
guāng cǎi
  • shine;glow;glory;radiance;lustre;honour;sheenful;splendour
光彩 [guāng cǎi]
  • (1) [shine]∶光辉;光芒

  • (2) [glory;honour]∶荣耀

  • 他当劳模,大家光彩

  • 他活得多么纯洁,多么高尚,多么光彩啊!--《路标》

  • [sheenful] 明亮而华丽。也作光采

  • 顾盼遗光采,长啸气若兰。--曹植《美女篇》

光彩[guāng cǎi]
  1. 王子的出现给那场面增添了光彩。

    The presence of the prince added lustre to the occasion .

  2. 太阳放射出异常的光彩。

    The sun was shining with uncommon lustre .

  3. 这位游泳运动员很不光彩地从奥运会上被遣送回国。

    The swimmer was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace .

  4. 他瞥了索尼亚一眼,见她一身红衣,光彩照人。

    He glimpsed Sonia , resplendent in a red dress .

  5. 她要是不履行诺言就不光彩了。

    It would have been dishonourable of her not to keep her promise .

  6. 她光彩照人,头脑机敏。

    She has great charm and a ready wit .

  7. 她的出席使那场面增添了几分光彩。

    Her presence lent the occasion a certain dignity .

  8. 这份生平记述对他的不光彩之处略而不表,没有提及他在监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison .

  9. 烛光下,她的首饰光彩熠熠。

    Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight .

  10. 他们把他扣押了这么长时间,真不光彩。

    It 's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long

  11. 这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱。

    The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family .

  12. 不幸的是,这是我人生中非常不光彩的一段经历。

    Unfortunately it was a rather sordid episode of my life .

  13. 这些指控让政府的行为显得越发不光彩了。

    The accusations are making the government 's conduct appear increasingly sleazy .

  14. 婚礼那天,新娘看上去真是光彩照人。

    On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant .

  15. 后来,他不得不极不光彩地避开愤怒的抗议者溜走了。

    Later , he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters

  16. 他本来不会接受这种不光彩的结局。

    He wouldn 't have accepted such an inglorious outcome .

  17. 许多人认为他注定会极不光彩地失败。

    Many thought that he was doomed to ignominious failure .

  18. 明星的光彩和地位吸引着他们。

    The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them .

  19. 他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。

    His vice president also had to resign in disgrace

  20. 不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。

    Aid , however it is obtained , is demeaning to the recipients .

  21. 英国在欧洲各国中保持着不光彩的最高离婚率纪录。

    Britain held the unenviable record of having the highest divorce rate in Europe .

  22. 整个事件很不光彩,亟须彻查。

    This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation .

  23. 当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。

    Lunch at Harry 's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance

  24. 一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。

    If they were caught , she would be thrown out in disgrace , dismissed with ignominy .

  25. 马克没有做任何不光彩的事。

    Mark had done nothing dishonourable

  26. 萨尔瓦多因是美洲大陆土壤侵蚀最严重的地方而有了这份不光彩的名声。

    El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America .

  27. 作家试图摹写落日的光彩。

    The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset .

  28. 绿枝上闪烁着露珠的光彩。

    The green boughs glittered with all their pearls of dew .

  29. 他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩,使人产生一种乐观的感觉。

    There was a glow on his face , wrinkled by a life time of suffering , that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism .

  30. 教授的到来使我们的晚会大添光彩。

    The professor 's coming will grace our evening party .