
  • 网络D-P;Hercynian
  1. 据Rb-Sr等时线测定,其年令值为306Ma,说明它形成于海西期。

    Its age determined by Rb-Sr isochron is 306 Ma , suggesting that it was formed at Hercynian .

  2. 第一期油气运聚主要发生于海西期,第二期油气运聚主要发生在14~17Ma;第3期油气运聚主要发生在最近的5Ma以来。

    The first phase occurred mainly in the Hercynian , the second in 14 ~ 17 Ma and the third in the last 5 Ma .

  3. 研究区主要发育加里东期&海西期近EW、NE向、NW向断裂,为油气运移提供良好的通道,同时控制着圈闭的形成与发育。

    The faults in work area are mainly in EW 、 NE 、 NW and formed during Caledonian-Hercynian , offering favorable channels for petroleum 's migration and controlling the formation and growth of traps .

  4. 与海西期陆相火山岩有关的Au-Ag-Cu-Hg矿床成矿系列;

    Au-Ag-Cu-Hg metallogenic series of ore deposits related to Hercynian continental volcanic rock ;

  5. 以其不相容元素比值,相当于Gough岛EMⅠOIB型洋岛玄武岩,其构造环境判别图进一步印证了海西期火山岩形成于洋岛碱性玄武岩环境。

    Its contents are similar to those of EM ⅰ OIB from the Gough islands , and show ocean island alkaline basalt characteristics including the discriminant diagrams of tectonic settings for volcanics , which implies that the Hercynian volcanics were formed in tectonic environment of ocean island .

  6. 湘桂早海西期构造层序地层与板内构造运动

    Tectono-sequence stratigraphy and intraplate tectonism of the Early Hercynian stage in Hunan-Guangxi

  7. 塔里木盆地早海西期两起重要的古岩溶事件

    Two important paleokarst events at Hercynian in Tarim Basin

  8. 以铜矿化为特征的晚海西期岩浆热液成矿作用;

    Late Hercynian magma-tic hydrothermal mineralization characterized by Cu ;

  9. 北秦岭海西期花岗岩的地质特征及其就位机制

    Geological features and its emplacement mechanism of Hercynian granites in the North Qinling

  10. 白云岩体表生成岩裸露期古风化壳岩溶的规模塔里木盆地早海西期多期次风化壳岩溶洞穴层

    Multiple Karst Cave Horizons in the Early Hercynian Weathering Crust in the Tarim Basin

  11. 主要赋矿围岩为侏罗系张家口组火山碎屑岩及海西期花岗岩。

    The main ore-hosting rocks are Jurassic pyroclastic rock of Zhangjiakou group and Hercynian granite .

  12. 海西期古岩溶斜坡带和古岩溶高地是岩溶空隙发育的有利区。

    Hercynian palaeokarst slope and palaeokarst upland are favourable to the development of karst pores .

  13. 某铀矿床在空间上与一海西期花岗岩体伴生。

    The ore deposit described in this paper is spatially associated with the Hereynian granite body .

  14. 二连盆地是在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的,为早白垩世断陷群。

    Erlian basin is the Early Cretaceous rift group formed and developed on the Hecynian folded belt .

  15. 焉耆盆地是在海西期褶皱基底之上形成和发展起来的一个中、新生代复合盆地。

    Yanqi basin is a Meso - Cenozoic composite sedimentary basin developed on the basement of Hercynian fold .

  16. 将基底结构分为两种类型,即种马场断裂以南为塔里木地台型基底,以北为海西期褶皱基底。

    The basement is of Tarim platform to the south of Zhongmachang fault and of Hercynian fold to the north .

  17. 大别造山带构造归属:海西期以来地幔化学成分特征证据

    Tectonic Subdivision of Dabie Orogenic Belt , Central China : Evidence from Geochemical Characteristics of Mantle-Derived Rocks Since the Hercynian

  18. 深层为二叠系&早三叠世层系的伸展断陷构造,属海西期的伸展变形构造。

    The deep one is characterized by extensional rift growing in later Permian to early Triassic formations during Hercynian movement .

  19. 塔里木北缘及邻区海西期碱性岩岩石化学特征及其大地构造意义

    Petrochemistry and tectonic significance of Hercynian alkaline rocks along the northern margin of the Tarim platform and its adjacent area

  20. 灰岩溶蚀孔隙(孔洞)型储层发育与加里东期、海西期不整合面没有密切的关系;

    The development of the dissolved pore ( pore-cavity ) limestone reservoirs didn 't relate to the Caledonian and Hercynian uncomformity surfaces ;

  21. 其中,塔中、塔北隆起,为海西期油气运聚的主要指向区,具有良好的储盖条件,是油气重要的聚集场所。

    They are the main areas for Hercynian hydrocarbon accumulation , in which there were good conditions for hydrocarbon reservoirs and preservation .

  22. 加里东期、海西期、印支期形成的继承性大型古隆起是主要油气运移指向区;

    The successive large-scale palaeohighs formed in the Caledonian , Hercynian and Indosinian periods are the main areas for oil and gas migration .

  23. 晚加里东-海西期花岗岩侵入体与金矿密切相关;

    The formation of gold mine is closely related to the intrusive bodys of granite , which are formed between later Caledonian and Hercynian .

  24. 通过对铜陵地区系统的填图观察和室内研究,初步确定了铜陵地区海西期的热水沉积岩。

    Based on the observation and research work conducted during mapping of Tongling district , the authors have determined the Hercynian hydrothermal sedimentary rocks .

  25. 塔中地区奥陶系油气藏经历了三期成藏过程,中晚加里东期、晚海西期原油充注,晚喜山期天然气气侵。

    Condensate gas reservoir went through three periods of generating process : Middle-Late Caledonian and late Hercynian crude oil filling , and Himalayan gas filling .

  26. 晚海西期盆地发育经历两个阶段:一是早期的火山及相关沉积发育期;

    The basin mainly developes the two phrases in late Hercynian era : one is that the time of early volcano and coherent sedimentation and development ;

  27. 在南秦岭,发生于加里东&海西期的隆滑构造,由基底杂岩、滑覆层状岩系和其之间的滑脱构造带组成。

    The structure of uplifting-detachment in the southern Qinling , formed during Caledonian-Hercynian period , consists of basement complex , layed rock of sliding and detachmentbelts .

  28. 加里东期和海西期岛弧造山作用是影响和制约西准噶尔地区表壳元素地球化学特征的重要地质因素。

    The arc orogenesis of the Caledonian and Hercynian cycles are important geological factors in determining the geochemical features of supra-crust exposed in Western Junggar region .

  29. 综合分析结果表明,盐下地区中下奥陶统储层稍劣于北部海西期岩溶发育地区。

    The synthetical studies show the reservoir of the area beneath Salt of middle-lower Ordovician is bad than the north area of the early Hercynian rock-solution development .

  30. 最近一系列研究成果表明攀西地区海西期&印支期构造岩浆热事件是地幔柱和岩石圈相互作用的结果,不是裂谷作用的产物。

    Recently , a series of studies have shown that this huge magmatic event from the Variscan to the Indosinian is a product of mantle plume-lithosphere interaction .