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guāng dà
  • brighten;develop fully;develop to a higher degree;vast;broad
光大 [guāng dà]
  • (1) [develop fully;brighten;develop to a higher degree]∶显扬,使显赫盛大

  • 否则不能继述先烈遗志且光大之,而徒感慨于其遗事,斯诚后死者之羞也。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略序》

  • (2) [vast;broad]∶广大

光大[guāng dà]
  1. 对光大银行如何提高EVA提出了建议。

    The suggestions for CEB how to improve the EVA .

  2. 与中国主要运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)的合作,以及与零售连锁企业达成的在其营业场所开设光大通信零售网点的协议,都将推进光大通信的扩张计划。

    A partnership with China Mobile , the country 's leading operator , and agreements with retail chains to open EBT outlets in their premises is driving the expansion plan .

  3. 光大通信首席执行官张革(zhangge,音译)表示:“光大通信将积极捕捉增值服务领域的投资机遇。”

    Zhang Ge , CEO of EBT , said : " EBT will actively pursue investment opportunities in value-added services "

  4. 例如,6月份中国光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBankCo.)有人民币65亿元(合10.7亿美元)银行间贷款出现违约。

    China Everbright Bank Co. , for example , in June defaulted on 6.5 billion yuan ( $ 1.07 billion ) in of interbank loans .

  5. 移动电话零售及服务提供商中国光大通信(ebtmobilechina)可能成为第一家离开伦敦另项投资市场(aim)、转而在美国纳斯达克上市的公司。

    EBT Mobile China , the retailer of mobile phones and services , appears poised to be the first company to leave aim and join NASDAQ in the US .

  6. 限于能力、时间及篇幅等原因,本文只针对光大银行N分行整体,从平衡计分卡的四个维度进行绩效管理指标体系构建,不能为某些具体部门的评价指标设置作参考。

    Because of limited ability and other reasons , this article just only base on the China Everbright Bank N branches , from the four dimensions of BSC constructed performance management system .

  7. 本文所研究的光大HZ支行也不可避免受到宏观形势变化的影响,承担了很大一部分风险。

    China everbright HZ Branch also has inevitably affected by the macroeconomic situation , assumed a large part of the risk .

  8. 中国光大控股有限公司(ChinaEverbrightLimited)在宣布股权重组后,股票周一跃升逾11%。光大是最新一家宣布股权重组的中国国有企业。

    Shares in China Everbright Limited jumped more than 11 per cent on Monday after it became the latest state-owned company to announce a revamp of its ownership structure .

  9. 光大集团是一家金融集团,旗下拥有已经上市的光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBank)和光大证券(EverbrightSecurities)。

    China Everbright Limited is a financial conglomerate with holdings in China Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities , both of which also have stock market listings .

  10. 外界广泛认为,渣打银行(StandardChartered)正考虑在光大银行首次公开发行(IPO)之前入股该行。光大银行的IPO预计将在明年上半年进行。

    Standard Chartered is widely believed to be considering a stake in Everbright prior to the Chinese bank 's initial public offering , which is expected in the first half of next year .

  11. 本文研究的对象&中国光大银行成都X支行,是一家股份制商业银行的基层行,是一家正在摆脱困境、快速发展的银行。

    The study object , Chengdu X Branch of China Everbright Bank , is a grassroot branch of a stock system commercial bank . It is a bank breaking loose from a pretty mess and in rapid development .

  12. 尽管光大证券、招商证券均已在今年顺利过会,A股的“熊掌”还是使IPO戛然而止。

    Despite the Everbright Securities , China Merchants Securities have been successful this year will be , A shares of the " bear 's paw " or halted so that the IPO .

  13. 中国光大银行也在准备进行首次公开发行(ipo),而此次新的人员任命,最有可能的目标就是确保它们能顺利上市。

    Everbright Bank and Pudong Development Bank are also preparing for initial public offerings and the new appointments are most likely aimed at ensuring smooth progress for the listings of all three banks .

  14. 光大证券(everbrightsecurities)分析师衡昆表示,中国铝生产商数量已从2003年147家的高点,降至今年的96家左右。

    According to Heng Kun , analyst at Guangda securities , the number of Chinese aluminium producers has declined from a high of 147 in 2003 to around 96 this year .

