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  1. 有效扩散系数和介质温度间的Arrhenius关系:在试验建立的干燥动力学模型的基础上建立了以年费用为目标函数,级间湿含量为决策变量的优化模型。

    The Arrhenius relationship between effective diffusion coefficient and the gas temperature is : Base on the drying kinetics model , establishing an optimization model for annual cost as objective function , particle middle moisture content as decision variables .

  2. 最终湿含量随着初始湿含量的增加而增加。

    And final moisture content increases with increases in initial humid content .

  3. 针对湿含量高达0.604kg(H2O)/kg(Air)的磷酸二铵尾气脱湿过程,提出雾状与膜状冷凝并存的机制。

    A mechanism of simultaneous fogging and film condensation was proposed to the dehumidification of exhaust gas from diammonium phosphate process , in which the humidity is as high as 0.604 kg ( H_2O ) / kg ( Air ) .

  4. 尽管水分迁移机制比较复杂,用Fick定律预测脱水时样品温度与湿含量分布之间的关系仍具有精确性。

    Fick 's law can be used to predict relationship between sample temperature and moisture distributions during dehydration with reasonable accuracy , despite the complex nature of the mechanisms of moisture transport .

  5. 固体循环气流干燥器湿含量分布的研究

    The Distribution of Moisture Content of Flash Dryers with Circulating System of Solids

  6. 测定了扩散系数、扩散活化能和平衡湿含量。

    The diffusion coefficient , diffusion activation energy and equilibrium moisture content were obtained .

  7. 测量松散颗粒物料局部湿含量的电容探针

    A Mini-Capacitance Probe for Measuring the Local Moisture Content in the Granular Porous Material

  8. 结果表明降解的最佳温度为30℃,最佳湿含量为60%。

    The optimal operation temperature was 30 ℃ and the optimized humidity was 60 % .

  9. 随着加热管束通入蒸汽流量的增加,出口空气的湿含量进一步提高。

    The increasing steam rate can result in the increase in humidity of outlet air .

  10. 喷雾干燥过程的湿含量推断控制

    Moisture Inferential Control for Spray Dryers

  11. 固体返料气流-流化组合干燥器的湿含量分布

    Distribution of moisture content for compound dryers of flash and fluidization with circulating system of solids

  12. 对火电厂粉煤灰平衡湿含量的试验和分析

    Analysis and experiment on the equilibrium moisture content of fly ash and bottom ash for heat-engine plant

  13. 基于湿含量计算模型的管道空气流量在线微机测量系统

    On-line pipeline air flux measurement system based on the calculative model for water vapour content in the air

  14. 喷雾干燥塔粉料湿含量控制系统的分析、设计与调试

    The Analysis , Design and Debugging of the Moisture Content Controlling System of the Corned-Powder in the Spray-drying Tower

  15. 当扩散控制时,湿含量遵循着复杂的但接近于指数关系的形式而随时间降低。

    When diffusion controls , the moisture fraction decreases in a complex but close to exponential manner with time .

  16. 本文利用水的介电常数远大于一般介质介电常数的特点,发展了一种测量松散颗粒物料局部湿含量的电容探针。

    A mini-capacitance probe for measuring the local moisture content in the granular porous material is developed in this paper .

  17. 通过该方法,系统研究了水泥石线性热膨胀系数的影响因素,包括温度、水灰比、龄期、湿含量、掺合料、配合比等。

    Influence factors of thermal deformation are investigated , including temperature , water cement ratio , age , moisture content , admixture and mix ratio .

  18. 此外,还讨论了加热功率、初始湿含量等因素对测量的影响。

    Besides , the influences of some factors , such as heating power and initial moisture content , on the accuracy of measurement are also discussed .

  19. 应用所得的数学模型,设计了操作费用目标函数和终湿含量、尾气温度、物料处理量辅助目标函数。

    Apply the mathematic model , design the target function of the work expense and the assistant target function of the final humidity quantity , caudal temperature and material disposal quantity .

