
  • 网络deep mixing method;dcm
  1. 工程上常常采用水泥深层搅拌法(CementDeepMixingMethod)形成水泥搅拌桩复合地基来改善软弱土地基的工程性质。

    Cement Deep Mixing Method ( CDMM ) is usually adopted to improve the engineering properties of soft soil foundations in engineering practice .

  2. 介绍水泥深层搅拌法(CDM法)加固海上软基的施工工艺、过程.经验及结果等。

    Experience and result . etc. of Cement Deep Mixing method ( CDM Method ) for consolidating sea soft foundation are introduced .

  3. 深层搅拌法施工中的质量预控及常见问题处理

    Pre-quality control of deep mixing construction and common quality defects treatment

  4. 用深层搅拌法加固砂土地基工程实践

    Example of Stabilization for Sandy Soil Foundation by Deep Agitation Method

  5. 深层搅拌法处理杂填土地基的探讨

    Investigation of treating mixed filling soil ground with deep layer mixing

  6. 软土地基深层搅拌法加固工程实践

    Engineering Practice for Deep Stirring Method in the Soft Road Foundation

  7. 深层搅拌法:一种经济实用的地基加固法

    Deep Mixing Method : An Economic and Practical Ground Treatment Technology

  8. 单管高压旋喷法与深层搅拌法加固地基对比分析

    Comparison analysis on consolidated ground by single-pipe jet grouting and deep-strata mixing

  9. 深层搅拌法在湘北地区的应用前景

    Application prospect of the deep agitation method in Northern Hunan

  10. 深层搅拌法加固软粘土技术

    A New Technique of Reinforcing Soft Cohesive Ground by Deep Mixing Method

  11. 深层搅拌法加固桂林某杂填土地基工程实例

    Fill foundation treated in Guilin with cement deep mixing method

  12. 石灰在水泥系深层搅拌法中的应用

    The application of lime in deep cement - mixed method

  13. 用深层搅拌法提高液化地基的抗液化能力

    Adopting deep bed stirring method to enhance liquefaction resistance of liquefiable foundation

  14. 深层搅拌法改变粗砂渗透性的试验研究

    Study of Deep Mixing Method for Changing Permeability of Sand

  15. 水泥土搅拌法分深层搅拌法(湿法)和粉体喷射搅拌法(干法)。

    Cement mixing method involves deep mixing method and powder-jetting mixing method .

  16. 生石膏在水泥系深层搅拌法中的试验研究

    Experimental study of plaster stone in cement deep mixing method

  17. 深层搅拌法在应天河套闸软基工程中的应用

    The application of deep bed stirring method in one soft soil foundation work

  18. 粉体喷射深层搅拌法使用中的问题研究

    Study on problems of using dry jet mixing technique

  19. 加固软土地基的水泥系深层搅拌法开发

    Application of Deep Mixing Method with Cement Hardening Agent to Reinforcement of Ground

  20. 水泥土深层搅拌法加固软弱地基新技术研究

    Analysis of Cement-soil Deep Mixing Method Strengthening Soft Foundation

  21. 深层搅拌法喷浆桩与喷粉桩的比较

    The comparison between deep bed stirring method gunite pile and jet powder pile

  22. 高层房屋建筑软土地基处理的深层搅拌法

    Deep Mixing for the Treatment of Soft Soil Bases in High Building Construction

  23. 深层搅拌法是一种常用的软土地基加固方法。

    Deep mixing soil is one of the available and common reinforcement approaches .

  24. 深层搅拌法处理软基在高速公路工程中的应用

    Application of Soft Ground Treatment by Deep Layer Mixing Method in Expressway Construction

  25. 深层搅拌法加固地基应用实例

    Practical example of ground improvement applying deep mixing method

  26. 深层搅拌法施工机械

    Deep Mixing Method Information model of construction machinery CAID

  27. 长江堤防工程中水泥土截渗墙的深层搅拌法施工

    Application of deep mixing technique of cement-soil cutoff in the Changjiang dyke project

  28. 多功能喷射深层搅拌法装置的工作原理

    Principle of Apparatus of Multifunctional Deep Mixing Method

  29. 深层搅拌法的工程实践

    Design and practical examples of deep mixing method

  30. 用深层搅拌法加固软土地基

    Soft Soil Foundation Reinforcement by Deep Agitation Method