
  1. 基于DLAS技术的激光气体分析仪的在线应用

    On-line application of laser gas analyzer based on DLAS technology

  2. 实际生产表明,基于DLAS技术的激光气体分析仪可以有效地满足干熄焦循环气体的在线浓度监测。

    The actual production shows that laser gas analyzer based on DLAS technology can effectively meet the requirement of on-line concentration monitoring of CDQ circulating gas .

  3. LGA-2000半导体激光气体分析仪及应用

    LGA-2000 Semiconductor Laser Gas Analyser

  4. 介绍了LDS6原位激光气体分析仪的结构、工作原理及其在EPVC尾气回收在线氧分析中的使用。

    The structure and working principle of LDS6 in-situ laser gas analyzer were introduced as well as its application in the on-line analysis of oxygen content during the recovery of EPVC tail gas .

  5. 激光气体分析仪在催化裂化再生烟气分析中的应用

    Application of Laser Sniffer Gear in Catalytic Cracking Regeneration Haze Survey

  6. 激光气体分析仪在钢铁行业的应用

    The Application of Laser Gas Analyzers in the Steel Industry

  7. 该激光气体分析仪测量不受背景气体交叉干扰,测量准确性高;

    The measurement of the laser gas analyzer is not subject to background gas cross interference with high measurement accuracy ;

  8. 最终导出外差气体分析仪气体浓度信息流程,据此绘制了方波控制CO2激光外差气体分析仪原理方框图。

    The flow chart of the gas density signal is deduced , according to which the block diagram of controlled CO2 laser heterodyne gas analyser is drawed .

  9. 激光式气体分析仪在转炉煤气回收中的应用

    Application of Laser Gas Analyzer in Recovery of Converter Gas

  10. 激光原位气体分析仪在高炉过程控制中的应用

    Application of in situ laser gas analyzer in process control of blast furnace

  11. 介绍了高炉炼铁过程中气体分析的重要性及传统采样方式气体分析系统的不足,阐述了激光原位气体分析仪的技术原理、性能优势和仪器结构。

    Importance of gas analysis in ironmaking process of blast furnace is introduced . Disadvantages of traditional sampling gas analyzer are pointed out . Principle , performance advantage and instrument structure of in situ laser gas analyzer are described .

  12. 介绍了激光在线式气体分析仪的测量原理、系统组成以及检测中的维护和故障处理等。

    Measure principle and system composition , maintenance and fault treatment of a laser on-line gas analyzer in testing were presented .

  13. 半导体激光工业现场在线气体分析仪的研制及其性能分析

    The development of in situ semiconductor laser online gas analyzers

  14. 激光干涉式微量气体分析仪的光强补偿问题

    Study on the light-intensity compensation technology for trace gas laser interference analyser

  15. 本文论述了基于半导体激光吸收光谱测量技术的激光气体分析仪的分析原理、仪器结构和主要性能特点,并介绍了它在钢铁行业在线气体检测中的应用。

    The paper introduces the measurement principle , configuration , and main features of the laser gas analyzers based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy , and presents some on-line gas analysis applications in the steel industry using these analyzers .