
  • 网络incremental model
  1. Scrum是用于项目管理和开发的迭代式渐进模型。

    Scrum is an iterative , incremental model for project management and development .

  2. 使用校正的渐进模型关联式,结合Thome核沸腾传质阻力效应校正,构造出多元物系流动沸腾传热计算方法。

    Combined with the modified correlation of mass transfer resistance by Thone , a modified asymptotical model correlation for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of mixtures was presented .

  3. 流动沸腾传热渐进模型的一种修正形式

    A modification of asymptotic model for flow boiling heat transfer

  4. 基于季节变动序列渐进模型的环境因素预测

    The Environmental Factor Prediction Based on Advanced Gradual Model of Seasonal Variation Series

  5. 含裂隙类岩石材料的局部化渐进破损模型研究

    Research on localized progressive damage model for fractured rocklike materials

  6. 第二类渐进宇宙模型中国支持渐进式改革。

    Asymptotic model of the second kind China has advocated a measured transition .

  7. 改进的Ⅱ型促进迁移液膜传质渐进前沿模型

    Improved advancing front model for type ⅱ facilitated transport mass transfer in liquid surfactant membrane

  8. 渐进决策模型视角的高校扩招政策分析

    From the View of Progressive Decision-making Model to Analyze Enrolment Expansion Policy of Colleges and Universities

  9. 一种渐进格网模型的改进算法

    A Improved Progressive Mesh Algorithm

  10. 本文综述了乳化液膜传质动力学模型的发展状况:从最简化的平板模型,空心球模型到较为详尽的渐进前沿模型乃至其他传质模型;

    A detailed summary of models of mass transfer kinetics by liquid emulsion membrane in published literature was proposed .

  11. 在此基础上,介绍了改进的渐进前沿模型;同时,对传质动力学模型今后的发展方向进行了预测。

    An improved advancing front model which takes into account the influence of principal factors in mass transfer process was developed .

  12. 渐进决策模型足一种在过去经验的基础上,采用渐进方式对现行政策加以修改从而逐渐实现决策目标的一种决策过程范式。

    So-called progressive decision-making model is a decision-making process paradigm , which is based on the past experience , and progressively to realize the objectives through gradual approach to modify the existing policy .

  13. 对于刚性挡墙,采用自制的模型箱,进行渐进破坏模型试验,研究不同的挡墙变位方式对土颗粒位移、水土合力、孔隙水压力的影响。

    For the rigid retaining wall , the author used the model box which was devised by himself , to study the pressure of the retaining walk the soil displacement and the pore pressure of the soil behind the rigid retaining wall under various wall-movements modes .

  14. 提出了改进的Ⅱ型促进迁移液膜传质渐进前沿模型,该模型不仅考虑了滴内外扩散阻力、外界面反应,还同时引进了乳液渗透溶胀和液膜破损效应。

    An improved advancing front model for type II facilitated transport has been developed . The proposed model not only takes into account the mass transfer both inside and outside the emulsion globules , the interfacial chemical reaction , but also the influence of the permeation swelling and the breakage .

  15. 巴塞尔Ⅱ在第一支柱框架下,要求使用内部评级法计量经济资本,并给出了计量信用风险的基础模型&渐进单因子模型(ASRF)。

    The internal ratings method is required to use to measure economic costs under the framework of The first pillar of Basel ⅱ, and the asymptotic single risk factor ( ASRF ) model is also put into practice as the basic model to measure economic costs .

  16. 然后建立了信息化渐进式过程模型,并对其中各个阶段进行了详细的介绍。

    Then design progressive informationization process model , and elaborate every stage of the model in detail .

  17. 双层反翘滑坡渐进破坏力学模型及时效变形分析

    The Gradual Destruction Mechanical Model and Time-dependent Deformation Analysis of Landslide with Double Sliding Planes Rock-layer Reverse

  18. 提出了三维几何数据的渐进分辨率链式模型,建立了表征不同分辨率模型之间内在联系的有效工具;

    We propose the Progressive-Resolution-Chain ( PRC ) model , which connects the 3D models of different resolution using their intrinsic relationship .

  19. 借助渐进分辨率链式模型,提出了基于主元分析的三维超分辨率算法,给出了具体的求解过程。

    Based on the PRC model , we propose the PCA based 3D Super-Resolution algorithm , and give the whole solution to the problem .

  20. 基于抽象胞腔复形的概念以及七算子模型提出了街道选取算子模型和街道网渐进式表达模型。

    An operator model for street and a progressive representation model for street network are presented based on Abstract Cell Complex and seven-operator model .

  21. 基于平面欧几里得图和抽象胞腔复形理论,提出了街道网矢量数据的渐进式表达模型。

    A progressive representation model for street networks of vector data was presented based on the theory of plane Euclidean graph and abstract complex cell .

  22. 通过巴塞尔委员会提出的三种渐进的度量模型:基本指标法、标准化方法、高级度量法对我国银行业的操作风险度量问题进行研究,给出了适合我国金融环境的操作风险度量模型。

    An operational risk measurement study has been taken by the three incremental measurement models : basic indicators , standardized method and senior measurement , which were proposed by the Basel Committee .

  23. 为有效反映复合材料层合板层间相互作用和材料损伤非线性,建立了中等尺度的三维复合材料层合板渐进损伤分析模型。

    A three-dimensional ( 3D ) nonlinear progressive damage analysis ( PDA ) model at the mesoscale level was presented in order to take into account the interlaminar stress and damaged material nonlinearity .

  24. 应变软化土质边坡渐进破坏的演化模型

    Evolution Model of Progressive Failure of Strain - softening Soil Slopes

  25. 基于试验的花岗岩渐进破坏本构模型研究

    Progressive damage constitutive models of granite based on experimental results

  26. 基于渐进网格的复杂模型简化算法

    Simplification algorithm for complex models based on progressive meshes

  27. 方法采用大鼠后路渐进性脊髓压迫模型,然后行手术减压。

    Methods Chronic progressive spinal cord compression model and surgical decompression model were produced in Wistar rats .

  28. 隧道围岩渐进性破坏机理模型试验方法研究

    Study on the Test Method for Progressive Failure Mechanism of the Surrounding Rock of Tunnel with Model

  29. 本文针对信息技术的急剧发展的现状,考虑到企业在信息技术的投资、选择上的困惑和无序,通过一个渐进的IT规划模型,为面向21世纪的企业因特网生存提供一个决策模型。

    This paper describes an IT selection model by presenting ten most favorite IT directions based on the rapid development of the IT and the chaos and puzzles of the Chinese enterprise behavior .

  30. 在连续体结构拓扑优化的基础上,对孔洞的形状实施约束,构建了带规则几何约束的连续体结构拓扑优化模型,提出了一种基于区间松弛策略的渐进优化方法对模型进行求解。

    Based on the continuous structure topology optimization , restricting the holes ' shape , a topology optimization model with regular geometric constraints for continuum structure is presented and solved by an evolutionary structure optimization method based on interval relaxation .