
zhì hòu huí xiàn
  • hysteresis loop
  1. 卸载曲线通常都落在加载曲线之下,形成一个滞后回线。

    The unloading curve normally falls below the loading curve to form a hysteresis loop .

  2. 循环变形铜单晶体的滞后回线形状变化与驻留滑移带的萌生

    Changes of hysteresis loop shape and nucleation of persistent slip band in cyclically deformed copper single crystals

  3. 通过构筑PM空间密度函数,求出饱和岩石的应力应变状态方程,并模拟了其轴向应变径向应变滞后回线。

    Through constitution of PM space density function , the stress-strain state equation for saturated rocks has been defined and the hysteresis loops of axial stress-radial stress has been simulated .

  4. 本文对双稳态半导体激光器的滞后回线进行了理论分析。

    A theoretical analysis of hysteresis is presented on bistable semiconductor lasers .

  5. 物理系统的滞后回线与双稳态性质

    Detained Ring and Bistable Properties in Physical Systems

  6. 描述了工作原理,解释所观测到的一些效应,例如滞后回线、微分增益以及记忆功能。

    The principle is described graphically to explain the observed effects such as hysteresis , differential operational gain and memory functions .

  7. 通过对饱和砂岩和大理岩的循环载荷实验,本文研究了应力应变曲线的细微差异,指出对于不同孔隙流体和不同性质的岩石,其应力应变滞后回线的形状是不同的。

    Through cycling loading experiment for saturated sandstone and marble and studying the subtle difference in their stress-strain curves , the paper pointed out that the hysteresis loops of stress-strain has different shapes for rocks with different characters and saturated with various pore-fluids .

  8. 记录了各循环周次的应力、应力-应变滞后回线,根据回线的面积和形状计算了循环形变中的能量损耗、摩擦应力、反馈应力及形状参量。

    The peak stresses of various cycles were measured by a digit voltmeter and the stress-strain hysteresis loops for selected cycles were recorded using an X-Y recorder . The energy losses , friction stresses , back stresses and shape parameters of hysteresis loops were measured from the hysteresis loops obtained .