  15. 在北京东城区中国光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBankCo.)一家分行里,一位现年65岁的北京居民称,他正在寻找有吸引力的理财产品收益率,他目前投资的理财产品将在6月30日到期。

    At a Chinese Everbright bank branch in Beijing 's Dongcheng district , one 65-year-old Beijing resident said he was keeping his eyes open for attractive rates on wealth-management products , for when his current WMP investment matures on June 30 . '

  16. 据一名银行家介绍,光大银行本月在一个证交所听证会上获得了在港上市的批准,目前正试图获得投资者的承诺,然后才宣布重启ipo计划。

    Everbright received approval to list in Hong Kong in a stock exchange hearing this month and is now trying to secure commitments from investors before announcing a resumption of its IPO plan , a banker said .

  17. 尤其是,光大通信已与美国沃尔玛(wal-mart)持有部分股权的大型超市连锁商好又多(trust-mart)展开合作,将在好又多店里开展业务。

    In particular , EBT has partnered with Trust-Mart , the hypermarket chain partly owned by Wal-Mart of the US , to open operations within Trust-Mart stores .

  18. 继股市去年暴跌后,中国投资者已重新发现了自己对股票的热情。分析师表示,光大证券IPO的最终定价可能达到价格区间的上限,而且尽管如此,在交易首日仍将大涨。

    Chinese investors have rediscovered their enthusiasm for equities after the market collapsed last year and analysts say Everbright 's offering is likely to be priced at the top of the range and will nevertheless still soar on its trading debut .

  19. BASSAM则喜欢光大的榕树,环境优美!

    BASSAM likes the brilliant banyan fig , the environment is exquisite !

  20. 据两名参与相关流程的人士称,金融服务性企业中国光大(ChinaEverbright)和上市在线视频集团北京暴风科技(BeijingBaofengTechnology)将收购MP&Silva逾60%的股份。

    China Everbright , a financial services company , and Beijing Baofeng Technology , a listed online video group , will acquire a stake of more than 60 per cent in MP & Silva , according to two people involved in the process .

  21. 而中国式次贷危机的不断扩散与膨胀,也为光大HZ支行的资金安全带来了很大隐患,随时面临着市场变化而造成的不可预期的损失。

    And " China subprime crisis " is spread and expanded ; it also brings a great hidden danger for the ever Bright HZ Branch capital safety . And China everbright HZ Branch always faces the unexpected loss caused by market changes .

  22. 据一名高管表示,专注于小企业和消费者的中国国有控股银行光大银行(everbrightbank)决心在近期一连串首次公开发行(ipo)流产的市场趋势下逆流而上,在今年底之前在香港上市。

    Everbright Bank , a Chinese state lender that focuses on small businesses and consumers , is determined to buck a market trend of failed initial public offerings and list in Hong Kong before the end of this year , according to a senior executive .

  23. 香港基准股指恒生指数(HangSeng)今年累计下跌20%,交易仍十分波动,但光大高管表示,该行修改了其上市计划,发行规模削减了约42%。

    The Hong Kong benchmark Hang Seng index is down 20 per cent this year and trading remains volatile , but the Everbright official said the bank had renewed its listing plans despite cutting the number of shares for sale by about 42 per cent .

  24. 光大银行将效仿中国银行(boc)和中国工商银行(icbc)等大型竞争对手的重组模式,引入至少一个战略投资者,并公开发行上市,而最有可能的上市地点是上海和香港。

    Everbright will follow the restructuring model of larger competitors such as Bank of China and industrial and Commercial Bank of China by introducing at least one foreign strategic investor and selling shares to the public , most likely in Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  25. 排名第一的是中国光大银行。

    On top of the ranking , is China Everbright Bank .

  26. 记者未能立即联系上光大和暴风科技请其置评。

    Everbright and Baofeng could not immediately be reached for comment .

  27. 光大被罚款4.36亿元。

    Everbright has been hit with a fine of 436-million yuan .

  28. 光大银行沈阳分行住房抵押贷款违约风险分析

    Analysis of Violation Risk to Housing Mortgage in Everbright Bank Shenyang Branch

  29. 王维在艺术思维和艺术人生上艺术化地光大了道家思想。

    Wang Wei artistically developed Taoist thoughts in art thoughts and life .

  30. 教育可以光大善良的天性,纠正邪恶的天性。

    Education polishes good natures , and corrects bad ones .