  20. 同时,本文还针对整个物料的干燥工艺,建立了薄膜物料干燥过程的物理模型以及传热传质数学模型,绘制出干燥过程中薄膜相对湿含量及表面温度随时间变化的曲线。

    For the whole dryness process , this paper established the physical model and heat mass transfer mathematical model of film dryness process , obtained film relative damp content and temperature curves .

  21. 湿含量对钛精矿的传热系数有着重要影响,干物料的传热系数显著大于湿物料的传热系数;

    The moisture content of particles has important effect on the heat transfer coefficients of titanium concentrate . The heat transfer coefficients of dry titanium concentrate exceed that of wet titanium concentrate notably .

  22. 对于常温下的空气水体系,在相同条件下,加热管束通入加热蒸汽可使出口空气的湿含量提高8.7%&12.6%。

    For the air-water system at room temperature , the humidity of outlet air with introduction of steam into the tube-bundle increases by 8.7 % & 12.6 % in contrast with no steam introduction .

  23. 依据环境湿含量变化,进行了衬层固化机理分析及固化参数和固化时间对衬层性能的影响实验,研究了衬层发软,不易脱模的问题。

    According to content change of environment moisture , cure mechanism of liners was analyzed , the effect of cure parameter and cure time on properties of liners was tested , and liner softening and non-demolding was investigated .

  24. 组合加热流化床干燥机综合了间接加热热效率高及普通流化床热质传递效率高的优点,在高湿含量物料及热敏性物料的干燥中具有优势。

    A fluidized-bed dryer with combined contact and convective heating can be used in the drying of high moisture content or heat-sensitive materials due to the advantages of high heat efficiency and high heat ( mass ) transfer rate .

  25. 本文所编制的程序中通过模拟液滴粒子的运动轨迹,计算粒子的运动方程、传质传热方程,直到液滴的平均湿含量达到产品的干燥要求,来确定喷雾干燥器的直径和高度。

    This article simulated droplets trajectories and calculated some equations about movement , heat & mass transfer until the average moisture content met our request . Thus , we could determine the diameter and height of spray dryer by the interrelated program .

  26. 通过内配碳球团的热风穿流干燥实验,研究了不同热风温度、流速、球团初始湿含量以及生球尺寸对干燥过程的影响规律,并对球团的爆裂温度进行测定。

    The influence of different parameters on drying process is studied in hot air cross-flow experiment , which includes air temperature , air speed , initial moisture content and size of raw pellets . And the crack temperature of pellets is derived in this experiment .

  27. 在四个假设条件基础下,建立了关于拟薄水铝石强化沸腾烘干系统过程数学模型即物料温度、热风温度、颗粒速度、热风湿含量、物料含水率五个微分方程。

    Based on the four hypothesizes , build the process mathematic model of aggrandizement boil drying system of Pseudo-boehmite . They are the differential equations of material temperature , hot wind temperature , granule velocity , hot wind humid content and material containing water rate .

  28. 从多孔物料的微观结构出发,利用平衡湿含量的实验数据,对三十多种多孔建筑物料的孔隙分布规律进行了分析,结果表明其分布服从对数正态分布。

    Basing on the analysis of micro-structure and the experimental data of equilibrium moisture content of the porous construction materials , this paper studies the relationship between the equilibrium moisture content and the void distribution of porous materials . The results show that the void distribution obeys logarithmic normal function .

  29. 方法建立HPLC法测定不同厂家的注射用头孢哌酮舒巴坦钠的初始含量、高温加速及引湿后含量,并比较其性状及含量变化的情况。

    METHODS The contents of Cefoperazone Sodium and Sulbactam Sodium for Injection was determined by HPLC .

  30. 干、湿面筋含量、蛋白质含量和单位面筋沉降值以GCA效应为主。

    Wet and dry gluten content , S. G S and protein content were controlled by GCA effect .