视作和平的吉兆了?

    Could this at last be a good omen for peace ?

  2. 早在第三王朝,喝酒吃面包被视为是吉兆。

    Ever since the3rd Dynasty drinking it while eating bread was considered a good omen .

  3. 对于旨在实现全球经济均衡、有力而可持续复苏的更广泛g20进程而言,此举并非吉兆。

    The move does not bode well for the wider G20 process aimed at creating a strong , sustainable and balanced global recovery .

  4. 20国集团(G20)可能会在今年春季的峰会上,出人意料地就恢复汇率平衡达成协议,尽管去年11月首尔峰会的失败可算不上什么吉兆。

    There could be a surprise agreement to rebalance currencies at the Group of 20 this spring , although the failure of its November summit does not augur well .

  5. 他把她话当作是幸福的吉兆。

    He took her gentle words as an auspice of happiness .

  6. 吉兆的出现不是迷信,而是肯定。

    Auspicious signs are not a supersition , but a confirmation .

  7. 这是贫穷的英国之吉兆,是吗?

    A good omen for poor english , eh ?

  8. 古人认为梦可以预示吉兆和恶运。

    Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things .

  9. 对于中国人来说,看到喜鹊是吉兆。

    It 's an auspicious sign for Chinese people to see the Magpies .

  10. 这场雨对农民是吉兆。

    This rain augurs well for the farmers .

  11. 明媚的阳光对我们的烤肉野餐是个吉兆。

    The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue .

  12. 在Swaphin岛,作为遗产,吉兆显现。

    On the Swaphin island , as take legacy says , an omen appeared .

  13. 苦苦挣扎的小企业也并非失业率迅速下降的吉兆。

    Struggling small businesses do not bode well for a swift fall in the jobless rate either .

  14. 我们的政治体系、经济、文化和社会在历史上表现出的适应能力是一个充满希望的吉兆。

    The historic resilience of our political system , our economy , our culture and our society is a hopeful augur .

  15. 在此吉兆的鼓舞下,希腊海军军心大振,在撒拉米斯战役中一举击败波斯舰队。

    Inspired by this good omen , the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis .

  16. 吉兆的出现不是迷信,而是肯定。他们是对决心的回应。据说如果有人选择矢志不移的对岩石祈祷,那么岩石也会变得有生命。

    It is said that if one chooses to pray to a rock with enough devotion , even that rock will come alive .

  17. 妈妈听见喜鹊在房上叫,觉得是个吉兆。大约有20%的偏头痛患者伴有先兆症状。

    Mother heard a magpie call from the roof and took it for a good omen . Approximately 20 % of Migraineurs experience aura .

  18. 比如蜻蜓和老鹰。在中国风筝制作中,绘画不仅展示了中国特色,也是艺术家的构想、理想和吉兆的主要展现。

    In Chinese kite making , the painting not only showcases Chinese characters but is a major manifestation of the artist 's conceptions , ideals and auspiciousness .

  19. 这吉兆之一显现于这样的事实,有效提升所谓下层人地位的倾向,在文学中站有显著位置而且受到欢迎。

    One of these signs is the fact , that the same movement which effected the elevation of what was called the lowest class in the state , assumed in literature a very marked and as benign an aspect .