
màn màn cháng yè
  • all the long, dark night;a long, dark period of political oppression;a long, long night which seems to have no end;an endless night -- anxiously awaiting the dawn
漫漫长夜[màn màn cháng yè]
  1. 她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。

    She sat beside her husband through the livelong night .

  2. 漫漫长夜,湿热难熬,辗转反侧,无法入眠。

    I turned and tossed ceaselessly through the long sticky night .

  3. 片名是《漫漫长夜》.我觉得你演得棒极了。

    In The Longest Night . I thought you were excellent .

  4. 我们已经度过了一个反映美国精神的漫漫长夜。

    We have endured a long night of the American spirit .

  5. 他孤零零的一个人得熬过这漫漫长夜。

    He was left with a long evening before him .

  6. 允许自己做梦,失眠的漫漫长夜也有着其独特的魅力。

    Let yourself dream and the magic of sleepless nights will unveil itself .

  7. 马尼拉:漫漫长夜,时时刻刻感到爱!

    Manila : may all nights inspire love always !

  8. 漫漫长夜,寒气逼人。

    It could be long , cold night .

  9. 使我在这漫漫长夜里目不交睫?

    My heavy eyelids to the weary night ?

  10. 为何爱被空间撒成一片,漫漫长夜,只有缠绵。

    Why love be space and into one , long night , only lingering .

  11. 看来今晚对挥击之王来说会是一个漫漫长夜。

    It iooks like it could be a long night for the king of swing .

  12. 它的到来,结束了漫漫长夜,带来了欢乐的黎明。

    It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity .

  13. 啊,那可怜的妻子痛哭着度过的漫漫长夜呀!

    O the long , long night , with the moans of the poor wife !

  14. 那些醉醺醺的漫漫长夜!

    Long boozy nights around the fire !

  15. 漫漫长夜时时刻刻都能感到爱。

    May all nights inspire love always .

  16. 漫漫长夜已经开始

    And as the long long nights begin

  17. 《漫漫长夜时》艾伦·泰勒

    When nights are long - Allan Taylor

  18. 如果和你同住一屋的人睡觉打呼噜,那么这漫漫长夜对你来说将不啻于一场噩梦。

    A snorer can be a nightmare , especially for the person who sleeps with one .

  19. 曾经,你在网上多次陪我度过那漫漫长夜;

    Once many times you have been with me through the endless long nights on net ;

  20. 曾在里面度过漫漫长夜啊。的确有些夜晚是在学习呢。

    That 's some late nights in there . Some of them I even spent studying .

  21. 指引你穿过漫漫长夜

    Will guide you through the night

  22. 漫漫长夜在猜想

    Long nights spent forever wondering

  23. 啊,她的父亲一去不归、音讯杳无的漫漫长夜呀!

    And o the long , long night , with no return of her father and no tidings !

  24. 独自一人在家度过漫漫长夜是什么感受

    So how does it feel to know you 'll be spending the night in your own home ?

  25. 在这万籁俱寂的漫漫长夜里,我还听到他那忧郁的琴音低声回诉,

    and long into the watches of the night I heard the low melancholy wailings of his violin ,

  26. 思想仅是漫漫长夜中的一个闪光,但这闪光意味着所有一切。

    Thought is only a flash in the middle of a long night , but the flash means everything .

  27. 此羊毛被经久耐用,并且可以保持蓬松-此能够使您在漫漫长夜保持温暖舒适的感觉。

    It 's durable and stays fluffy - so it keeps you feeling warm and cosy all night long .

  28. 提前的日落和漫漫长夜使得疲劳感加剧,你甚至可能会觉得行动费力。

    Earlier sunsets and long , dark evenings can make fatigue worse , and you may find yourself dragging .

  29. 早些时候,阿里服侍我们用过晚餐&土豆、咖喱西兰花拌饭,回去跟哈桑度过漫漫长夜。

    Ali had served dinner earlier potatoes and curried cauliflower over rice and had retired for the night with Hassan .

  30. 摸不到你的温柔,我只能用回忆来给自己取暖,度过我的漫漫长夜。

    Less than your gentle touch , I can only remember to give their own heating , through my long night .