
  1. 你很难找到他那正是游戏乐趣所在

    He 's super hard to find . That 's the challenge .

  2. 为了逃避自己的私人游戏乐趣逃走!

    Escape to your own private getaway of gaming fun !

  3. 你的智慧会帮助你赢得胜利!现在,感受一下游戏乐趣吧!

    Just take it easy and your wisdom will help you to win out the game !

  4. 这是真正的游戏乐趣,会帮你玩花几个小时。

    This game is real fun to play and will help you spend a few hours daily .

  5. 除了担任闯关,飞天蒲蒲还提供双人对打,让你可以和家人或朋友一同享受游戏乐趣。

    Draw the clouds at the bottom area to keep the piggy flying ! Play with your families & friends in versus mode with lots of fun !

  6. 即使一个服务器人数不是太多,但玩家聚集在一个地区也会让服务器负荷加重,这也会影响到游戏乐趣。

    A.Even if a World server is not crowded , a large number of players gathering in a single place would increase server load , adversely affecting gameplay .

  7. 我认为我们吸引了原先没有意识到享受在线游戏乐趣的人群加入到在线游戏,我认为这对产业是有益的。

    " I think we 've introduced a number of people to online gaming who didn 't realize that they would even enjoy it , and so I think that 's good for the industry ," he said .

  8. 为了打探真人CS游戏的乐趣,记者来到真人CS训练基地。

    In order to inquire honorable person CS game 's pleasure , reporter arrives at the honorable person CS Training base .

  9. 我们在开发魔兽世界过程中的一个基本理念就是除去其他MMORPG中产生过度挫折感的元素,使得游戏充满乐趣。

    One of the fundamental philosophies we have had throughout the development of World of Warcraft is to remove overly frustrating elements from other MMORPGs and make the game FUN .

  10. 论游戏的乐趣及其对特殊教育的启示

    On the Pleasure of Game and Its Implication to Special Education

  11. 贝蒂斯啤酒酒吧是完全上瘾的棋盘游戏的乐趣。

    Bettys Beer Bar is completely addicting board game fun .

  12. 另外,此游戏的乐趣和可以发挥的与朋友或家庭成员

    Plus , this game is fun and can be played with friends or family members

  13. 我们希望玩家体会的是游戏的乐趣而不是跟着功略循规蹈矩。

    We want people to have fun playing the game & not to feel obligated to crawl spoiler sites .

  14. 所有这些角色都配有话外音,以方便年龄更小的孩子们也能体验到游戏的乐趣。

    All of the characters have been voiced over so that younger children can experience the game as well .

  15. 你在这个射击游戏的乐趣的目标是使用水的狙击枪,找到香烟,把他们失望。

    Your goal in this fun shooting game is to use your water sniper gun and find cigarettes and put them down .

  16. 真正重要的是我们四人(其中包括那位瘦人)一块围坐在牌桌边一起玩拼图游戏的乐趣啊。

    The important thing is the fun of four people ( one thin person included ) sitting around a card table , working a jigsaw puzzle .

  17. 据英国卫报报道,色盲患者的生活不仅缺少绚丽的色彩,很多时候他们更被剥夺了享受电脑游戏的乐趣。

    According to the Guardian 's report , color blind people do miss out on a lot more fun than normal people , especially in video games .

  18. 今天,信托组织鼓励会员像财产的集体业主一样,躺在草坪上,弹奏古老的钢琴或是享受着槌球游戏的乐趣。

    Today , members are encouraged to feel almost like collective owners of its properties , lounging on lawns , playing ancient pianos or enjoying games of croquet .

  19. 去迪斯尼公园的游客会遇见米老鼠和它的朋友,享受车乘和游戏的乐趣,观看来自世界各地的展览。

    Visitors to the Disney parks can meet Mickey and his friends , enjoy rides and games , and look at exhibitions from all parts of the world .

  20. 为了使视障人群也能享受教育游戏带来的乐趣,一些研究小组开发出完全基于听觉的audio-only教育游戏,但相关技术还未发展成熟,游戏本身也未被大众广泛认知。

    In order that visually impaired people can also enjoy the fun of educational games , some research groups developed audio-only educational games which completely based on the acoustic information , although some related technology has not yet perfectly developed and the game itself has not been widely acknowledged .

  21. 同时,还会有奖励,铁路桥的设置也令游戏充满了乐趣!

    Bonus-cars and railway bridges will not let you get bored !

  22. 硬币和游戏充满了乐趣,只是容易被遗忘。

    The quarters and the games were fun but easily forgotten .

  23. 此款游戏最大的乐趣大部分源于开发者对谜团的设计。

    Most enjoyment lies in the game 's puzzle design .

  24. 数百人在有组织的自行车游戏中找到乐趣。

    Hundreds have found joy in organized bicycle games .

  25. 每一关都会有不同的道具,这会使游戏变得更有乐趣。

    Each level contains special bonuses , which improves the game bring more fun .

  26. 允许孩子们完全自由地享受游戏带来的乐趣。

    To allow children to be completely free to play as much as they like .

  27. 不过即使在这种原始状态,帕基特诺夫就已发现这个游戏的无穷乐趣。

    But even in this primitive form , Pajitnov found that the game was already tons of fun .

  28. 游戏除了带来乐趣之外还能有其他用处吗?小声地问一句:它们有什么正经的作用吗?

    Can Games be ever more than a bit of fun ? Can they be whisper it serious ?

  29. 虽然你需要一台很给力的电脑才能体验这个游戏的最大乐趣,但它也能很好地适应低端的硬件配置。

    While requiring a good computer to get the most of this game , it is fairly scalable to lower-end hardware .

  30. 我是喜欢这样的劳作,即让我找回故乡的情节,又能在如此模拟的游戏中找到乐趣。

    I like the crafts , that is , the plot let me get back home , but also in such a simulation to find the game fun .