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  1. 清承明制,将君主集权专制政体发展到登峰造极的地步,中央高度集权于皇帝,地方则高度集权于各级政府的主官。

    Holding the system of Ming dynasty , developing sovereign autocracy of height concentrating power .

  2. 清承明制,这一制度也继续在清代法律中发挥着作用。

    After inherit the system of Ming dynasty , this system also continue to play a role in the Qing legal .

  3. 清承明制,清代策问沿袭前朝,更趋于时政性,问题也越来越具体,涉及的问题渐趋广泛。

    Qing Cheng Ming system in the Qing Dynasty followed the former policy question , tends to be more current affairs and sexual problems are also more specific issues involved become more widespread .

  4. 明清两代虽然是由两个不同的民族建立的大一统政权,其制度上的因袭,被称之为清承明制。

    Although the Ming and Qing Dynasties are unified regimes which are established by two different nations , their systems actually have some conventionality , we called it " The Qing Dynasty inherits the system of the Ming Dynasty " .