
hǎi zhé
  • jellyfish;Rhopilema esculentum
海蜇 [hǎi zhé]
  • [jellyfish] 生活在海中的一种腔肠软体动物,体形半球状,可作食用,上面呈伞状,白色,借以伸缩运动,称为海蜇皮,下有八条口腕,其下有丝状物,灰红色,叫海蜇头

海蜇[hǎi zhé]
  1. 海蜇不同部位脂肪酸的组成研究

    Study on the Fatty Acid Composition of Jellyfish Rhopilema Esculentum

  2. 海蜇胶原蛋白的提取、纯化及理化性质研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification and the Physical-Chemical Property of Collagen from Rhopilema Esculentum

  3. 习语短语dip游一游,泡一泡,短暂的水浴或游泳jellyfishn.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇followmylead跟着我,按我说的做

    New words : a quick swim an invertebrate fish with translucent flesh follow me , do as I do , trust me

  4. 在温度(20±1)℃、盐度22~24‰条件下,对海蜇螅状幼体和碟状幼体进行了pH适应性试验和不同pH下氨氮的急性毒性试验。

    The tests for the acute toxicity of ammonia on scyphistoma and ephyra of jellyfish ( Rhopilema esculenta ) are carried out under different pH values at temperature of ( 20 ± 1 )℃ and salinity of 22-24 ‰ .

  5. 蓝色的水母和海蜇浮一道,发现的DJ纳科,谁发挥在周四的事件音乐的声音。

    Blue jellyfish and spotted jellyfish float along to the sounds of DJ Nako , who played music during Thursday 's event .

  6. 海蜇(Rhopilemaesculenta)早期幼体发育生物学及摄食运动行为的初步研究

    Pilot Studies on Biology of Early Larval Development and Feeding Behavior in Jellyfish , Rhopilema Esculenta

  7. 莱州湾海蜇增殖放流的可行性及建议

    Feasibility and Proposal on Enhancement Releasing of Jellyfish in Laizhou Bay

  8. 营口地区海蜇资源保护项目管理过程控制研究

    Process Control on Research Management Jellyfish Resources Reservation in Yingkou Region

  9. 6‰以下盐度,海蜇不能进行足囊繁殖,20~22‰是海蜇足囊繁殖的最适盐度;

    The optimum salinity range of podocyst generation was 20-22 ‰ .

  10. 海蜇与对虾混养技术是什么?

    Are jellyfish and prawn mixed what is raising a technology ?

  11. 两种海蜇毒素的分子标记研究

    The molecular markers of the toxin from two jellyfish species

  12. 闽江口海蜇生长的研究

    A study on growth of Rhopilema esculenta in Minjiang Estuary

  13. 即食海蜇丝生产新工艺

    A Novel Production Process of the Instant Sea Blubber Silk

  14. 我说看起来海蜇应该是。

    I mean it seems to me they jolly well should be .

  15. 即食海蜇丝加工技术及其调味配方的研究

    Studies on the processing technology and formula of ready-to-eat jellyfish

  16. 海蜇伞部胶原蛋白的提取及其理化性质

    Isolation and Physico-chemical Properties of Pepsin-soluble Collagen from Jellyfish Umbrella

  17. 福建海区海蜇渔业资源状况及其渔业生物学

    The Resource Status and Fishery Biology of Rhopilema esculenta in Fujian Waters

  18. 中国渤海海蜇资源的保护和利用

    Protect 10N and utilization of jellyfish resources in Bohai Sea of China

  19. 不要说服我赴吃海蜇皮。

    Please don 't talk me into eating this jellyfish .

  20. 海蜇在海滩上搁浅时留下的印迹。

    The marks left by jellyfish stranded on the beach .

  21. 海蜇脆嫩,咸鲜爽口。

    Tender , crisp jellyfish , fresh salty and delicious .

  22. 海蜇幼体与对虾幼体相食关系的实验观察

    Tests on the mutual predatory relationship between young medusae and prawn larvae

  23. 海蜇的蛰刺实际上来自海蜇体上微小的刺丝囊刺细胞。

    The jellyfish sting actually comes from tiny nematocysts on the jellyfish body .

  24. 住地下室的人喊道:“打倒海蜇窃贼!”

    The cellar-dweller yelled ," Fell the jellyfish burglar !"

  25. 海蜇生长、存活影响因子的研究现状

    Influence Factors on Growth and Survival of Rhopilema esculenta

  26. 海蜇中常量和微量元素的同时测定

    Simultaneous determination of some constant and trace elements in fresh and cured jellyfish

  27. 由于过度捕鱼海蜇的敌人和竞争者少了

    While over-fishing has reduced their enemies and competitors .

  28. 这已经不是曝光的第一起假海蜇案了。

    This is not the first fake jellyfish bust .

  29. 有些海蜇会蜇得你很难受。

    Some jellyfish can give you a nasty sting .

  30. 一种验证海蜇增殖放流回捕率方法的探讨

    A Method of Recapture Rate in Jellyfish Ranching