
  • 网络Channel mix
  1. 五是钢铁产品的营销渠道组合策略:主要阐述了中间商在产品营销中的重要作用以及怎样使中间商和钢厂得到双赢的策略。

    Fifth one is the marketing channel tactics of iron and steel product . In this section mainly discussing the importance of the middleman and how to obtain win-win tactics .

  2. 智能楼宇建设的融资渠道优化组合研究

    The Optimum Combination of Financing Channel for Construction of Intelligent Building

  3. 明显地,营销者面临一个设计问题:为他们的产品(提供物)选择最好的沟通、分销和销售渠道的组合方式。

    Marketers clearly face a design problem in choosing the best mix of communication , distribution , and selling channels for their offerings .

  4. 配水渠道轮灌组合优化模型与引水时间的均一化处理

    Optimizing Model of Rotation Irrigation Combination of Distribution Canals and Uniformizing Treatment for Diversion Times

  5. 提出四川峨柴应在主要市场,对多种分销渠道进行选择性组合,以进一步提高渠道服务水平;

    , Ltd. should constitute the different distribution channels selectively in the main market to improve the service standard of the distribution channel .

  6. 提出了企业多层分销渠道伙伴选择组合模型,通过建立渠道伙伴选择模糊评价模型和基于熵的渠道伙伴选择模型两个模型,在此基础上,用组合方法进行处理,从而得出最后理论结果。

    For selecting distribution channel partners , fuzzy assessment model and entropy-based model are established . On the basis of these two models , combination method is applied to get the final theoretical result .

  7. 研究目的和意义营销渠道是企业营销组合要素中的一个重要方面。

    Marketing channel is one of important marketing elements .

  8. 分销渠道是企业营销组合四大因素之一,而中间商是分销渠道上最重要的链接。

    Retail Channel is one of the four factors of enterprises ' marketing mix , and mid-businessman is the most important chain connection .

  9. 中间环节即中间商,是企业选择渠道和进行渠道组合的关键所在。

    The intermediate link , middleman , is decisively important for an enterprise to carry on the business by a selected channel and combined channels .

  10. 早在上世纪50年代,市场营销的理论中即已指出,营销渠道是市场营销组合的基本要素。

    As early as the 50s of the last century , marketing theories pointed that the marketing channel is an elementary factor of the marketing mix .

  11. 营销渠道作为企业营销组合四要素之一,它的重要性越来越受到企业的重视。

    As one of the four essential factors of the corporations ' marketing combination , the importance of the marketing channel is paid more and more attentions by corporations .

  12. 在此基础上,通过分析了供应链、交易成本、营销渠道之间的关系,分析了营销渠道组合对供应链的重要作用,考虑交易成本的约束,提出了基于AHP与目标规划的营销渠道组合方法。

    Based on these studies , it studies the relationship among the supply chain , transaction cost and marketing channel , analyses the important effect of the marketing channel to the supply chain , and put forwards studying methods of the marketing channel based on AHP and objective programming .

  13. 面对日益多变的市场需求环境,已很少有企业仅依靠采取单一的渠道策略制胜,电子渠道与传统渠道的组合运营模式即双渠道分销已成为企业必不可少的选择。

    In the face of ever-changing market demand environment , few companies can only rely on a single channel to outmaneuver . A combination of the electronic channel and traditional channel , i.e. dual-channel distribution , has become an essential choice for enterprises .

  14. 笔者把握住产品分销渠道的形成机制的规律,从分销渠道的组合要素着手,较为细致全面地分析了康拜恩冰箱分销网络的规模设计、组织设计以及渠道的管理。

    According to the system of the product distribution channel mechanism , it starts at the compose factor of the distribution , then , it detailed analysis marketing positioning and organization designing of the distribution channel system for Combine Refrigerator , and channel management .

  15. 理顺不同渠道之间的相互关系,探讨了渠道的管理方式、渠道的组合协调、渠道的激励和沟通、渠道冲突的解决;

    Fourthly , we have understood the different channels ' relationship . Fifthly , this paper has discussed the manageable way compose harmonize encouragement and link up of channel , and the conflict 's solution of channel .

  16. 由于营销渠道往往都是由些独立的批发和零售企业构成,因而营销渠道是营销组合中唯一一个涉及跨组织关系管理与协调的要素。

    Because marketing channel is often constituted by a number of independent wholesale and retail enterprises , so the marketing channel is the only one involved in the marketing mix elements of the management and coordination of inter-organizational relationships .

  17. 最后,建立了供应链配送渠道系统简化模型,设计了相应的仿真参数,通过Swarm仿真平台模拟了供应链配送渠道系统的动态组合行为,并对仿真结果进行了分析。

    Then this paper builds a simple model of distribution channel system in supply chain , designs the simulation parameters , simulates the dynamic behavior of the distribution channel system through swarm , and finally analyzes the results of the simulation .

  18. 在此基础上,从渠道建设的思路与原则、传统销售渠道的优化拓展、新型销售渠的开发、渠道协调等角度对传统销售渠道与新型销售渠道进行了优化组合。

    On this basis , from the ideas and principles of the channel construction , optimization of the traditional sales channels to expand the development of new sales channels , the channel co-ordination point of view the optimal combination of traditional sales channels and new sales channels .