
  1. 该诉讼称,迪士尼和漫威没有回应。

    Disney and Marvel did not respond , the lawsuit claims .

  2. 据《好莱坞报道》报道,“猎鹰”安东尼·麦凯已和漫威签约,将会主演《美国队长4》。

    The Falcon 's Captain America 4 , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  3. 麦凯自2014年《美国队长2》以来一直出现在漫威电影宇宙中。

    Mackie has been with the MCU since 2014 's Captain America : The Winter Soldier .

  4. 今年4月,《好莱坞报道》爆料,斯佩尔曼正在为漫威工作室创作《美国队长4》。此前,美国队长这个角色一直由克里斯·埃文斯饰演的史蒂夫·罗杰斯担任,他主演了三部单人电影、复仇者系列和其他漫威电影。

    In April , THR broke the news that Spellman is developing the fourth installment other Marvel films .

  5. 斯坦·李(注:漫威编剧、漫画家)的葬礼将会是一个反转过来的配角群戏,所有的超级英雄都会成为他的人生故事的背景。-4-

    Stan Lee 's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story .

  6. 似乎是为了强调这一变动,漫威工作室日前发布了一张安东尼·麦凯身穿全新红白蓝超级英雄制服的官方海报。

    As if to reinforce that change , Marvel Studios has released an official poster of Anthony Mackie in his brand new red-white-and-blue supersuit .

  7. 斯嘉丽听说《黑寡妇》将在流媒体和影院同天上映时,她试图与漫威公司进行谈判。

    Once Johansson heard that " Black Widow " would be released on streaming and in theaters on the same day , she attempted to negotiate with Marvel .

  8. 现在,他将出演《美国队长4》,该片由斯佩尔曼与迪斯尼+漫威系列编剧达兰·穆森共同撰写剧本。

    Now he 's set to board Captain America 4 , with Spellman to pen the script with Dalan Musson , a staff writer on the Disney + Marvel series .

  9. 在此之前人们就知道,奇异博士是漫威电影宇宙最聪明的人之一。不知何故奇异博士同意了彼得的请求,开始施法。

    Doctor Strange , who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU 's brightest minds , somehow agrees with Peter 's plea and begins casting a spell .

  10. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》日前发布了第一支预告片,在第三部中这位高人气超级英雄将继续在漫威电影宇宙中手吐蛛网飞檐走壁。

    The first trailer has been released for “ Spider-Man : No Way Home , ” a continuation of a trilogy that has given us the popular superhero web-swinging around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  11. 斯嘉丽声称,她与迪士尼旗下漫威公司达成协议,承诺她的个人电影只在院线上映,而她的薪酬在很大程度上基于票房表现。

    The Marvel in theaters . Johansson claims her agreement with Disney 's Marvel Entertainment guaranteed an exclusive theatrical release for her solo film , and her salary was based , in large part , on the box-office performance .

  12. 《尚气与十环传奇》是漫威第一部由亚洲人领衔主演的超级英雄大片,包括奥卡菲娜、杨紫琼、梁朝伟、刘思慕在内的所有主要演员都是亚洲人或亚裔。

    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is the first of Marvel 's superhero blockbusters to have an Asian lead character , and all of its main actors – including Awkwafina , Michelle Yeoh , Tony Leung , and Simu Liu as Shang-Chi himself – are Asian or of Asian descent .

  13. DC和漫威的对垒

    DC and Marvel in face off

  14. 网友们热议DC漫画与漫威漫画之间的竞争。

    There was the DC vs Marvel * debacle as web users hotly debated comic-book franchises .

  15. 看来DC和漫威未来两年会有激烈角逐了。

    It looks like DC and Marvel will have some serious battles to fight in the following two years .

  16. 我们的漫威项目就是一款战斗游戏,由你的超级英雄对战其他超级英雄,有点像《街头霸王2》(StreetFighter2)的风格。

    Our Marvel game will be a fighting game : your superhero against another superhero , kind of Street Fighter 2 style .

