
  • beloved;devoted;affectionate
  1. 功成名就之后她还是舍不得离开她深爱的利物浦。

    Fame hasn 't torn her away from her beloved Liverpool

  2. 她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。

    She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor .

  3. 在母亲死后,Ned害怕自己的能力会让其他深爱的人死去,从此不敢与人深交。

    After his mother 's death , Ned avoided social attachments , fearing what he 'd do if someone else he loved died .

  4. 故事的主角名叫史蒂芬•爱尔兰(StephenIreland),他为爱尔兰国家队踢足球,但却在几周前错过了一场重要的比赛,因为他深爱的外婆刚刚过世。

    Its anti-hero is Stephen Ireland who ( fittingly ) plays football for the Republic of Ireland , but missed an important match a couple of weeks ago as his much-loved maternal grandmother had just died .

  5. 从床前的窗子能看到他深爱的兰乔教堂,几年前,乔治亚·欧姬芙(GeorgiaO’Keeffe)在这里作画的事情闻名一时。

    A window in front of his bed looked directly out on his beloved Ranchos Church , the same church that Georgia O'Keeffe famously painted years before .

  6. 那是一家典型的曼哈顿餐馆,DanDoctoroff身着牛仔裤和短袖衬衫,一边啜着无糖苏打一边赞美着这座他深爱的城市。

    SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner , Dan Doctoroff , clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt , is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves .

  7. 显然,从最高法院大法官提名人索托马约尔(SoniaSotomayor)的参议院提名听证会可以看出,她与家人和朋友都保持着温馨的关系,这其中也包括她深爱的母亲和弟弟。

    It 's clear , from Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor 's Senate confirmation hearings , that she has a warm relationship with her family and friends , including her beloved mother and brother .

  8. 一个多世纪以前,英国矿业巨头塞西尔·罗德(CecilRhodes)设立了该奖学金项目,试图通过在他深爱的牛津大学培养潜在的领导者,来帮助实现世界和平。

    The British mining magnate Cecil Rhodes created the scholarship program more than a century ago to try to help secure world peace by educating potential leaders , mostly from British colonies , at his beloved Oxford .

  9. 在出版商和编辑团队的帮助下,J.K.罗琳改变了现代文学的面貌,创作了一个被全球各地的孩子和成年人都认可、并深爱的故事。

    With the help of a close knit group of publishers and editors , Rowling changed the face of modern literature and created a unifying story that both children and adults across the globe identify with and love deeply .

  10. 可能是桥梁的构造,为什么肖恩-康纳利(SeanConnery)是扮演邦德的最佳演员,或者越位规则的复杂性,就算是恩赐,也要给他自己表演的时间,然后他会闭嘴,让你一个人享受一段充满深爱的爱情的宁静。

    Be it the mechanics of bridges , why Sean Connery 's the best Bond , or the complexities of the offside rule , even if he 's being patronising allow him his airtime , and he will then shut up , leaving you to enjoy the peace and quiet of a loving and giving relationship .

  11. 至于那个他深爱的女孩,她自杀了。

    As for the girl he loved , she committed suicide .

  12. 你和你深爱的人是不会各自单独扬帆出海的!

    The two of you won 't be setting sail alone !

  13. 我最深爱的人,你可以购买到17的门票。

    My deepest love person , you can buy tickets to17 .

  14. 将这两种深爱的内部主题结合起来似乎有点奇怪。

    It seems odd to combine these two beloved interior themes .

  15. 我非常幸运地能够代表这个我们深爱的国家。

    I have been blessed to represent this Nation we love .

  16. 一切深爱的事物都化作了生命里的一部分。

    All that we love deeply becomes a part of us .

  17. 站在一处我曾经深爱的地方。

    I 'm standing in a place where I once loved .

  18. 结婚前,男人思慕他深爱的女人。

    Before marriage , a man yearns for the woman he loves .

  19. 因为我也有个深爱的丈夫。

    Since I have a husband I love very much .

  20. 深爱的人如果感觉受到限制,也许会生气的。

    Loved ones may be annoyed if they feel restricted .

  21. 看到今天来的这些阿里克斯深爱的人们。

    See here today all those peopie that aiex ioved .

  22. 那就是我所深爱的人在等我回去。

    That my soul mate was back at home waiting for me .

  23. 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及被深爱的人抛弃。

    You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love .

  24. 我们深爱的国家时,保护我们。

    As we protect our country we so dearly love .

  25. 可是他实在无法离开这个所深爱的运动。

    But he couldn 't stay away from the game he loved .

  26. 如果即将和深爱的人永诀,他们深信彼此将永远相爱。

    They knew that their love was to be eternal .

  27. 他还杀了艾米丽深爱的女孩

    He killed the girl Emily was in love with .

  28. 在水一方的伊人,便是我深爱的女子。

    Then she will be a true love of mine .

  29. 我愿意死在我深爱的人手上。

    To die upon the hand I love so well .

  30. 葬礼上,“深爱的女儿”是她的墓志。

    Funeral . " Beloved Daughter " is her epitaph .