
  • 网络at a premium;issue at premium;At Premium;issue at a premium
  1. 股票溢价发行的具体管理办法由国务院另行规定。

    Specific regulations governing the issue of share certificates at a premium are separately issued by the State Council .

  2. 当债券溢价发行时,借款者偿还的金额少于最初的借入金额。

    When bonds are issued at a premium , the borrower pays back less than the amount originally borrowed .

  3. 股票溢价发行制度是中国股市的问题之源,要解决中国股市的问题,必须坚决废止溢价发行制度。

    Premium stock issue system underlies the problems of Chinese stock market .

  4. 非流通股股东的利益主要是通过溢价发行、净资产增值和盈利分红来实现。

    No-public shareholders realize their interests mainly through premium issue , net assets appreciation and money bonus .

  5. 现在上海等股票溢价发行即是采取此种方式。

    The stock excessive price such as Shanghai is issued now is to take this kind of kind namely .

  6. 关于公司债券折价溢价发行的摊销债券溢(折)价摊销新方法探讨

    The Amortization of Bond 's Par Pricing upon Issues Research on New Amortization Method with the Premium or Discount of Bonds

  7. 当债券的合同利率高于相似债券的市场利率时,债券溢价发行。

    Bonds sell at a premium when the contract interest rate on the bond exceeds the market rate for similar bonds .

  8. 高溢价发行和国有股不能流通,是形成我国上市公司畸形股权结构的根源。

    Overflow high , price publishing and state-owned share can not be circulated , is to form our country to appear on the market , the source of company 's lopsided equity structure .

  9. 目前,中国可转债市场由国内投资者主导,但外国投资者正变得愈发活跃,因为企业有兴趣运用可转债,意味着企业愿意以较低溢价发行这种融资工具。

    The market is dominated by domestic investors , but foreigners are becoming more active as corporate interest in using this financing tool means companies are prepared to offer convertible bonds at cheap premiums .

  10. 第二十八条股票发行采取溢价发行的,其发行价格由发行人与承销的证券公司协商确定,报国务院证券监督管理机构核准。

    Article 28 Where a stock is issued at a premium , the issue price shall be discussed and determined between the issuer and the underwriting securities company , and report to the securities regulatory body under the State Council for approval .

  11. 申购首次公开上市的公司的股票非常令人兴奋:我记得,当时我发疯似地阅读招股说明书,试图计算出某只股票是否可能是溢价发行,参加路演并惴惴不安地将支票寄出。

    Applying for shares in a company going public for the first time was hugely exciting : I remember frantically reading prospectuses , trying to work out if a stock might trade at a premium , witnessing roadshows and nervously sending off cheques .

  12. 债券溢价或折价发行时,实收价款与面值的差额应当单独核算,在债券到期前分期冲减或者增加各期的利息支出。

    When bonds are issued in premium or discount , the difference between the amount actually obtained and the par value shall be accounted independently , and be written off periodically or increasing the interest expenses of every period prior to the maturity of bonds .

  13. 同时应当采取缩减非溢价股、注销部分已经超额分红的非溢价股等办法,以解决溢价发行制度遗留下来的问题。

    To solve these problems , we should abolish the premium stock issue system and solve the problems caused by premium stock issue system by subtracting non - premium shares and canceling what have over distributed the dividends .