  17. 当你听到“突变”这个词的时候,你可能会联想到某些具有破坏性的东西,或漫威漫画公司出品的X战警。

    When you hear the word " mutation , " you may think of something destructive , or of Marvel 's X-Men .

  18. 最近我们刚刚宣布,我们将与漫威影业(Marvel)合作一个大项目。

    We just announced we are doing a big Marvel project .

  19. 在漫威英雄总部(MarvelUniverse)可以试穿钢铁侠套装的“变身钢铁侠”(BecomeIronMan)项目入口处,告示上的等待时间是50分钟。

    The posted wait time for the Become Iron Man entertainment at Marvel Universe , where we could virtually try on Iron Man suits , was 50 minutes .

  20. 其他景点与沃尔特·迪士尼公司的一些收购有关,包括漫威电影和《星球大战》(StarWars)特许商品。

    Other attractions were related to some of the Walt Disney Company 's acquisitions , including Marvel Comics and the " Star Wars " franchise .

  21. 迪士尼-漫威的《美国队长2》(CaptainAmerica:TheWinterSoldier)位居第三,获得2.598亿国内票房及7.141亿全球票房。

    Disney-Marvel 's " Captain America : The Winter Soldier " was third , taking in $ 259.8 million ( $ 714.1 million globally ) .

  22. 继《星球大战:银河边缘》(StarWars:Galaxy'sEdge)首映大获成功之后,迪士尼正在推进漫威乐园(MarvelLand)的扩建计划。

    Following on the opening success of Star Wars : Galaxy 's Edge , Disney is moving forward with construction on its Marvel Land theme park expansion .

  23. 随后漫威(Marvel)旗下所有电影,还有其他不相关的电影都采用了这个办法。

    All of Marvel 's subsequent releases and many other unrelated films have followed suit .

  24. 漫威影业(Marvel)出品的《银河护卫队》(GuardiansoftheGalaxy)一大特征是令人捧腹的愚蠢。

    The distinguishing mark of Marvel 's " Guardians of the Galaxy " is its pleasing silliness .

  25. 在放送了几天片花后,《正义联盟》的首支官方预告片终于推出。《正义联盟》是DC扩展宇宙对漫威《复仇者联盟》的回应。

    After a few days of teasers , here at last is the first official trailer for ' Justice League , ' the DC Extended Universe 's answer to ' The Avengers . '

  26. 在贾斯汀·特鲁多之前,他的父亲、也是加拿大前任总理皮埃尔·艾略特·特鲁多,曾于1979年漫威《神奇X战警》中登场。

    Justin Trudeau is following his father , Pierre Elliot Trudeau , a former Canadian prime minister himself who appeared as a character in the April 1979 issue of Marvel 's Uncanny X-Men series .

  27. 2002年,一名4岁的小男孩患有耳聋,但他不愿意戴助听器,因为超级英雄们都不戴。之后,漫威(Marvel)创作了一个戴着助听器的蓝耳侠(BlueEar)。

    Marvel created superhero Blue Ear , who wears a hearing aid , after a little boy refused to wear one because " superheroes don 't wear hearing aids . "

  28. IDW和漫威漫画公司(IDWandMarvel)。150美元。

    IDW and Marvel . $ 150 .

  29. 到了周二,所有的铁杆粉丝们好像都在twitter上讨论,蜘蛛侠是否会回到漫威电影世界,加入到他的漫画同胞们当中去。

    By Tuesday , or so it seemed , all of geekdom was atwitter over the possibility of Spider-Man joining his comic book brethren in Marvel 's cinematic universe .

  30. 但从迪士尼(WaltDisney)旗下漫威娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)出品的最新大片《钢铁侠3》(IronMan3)中可见,华人角色以及中国作为故事背景的地位正变得愈发重要。

    But Chinese characters - and China as a setting - are becoming increasingly prominent , judging by Iron Man 3 , the latest blockbuster from Walt Disney 's Marvel division .